i got a mail...n it's a baby...OH MY GOD!!!

hello my BABY!!!



Hye…I’m sorry for taking a loooooooooooooong time to update this fic…

I’m about SUPERRRRRRRRRR BZ nowadays…with exams coming up this Tuesday…aigoooo..mian

So…here’s d 1st chappy…hope u’ll like it




Today was their 1st year anniversary…

Seriously…they’r d sweetest n cutest couple ever *they should b rewarded that..kekeke*


Ljoe POV

Waaaaa…I never expected this…today is our 1st anniversary...it’s mean that we’r along together for one year alredy…wowwwwww it’s great….

So…now…I’m preparing a cake…I’m not sooo good in baking…but…at least I’m trying…I hope it will turn out well…

I couldn’t help to giggle at myself when I recall d first time chunji was been in trouble confessing to me…



Hallway…there’s can be seen…a young red hair guy who’s weirdly kneeling on d floor…in d middle of d hallway…alone…taking a risk of waiting for his crush to passed by d way…

“aishhh…where is him….??? He usually use this way going home rite!!! Where is him…where is him?? Or…or…what about….if he didn’t pass here today….OMOOOOOOOOOO!!!! btw…I didn.t see him at school for a whole day…what if….he doesn’t cme to school today??? how bout my confession??? stupid chunji…stupid chunji!!! why don u check everything first before ur doin this!!!! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa…I’m ditch classes today…n I’m kneeling…crossing-leg..squat  like a stupid idiot here for almost one hour… got embarrassed when people looking at me weirdly…but…but…who cares bout them…what most important now is my confession to him…it must b well as planned…so…please byunghun…please appear….” D red guy blabbered…complained…cursing himself…mumbled alone as nervous overtaking his nerve…

”hyung…what r u doin here??? I’m searching for u everywhere…n u were here….what r u doin???” ask a tall young boy with a grey cool dyed on his fringe…

Chunji lift his head as he saw changjo that was like 10 metres higher from his position “I’m….waiting…….” *interruption* “for ljoe hyung???”

D red hair boy nodded as he get up from his squat position…

“YAHHHH….he was’nt come to school today lorh…”

“WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT…I’m waiting here for too long…n…n…n…u said….he was’nt….ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! so that’s mean he wouldn’t pass here….ANDWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“AHHHH hyung…don b sooo disappoionted…u still have tomorrow rite…”

Chunji got sooo frustrated *dark cloud on him* @.@!  as he walked away with anger took over him…leaving changjo behind…


“I’m not in a good mood now….so……..u better…” *interruption again* “yeaaaa….i don wanna get near to a volcano….so…I better get away…bye hyung…”

Now…only left chunji alone…he’s walking home disappointly…with his head bowing…just to look on d ground…not even bothered anything at his left n right…

Unfortunately…he bumped to someone n landed on his …

“YAHHHHHHHHH!!!! r u blind??? Don u hve eyes!!!! *sniff sniff* ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…I hate this…why must i b soooooooo unlucky!!!!!! Stupid me…pabo me…I’m an idiot…I wait for him…n what I get!!! Just to get a news that he didn’t cme to school…!!!!! I’m soooooo stupid!!! i wanna tell him that I luv him…i want him to know how i'm feelin towards him...n he..he..did'nt appear...I’ve been trying this for many many times but I never succeed…n I end up for not telling him *sob sob* but now….no…no…*shook head* I mean today…*sniff sniff* I got confident…I wanna confess to him….but…but….PABOOOOOOO BYUNGHUNNNNNNNNNN!!!! I wish that u appear in my front now…I really wanna tell u that I luv u…I LUV U BYUNGHUN!!!!!” *screamin loud*

“I’m sorry…I’m not feelin well today…that’s y I did’nt attend to class…idk that ur waiting for me…sorry for not informing u…n I’m sorry that I make u feel sad” said d person who chunji had bumped to

D older boy heard d familiar sweet voice from d person…as he lifted his head just to see an angel that he wish to appear smiling at him…as d latter owed him a hand to help him getting up….

Chunji eyes widen seeing byunghun was standing in front of him as his cheeks forming a blush….too shy of his confession…he never thought that d person he was bumped to was his angel…n he did cursed him…he did confessed as well… “PABO CHUNJI!!!” he whisper

*smile sweetly* “will u forgive me hyung???”

“i…i….i…” *stutter* chunji cheeks was sooooo red…he kept blushing non-stop…as embarrassing controlled him all over…

“don worry hyung…don b too shy…I heard everything…n I’m not mad at all…I’m glad that u finally admit it…”

“WAAAA….WWWHH…WHAT mean….U…do???” *unproper sentence coz of too nervous*

“I know it hyung…I know it for a looooongggggg time ago…but I just wait for u to admit it…”

*SHOCKKK* “how did u know???”

“u told me a month ago…but that time u was drunk…so it wasn’t counted as confession coz ur didn’t conscious it…”

“ME….dig my own graveeeeeeeeeee!!!!!”

*laugh hard* “ahaksss…its ok hyung…at least I know how u feel…so it isn’t really surprising me when u confessing suddenly in this kind of situation…”

“me…u…i….no…ahhhh…embrassing….omo….mian….aigooooo” *another unproper sentences from chunji…what he wanna say actually…aigoooo…kekeke*

*giggles* “n…..i….LUV….u too….hyung….”

Chunji averted his eyes widely to his angel…his eyes almost dropped out as he heard d word that he really really wanna to hear uttered from his angel mouth…it was just like having a heart attackkk…while nervous still wrapping him n shocking took over him as he suddenly knocked down on d ground....



*laugh hard* I could’nt believe it…how can he suddenly fainted when I told him that I luv him too….he was too shock….hahahahaha…what a nervous buddy he is…


No one POV

Ding…dong… ding…dong…. *bell ringing*

“cominnnn” *opened d door*

Ljoe thought his lover comin home…but…it wasn’t….he just found a men who’s wearing like a posto guy *I mean postmen* stood in front of d house while holding a big box in his arms…

“sorry for disturbing u sir…u got a mail…” *smile*

“lee byunghun???” he asked as ljoe nod slowly

*hand ljoe d letter* “here’s ur letter…n this box is for u…”

Ljoe took both letter n box…he found it a bit heavy…but pretended d heaviness  isn’t anything to bother him…

“ur other stuff will b send a while later…” *smile n walked away*

“ouhhh wait…” before ljoe could ask anything…d men alredy disappear from his sight… “ehhh…how can he disappear in just a second?? What is d other stuff that he meant???”

Ljoe closed d door as he walked to d living room…place d big box on d couch as he about to opened d letter


“ummm…I’m not even managed to see what is it inside yet…” d boy mumble as he walked through d door n opened it…

“sorry for bothering u sir…r u lee byunghun…???” another guy stood in front of his house

“yes…I am….”

“sorry that we’r late…so here’s yours…” another guy appeared as he holding a basket…having a baby in it…

*SURPRISEEEEEEE* “what??? me?? I think ur in d wrong house…or…maybe ur searching for another lee byunghun…hh-hhowwww can…I mean…am i…receiving a baby??? Who is him btw???”

“sorry sir…we’r not wrong…u r sir micky younger brother rite…???”

“MM-MICKY??? u mean…chunnie hyung??”

“yup…n I think u need to read d letter first…it’ll answer u everything that u asked earlier…” said d 1st guy

Ljoe glance at d latter that he hold

“so…sir…” *handing d baby* “we cant wait long…” said d 2nd person

“ttthhank u…sorry for troubling u guys…” ljoe took d sleeping baby confusedly as he entered d house…closing d door…n finally managed to read d letter…



Dear hunnie…

I’m sorry coz this is a bit sudden…n surprising rite??? Sumimasen…

I’m very very very sorry for not visiting u…it’s almost 3 years...n I miss u soooooo much…hope that we’ll meet soon kays….

Actually I’m not living in japan anymore…me n my wife have to move  to America for our job…ouhh…forgot to tell u…junsu was pregnant n we got a baby boy…n 2 weeks ago we got an offered to work in America but unfortunately we cant brought our 1 n half years old lill baby along…

Nobodies can took care of him…n there’s no one I could depend on to took over my baby…so…I guess…I need ur help my dear…I only trust u…n I know u luv kids sooo much…so…please please please took care of chanhun for me..…

All chanhun stuffies…I alredy packed in d big box…I guess u had received it alredy…it’s probably a bit heavy for a lil guy like u??? haha I’m just joking…don b mad okiesss…

Btw…thanks hunnie…n I luv u sooo much…do send my regards to ur boyfriend chunji…I promise I’ll visit u three as soon as possible…I will seek for some free time…so don worry…i'll definitely goin back to korea...

Please b a good parent to chanhun…I know u n chunji can do it…HWAITINGGG!!! *thumbs up*

Miss u…n luv u a lot…

-luv yoochun-


“OH NOOOOOOOOO….how can I took care a baby if I never had any experience before!!!!” *glancing at d sleeping baby n caress d baby cheeks while playing wif his little fingers* “so…ur my nephew…what a cute baby u r… *smile* aishhh…I guess…I don have any choice…do b a good boy ne…” *sigh* ljoe make his way upstair while holding his new baby n placing d cutey chanhun on his n chunji sharing bed

*laid beside d baby* “how can I tell channie bout this…???” flicking playfully cutey chanhun small nose





yes...done with first chappy...

btw...i got 15 subbers for only a foreword..OMG!!! THIS IS AMAZINGGGG....

thanks sooo much for all d subbers....i'm sooo glad....

n thanks for viewers as well...all of u were my luvliesssss

luv u all...luvliesssssss *_^

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nu fighting!! XO update soon ^^
Chapter 7: aww..chunji u so funny.....and cute too...aawww..pleas update soon...
Chapter 6: r u singaporean???Figured itout cuz use lorh...:D
Chunji such a pabo! --'
arent there's any diaper left? haha
--chunsa #5
your writing is very difficult to read in all honestly