
hello my BABY!!!


ljoe is bz playing wif his new baby as chunji is sitanding at d edge of their bed while staring at those two....

ljoe who notice d latter stares as he intend to open his mouth...

"u just wanna look??? come..lets play's fun..." gesturing d older to sit beside him as he's eyes were stick at d crib that helding his lil chanhun

" thanks..." chunji shook his head

"waeeee??? dont u feel like wanna pinch his cheeks...??? he's cutey...aigoooo such an adorable baby..." ljoe formed a smile on his face as he poke poke poke chanhun face as he formed lil sweet chuckles from d poke by his NEW umma

"aweeeeeeeeeee...soooooo cute..." ljoe adored his son much

chunji only watch them from far...he felt a smile also formed on his face as he seen those two cuties enjoy their play together...whereas d lil hands of chanhun is gripping ljoe small lil finger

"cute rite????" 

"yeaaaaaaa.....sooooooooooooo...cute.... *walk closer to ljoe while landing a soft kiss on d latter cheeks* just like his umma......"

" flirting in front d baby lorhhhh"

*grinnnn* "wae cant i??? u'll definitely mine"

chanhun watch his both parent bromance as sweet smile paint on him

"ummaaaaaaaaaa..." lil chanhun suddenly utterize

*ljoe eyes wide open* "cc~~cchanhun ahhhhhh"

"eom~maaa" he said once again as his hand touching ljoe face "umma...ummaaaaaa" tap tap tap d umma face....

"cc~chaannieeeeee...he's calling me...uuuu~~umm~~a"

"ne..i heard that....sounds good to adorable baby who got sucha pretty umma as well..." *palyfully pinch ljoe cheek*

"owieeeeeeee..." ljoe groan

"aappaaaaaa...." this time it was chunji who's widened his both eyes as his cornea were like goin torn out


ljoe chuckles as he scoop chanhun in his arms "wanna held him???"


"why u look like not sure???"


"omo...don say that!!! r u scared???"

chunji nodded shyly....he actually scared to b near to d baby especially to hold him..scooping him...

"don b scared...he's not biting..."

" wasn't like just...he's too lil...i'm scared that i will drop him down..."

"u'll not....naaaaa let me help u....try holding him..." *handing chanhun*

chunji uncofidently took d no...he isn't hold him yet...just a slite touch on d baby cheeks...

"smooth skin..."

*chuckles* "of coz...he's a baby btw..."

"i wonder....r u a baby too...but why ur alredy grown bigger...???"

"yahhhh...what do mean channieeeeee???" *pout*

"i mean...ur skinnnnn....*pinch on d latter skinny face* just as smooth as him..."

"aishhhhhh....don put me too move to d next him..."

"ssssupport..??? hhh~~how???"

"here hold under d armpits...set him closer to ur chest...wrap his back with one of ur arm..." *explaining while givin d demonstration*

"llike thisssss???"

*smile* "see....there's nothing to b scared..."

"bb...but..." *awkward position* chunji stood like a statue as his arms wrapped around d baby...he couldn't make any movement as he was scared he may dropped baby chanhun if he make any movements

"hahahahaha...look at u....u look funny....don b too awkward...just relax...let me giv u a hand..." ljoe help chunji to make some move as he support chnji arms on d baby while taking d older to sit on bed

"tt~~thanks hunnieeee..."

"no problem....this is ur first time....u'll get use to it later...rite chanhun...???" *caressed d baby hair*

"uummaaaaaaaa..." *gripping d umma lil finger n play with it*

"ne ne....umma here...." *smile* "feelin great to b in appa arms huhh..."

"appaaaaaaaa...." chanhun turn his face to chunji as he was closer to d latter cheek while pecking a small kiss on it...

"wooooooooooooooo.....skinship...." chunji exclaime as his cheeks turned to b soooooooo red

ljoe just chuckles towards those two...

"hicc....hicc..." hiccup sound suddenly noticing ljoe that his son is hungry

"u hungry???" *poking both side of chanhun cheekish as d lil baby continue hiccuping* "wait till umma prepare ur milk ne..." ljoe was about to get up as his hand was been gripped by chunji...

"don leave yet..take us too..." *pout*

"ahakssssss...alrite...can u stand up...???"

chunji shook his head

"ohho...come...let me help..." 


============================================================================ update...

i might not b updating in awhile coz of those PABO final exams...

but i'll make an update as soon i got to b wif my pc...

btw...sorry for d mess...mistakes n d cliffhanger....

luv u all luvliesssssss

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nu fighting!! XO update soon ^^
Chapter 7: aww..chunji u so funny.....and cute too...aawww..pleas update soon...
Chapter 6: r u singaporean???Figured itout cuz use lorh...:D
Chunji such a pabo! --'
arent there's any diaper left? haha
--chunsa #5
your writing is very difficult to read in all honestly