You saw them walking towards you slowly. They are 6 of them together, walking cockily with huge spaceship - half-buried - on the ground behind them as if it just crashed while doing their landing.

Their outfit tells you everything that they are not from here at all. Their army looking clothes but slightly stylish than the formal one, boots, black tattoos on their hands and neck, and most of all, each one of them got different color hairstyles.

Purple, blonde, black, golden brown, slightly dark brown, and lastly, pink. You watch them with mouth dropped; speechless at their sudden arrival. Who are they? And why do they have different color hairstyle? And what’s up with the bloody huge spaceship behind? Are they alien or something?

You keep asking this question to yourself which sends you to no avail. Your thought flew away until you didn’t realize that they already stopped their pace and faced you with cold expressions. Their sharp eyes sends shiver to your backbone, until you froze in muted.

The purple head guy smirked slyly and gazed towards his other members. “Earthling… interesting…..hehe,” the guy said.

Earthling? Did he just refer me as ‘earthlings’? What the f*** is happening in here????!!!



You jumped out in surprised, look around you in fear realizing that you’re not in some deserted place just now. You’re in your bed, blankets and pillows were scattering around – not realizing what you’re doing until the place turn into a big mess.


You blinked in blurriness and slowly turned at the voice aside you. A cute blonde haired guy was smiling nervously at you with flowery pink apron on. “Jongup-ah?”

“Are you alright, noona? You look like you’re….just came back from….a never ending nightmare…..” Jongup said hesitantly and scratched his back hair as he looked around in the room.

You realized that Jongup was actually quite concern about cleanness of the house and seeing that you just mess up everything in the room, it made you feel guilty for burden the guy again.

“Sorry, Jongup-ah. I….I cleaned up the mess myself, just go clean up somewhere else place. Leave this thing to me…” you got up from your bed and grabbed your blankets and pillows on the floor and put it on the bed.

“Ahh….it’s okay, noona! Let me handle it for you!” Jongup took all the pillows from you and placed it neatly on the bed.

“That’s okay, Jongup. This is my room. I can’t let you clean all the things here by yourself….” You looked at the younger guy with crossed hands on your chest.

“But, noona….I don’t think you have all the time to do it now…..” he said.

“And why is that?” you said. Jongup pointed at the clock that was hanged on the wall in the room. You looked at it with wide eyes when you realized the date that was set on the digital clock. “Ohh s****, I was late for my class!!!!” you dashed into the bathroom outside with your towel and some extra clothes.

Jongup looked at you until you disappeared from behind the harsh closing door. He shook his head and sighed as he continued to clean up the room for you.

It only took you 5 minutes to bath and another 5 minutes to get dress up before you grabbed your bag’s and went to the living room in a hurry.

“Noona…. Are you late for your class?” Zelo asked innocently with a big basket of clothes on his hands. You looked at him and respond, “Yah! Why didn’t you guys wake me up earlier if you know that I have a class today, huh?”

“We’re trying too but….you end up beating us instead while we’re trying to wake you up….”

You looked at the person’s voice, Youngjae and Daehyun was standing beside Zelo, looking at you - pouted. You saw some bruises formed on Youngjae’s cheek and Daehyun’s right eye.

You forgot that you have this one bad habit that you can never get rid of it ever since you were a kid. You’re a heavy sleeper and always in a bad mood whenever you didn’t get an enough sleeps so you intend to kick or hit the people who tried to wake you up. And most of the time, when you have some bad nightmares you would start to kick all the things around you until you feel at ease.

“Oppss…..sorry, Youngjae-ahh….Daehyun-ahh….I didn’t realize that you guys were just trying to wake me up just now….haha,” you laughed awkwardly. “I buy you guys something good later….sorry again!”

“Ohh, yeah! Cherry Tomatoes! Daekkoya!” Zelo said cheerily. You smiled at the guy’s cute act and take the keys on the key holder on the wall before went out. “I’ll be back soon! Do give me a call if you guys need anything. Always remember to lock the door, okay? Bye!”

You closed the door behind and walked quickly to get your bicycle. “Yah!” Before you could get on the seat, you saw an angry monster walking towards you with a frown formed on his face. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and get up on the bicycle.

“What, Yong Guk-ah?” You said plainly; too lazy to care about the guy anymore.

“Do you realize what you have done?!” Yong Guk walked and blocked your way. You hissed in annoyance and respond, “Yah! I have class needs to attend to. So, please stand aside!”

“You see this hand? This hand works perfectly until you hit me directly on  the chest which send me to the floor, splitting my hand instead. And now, I have to wait for another few weeks just for it to recover perfectly! This is all you fault, earthling!”

“Haish… what you want me to do? Recover it for you? I thought an alien like you can recover it by yourself instead of waiting for time to heal up….like a human. Now move aside please, I’m already late!” You pressed the paddle under your foot lightly to make a move, but Yong Guk still stubbornly stopped you.

“I won’t move until you say sor-“

“Wait! Jiyeun-noona!! You forgot your food!! Here take this with you!” another blonde guy suddenly appeared from the main entrance and walked to you hurriedly.

“Himchan-ahh….” You looked at him in surprised as he put the food containers inside your bag cautiously. “Himchan-ah, you don’t have too. I already la-“

“No, no….you must have at least a little breakfast to keep you up at this morning. Less energy can make you feel sleepy, noona….there! You’re free to go. Have a nice day!” Himchan said happily as he saluted to you. Yong Guk glared at him, angry for him interrupting his conversation. Deep frown formed on his face again.

“Okay….I’m going. Bye, everyone!”

“No! I won’t let you go until-“

You ignored the guy’s word as you pressed the paddle harder and started to ride the bicycle in fast speed, not realizing that you accidentally pushed the guy aside and hit his foot with it.

You heard a loud shriek coming from your backyard but you don’t have time to care about it right now. You feel sorry for making the poor guy suffered a little bit but never mind about it, your class now is much important than anything else.

It has been 3 months since you started to live with them. Ever since that incident, your life has changed deliberately as they began to see you as their main assets for their main plan. Plan for what? Well…. to conquer the world.

You still remember the first time you met them and when they mentioning about their purpose in coming to this world, you feel like you want to laugh your out (because you only thought it as a joke!) but witnessing the crashed weird spaceship that time, you realized that they’re actually pretty serious about it.

They’re not a human. They’re aliens.

You sighed at the thought of having them choosing your house as their main base. It’s unbelievable to have some stranger living in the same roof with you; especially when they’re actually just a bunch of lost aliens.

“I still can’t believe it that they’re some creatures that come from outer space. And on top of that, they’re using my house as their main base to connect to their mother ship? Who the hell they think they are? Using my house like that as they pleased….don’t they think that I have the rights on my own house? Stupid aliens…..hmph!” You doubled the speed as you rode your bicycle to the corner of the streets before make a turn.



“Arts….is delightful….arts….is meaningful….and arts….is infinity…..nothing can described arts in a correct way. Because art can only be explain….through presentation…..” JYP held an art drawing canvas of Picasso and showed it to all the students in the studio.

Everyone paid their fully attention during the lecture session. The class was very quiet until you suddenly showed up at the front door, gasping for air from a mere running. Now, everyone was looking at you including the lecturer.

“Ahh, Jiyeun. I was about to lock the door just now….regarding how late you are for my class…..THRICE…..” JYP said with crossed hands after put canvas aside.

“Sorry, Mr.Park. I….overslept….again,” you stuttered. Some of the students chuckled at your reason for being late to the class. JYP just nodded and yet, he kept a calm face without saying anything in return as he gestured his hand to let you have a seat.

You bowed cutely before went to sit next to your other friends. The class went on until the lecture session was over. You feel grateful because today you only got one class.



“Yah!!! Jiyeun-ahh!!! Wait up!”

Before you can get on to your bike, you turned around to see your two best friends running towards you in a hurry. “Sunhwa-ahh….Hana-ahh…”

“Where are you going? You left in a hurry; do you have anything else to do today?” Sunhwa asked.

You patted you chin with your finger, thinking about your activities for today. You forgot that the lecturer didn’t give you any assignment yet and that only means you have free time for the entire day. So, why need to be in a hurry?

“Nope…got nothing to do for today…..apart from buying some groceries for my house supply. Why?” You went down back and stood in front them instead.

“Actually.....we want to watch a movie and go for some shopping-spree later on at the nearby shopping mall. Do you want to join?” Sunhwa smiled.

“It’ll be fun if you join us, Jiyuen-ahh~” Hana pouted cutely. You chuckled at her action. “Hmm…..okay, maybe I can spend some time with you guys today since I’m free for the entire day. I can pay a visit at the grocery store there too if got time….”

Sunhwa and Hana beamed in happiness when you said that. “Yeah! Finally we’re able to shopping together now! Awesome!” That’s kind a reminds you that the assignments are piled every week that you and your friends didn’t have much free time to spend together with some fun activities these days. At least, the chance for you to do that is now and you’re grateful with it.

“Hey, Jiyeun-ahh~”

You heard a guy calling you from afar as the three of you turned at the new arrival person. It was none other than your boyfriend, Junhyung.

Other than male students in the campus, Junhyung and his gang was known to be the most coolest and handsome men that ever exists. For having a relationship with such man, you just grew some other girl’s jealousy towards you since Junhyung attracted to you the most than any other girl in the campus. Lucky you….

“Ohh….Junhyung-ahh….” You blushed when he suddenly came to approach you. His other friends are also followed from behind which drives Sunhwa and Hana crazy at the corner.

“It’s been awhile since you didn’t call me….and reply my message. Where have you been, sweetie?” Junhyung said, placed his arm around your shoulder as he leaned closer towards you.

“Ummm……sorry, I forgot to tell you that my phone was actually broken and I’m depending on my phone house for now, too. I’m also busy with some……stuff… home,” your thought eventually went to those ‘aliens’ in your house.

“Really?!” Junhyung surprised. “Gee….you should have said so! I’ve could buy you a new phone if you tell me earlier, you know…..What kind of phone do you want me to buy? I’ll buy it for you….tell me,” He smiled.

“Nnn…! There’s no need for you to do that! I….I don’t want to be a burden to you, Junhyung-ahh……” even though you said that, but deep in your heart you actually really want him to buy one at least for you.

“What is there to be a burden when a boyfriend just wants to buy a lovely present for his precious little girlfriend, hmm?” Junhyung playfully squeezed your nose.

“Yah! That hurts! Hahaha….” You laughed at the guy’s playfulness and smacked his arm lightly. Sunhwa and Hana just grinned seeing your actions without you notice it.

“Well, we need to go now. We got some race needs to settle with….bye!” Junhyung kissed your lips lightly and patted your shoulders softly before joined his gang.

“Race? Yah! Is it another illegal race again?!” You said. Junhyung grinned,”Are you crazy? We’re go for a go-kart racing. I’ll be doom if my parents knew I went for some trouble. Bye, love!” Junhyung winked.

Sunhwa and Hana squealed in excitement like fan girls while you were blushing upon his action. “Damn that guy….he always done that to melt other girl’s heart….haha….” you shook your head at the thought and bid him for the last time.

“Okay, girls. Let’s go shopping!” You said, putting your arms around Sunhwa and Hana.

“Yeah!” Sunhwa and Hana cheered as the three of them walked together towards a car. “Ohh, Jiyeun-ahh…. What about your bicycle?” Hana asked. You looked back at your bicycle. “Hmm….I guess I can just hanged it around behind your car instead, huh, Sunhwa?”

They chuckled cutely as the two of them went to the car to heat up the engine while you went back to your bicycle to lock it for safety. You decided to left it at the campus for the night and pick it later tomorrow after the class.

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Usuratonkashi #1
Chapter 4: Yah!!! Update!!!
hant123 #2
UPDATE PLZ!!!!!!!!!
p.s. love the story ^^