
hello my BABY!!!


"why did u think newspaper can be use as a diaper huh...lee chanhee???" *crossed arms*

"coz...coz...i can't find any diaper"

*furrowed eyebrows* "i put it in d cupboard"

"but i can't find it"

"that's weird" ljoe walked to d cupboard as he opened it...moving his hand inside n pulled a white thing out from d cupboard

"did u searched it using ur nose....see" he showed chunji d diaper that was currently in his hand

"errr....errr...maybe i misslooking it"

*shooking head* "i'm wondering channieeee"

"huh??? wonder what???"

"r u a stupid???"

"byungieeeeeeeeee~~~~how could u say that" *fake cries*

"i'm sorry...but still...aishhh channieeee...why must be newspaper???"

"i...idk...i just saw i thought maybe i can use it..."

"i could accept it if u use towel or any cloth...but aigooo...for a 19 year old guy like u still didn't use ur brain properly"

"YAHHHHHH!!!! ikr...i know it is stupid using newspaper as a diaper...but i can't think about anything when ur baby keep crying non-stop!!! i'm sooo frustrated n it's stressing me out!!! i'm feelin like bursting!!!! that's y i think i can't use MY BRAIN PROPERLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" chunji yelled n stepped out...leaving d now speechless ljoe alone with sleepy chanhun in d room



Chunji POV

ahhh i can't belive of what i've just could he called me stupid!!!!

it's all his fault...firstly he let himself in detention...then been captured by jae umma n came home late...relying me alone babysitting lil chanhun!!!!!!!!

arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! it's frustrating!!!!!!!!! pabo byunghun... *cursing*



Ljoe POV

did he mad??? did he??? am i too harsh on him??? aishhh...i didn't mean to called him stupid just now...but who will thought newspaper could be a diaper?? was he losing his mind??!!!!!!!!!!!! 

aishhhhhhhh...lee chanhee...u make me insane!!!!! pabo channieeeeeeee!!!! *cursing too*



"jae boo boo"


"aishhh...why r u keep yelling for no reason???"

"who say i'm yelling?"

"i did"

"i'm not"

"but u did"

"no i didn't"

"yes u just did"

"I SAID I"M NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" firing glares was thrown directly toward yunho...jaejoong now angriness totally scaring his husband to death

"wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" yunho screamed


"mm-my bbbooboo jae...nn~~never yell ff-for nno reason" *stuttering hard*

*change in good mood* "well...good boy..." jaejoong smile while his hand was tapping yunho head rapidly

a heavy sigh relieve ascaping yunho mouth "phewwwwwwwww..i'm safe" he whispered

"what did u say???" *shot glares*

"i said...u look good tonite" *fake smile*

*laugh proudly* "ikr....n i do look good everyday...HAHAHAHHAHA" jaejoong kept laughing proudly

"hehe...n me too...everyday looking good..thank GOD that he gave me this great look"

"hahaha...ikr...that's y i chose u...u had superb look although ur sucha stupid..hahaha"

"hummmmmm...stupid?? am i??? u think so??"

"yeahhhhhhhhhhhh" *laughing non-stop*

"how could u?!!!!!!!!!!!!" yunho cried as he left jaejoong on his bed alone 

"yahhhhh yunnie sulking please..."


"i'm just joking"

"yunnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" jaejoong screamed for his husband..but he got no response from d latter in retuned

"huh!!! dare to left me!!!! if u wanna sulk...then go ahead!! i got no interest provoking u!!!!!!!!!!" *glares directly towards d door!*



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nu fighting!! XO update soon ^^
Chapter 7: aww..chunji u so funny.....and cute too...aawww..pleas update soon...
Chapter 6: r u singaporean???Figured itout cuz use lorh...:D
Chunji such a pabo! --'
arent there's any diaper left? haha
--chunsa #5
your writing is very difficult to read in all honestly