TWO: More than Friends

Keeping Love Again

Theme Song:Keeping Love Again - SHINee



“Sorry, you! I already have a girl that I like.” Lee Joon bowed his head down to me.

“Joon, no need to feel sorry! Instead, thank you for being honest,” I smiled bitterly.

He looked up, “Thank god, you’re fine.” Then, he grabs my hands, “You’re a nice girl. I believe you will find a guy who likes you back.”

I smiled, “Enough of flattering, Joon. By the way, who’s that girl that you like huh?”

He rubs his neck shyly, “It’s actually a junior named Hyuna.”

“Hyuna? She’s pretty popular among the seniors.”

“I know. Please don’t tell anyone~” He begs.

I nodded, “Just promise me that you will tell her how you feel okay? If not, she will end up with others.” I advised.

“Roger,” he salutes. “God, what is the time now? I’m supposed to meet with Seungho 30 minutes ago! Bye!”

“Bye!” I bid to Lee Joon and my smile just wore out when he is no longer in sight.

I’m now officially falling out of love. My shoulders dropped and I sigh endlessly. Why am I never success in love before? Is God too busy to plan my love life? And on top of that, it’s the 10th times! But that does not mean I’m get used to it, I still feel sad but I don’t feel like crying. “I guess it’s time for some game!”


Meanwhile, Jinki just bought his grocery and heading back to his house.

He sighed while popping his milk lollipop into his mouth, “My parents went out for business trip again. Guess I’m alone this weekend. Gotta stock up lots of milk lollipop and some cherry lollipop for her,” he giggled.

Then, he heard the batting sound from the baseball court nearby. “you?"

He slowly walked towards the gate and closer to my spot. I noticed his presence and called him.

“Jinki, you’re here! Join me!”

He smiled, “Sure!” He quickly walked towards me.

Instead of grabbing a bat for a game, he anxiously pointing my knees, “You’re injured!”

“Injured?” I looked down and saw some fresh wounds. “Oh, I fall down just now but dunno it bleeds.” I ignored it and continue to hit the balls.

“Stop!” He angrily throws away my bat, “Come with me!” He grabbed my wrist.

“I don’t want! I want to finish the game! Let go of me!” I brawled.

He turned to me and stuffed his milk lollipop into my mouth.

“ . . .”

“Be quiet and follow me!” he said in a serious tone with no smile on his face. It took me aback to see this Jinki and quietly I followed him.


In Jinki’s house, I looked at him intently until he finished treating my wounds. I’m afraid to talk to him, scared he will scold me or what. He kept away the first aid box and stared at me, as if he is interrogating a criminal. His stares are pretty scary.

Finally, I decided to say something to break awkward silence, “Jinki, you want your lollipop back?” I pulled it out and the lollipop no longer there, “Oops, sorry finish..hehe..” I laughed.

“What happenned?” seriously he asked without diverting his eyes.

“What? Nothing happens.” I tried to fake a laugh and looked away.

He gets up from his seat, “Stop lying! You always play baseball alone when you’re sad. Just what happened?”

I stared at him and my eyes started to get teary. He realized his tone is a bit harsh and apologize, “Sorry.” He sat next to me and holds my hands, “you, can you tell me what happened? Please~” He begs.

“It’s not a big deal. Just...Lee Joon rejected me. That’s all!” awkwardly I smiled.

Without saying a thing, he holds me close to his chest and hugging me.

“Jin-ki..” I mumbled and started to cry out all my sadness. Jinki is now comforting me by patting my back gently.

“This kid, always act strong when she feels sad. Don’t you know it hurts seeing you like this?” he thought.

“Thank you,” I muttered in between the cries.


“Who said one-sided love is not love? It’s like a flower that wilted even before it gets the chance to bloom. It’s still hurt a lot okay?”


I fall asleep after crying for a while. It must be the tiredness from baseball game just now or just simply because Jinki’s hug is too comfortable.



Jinki slowly laid you on the couch and gets a blanket from his room. He carefully wrapped it over you to keep you warm. Then, he knelt beside you and speaks out his mind after confirmed you’re sound asleep.

“I’m always by your side. Why do you never noticed me? Hmm?” He gently brushed your hair.

Seeing you still sleeping, he leaned forward and plants a soft kiss on your forehead.

“Sweet dream,” he whispered and then switched off the light as he headed to his room.



The next morning, I smelled a tasty aroma and awake. I trailed the appetizing aroma and found Jinki is currently cooking in the kitchen.

His sleeves are rolled up and a black apron neatly wrapped across his waist. The sunlight shines through the window behind him and highlighted his soft brown hair. He is so absorbed with cooking that he didn’t notice me. He looks like a sweet boyfriend who cooks for her girlfriend. Unknowingly, I feel jealous to the lucky girl who gets to be his girlfriend someday. Then, the thought snapped me. “Why should I feel jealous?” It must be the thought of sharing my best friend with someone else. I assured myself.

He dips his finger into the sauce to check the taste. Happily he smiled as if he successfully created a marvelous dish. He started to notice me when he turned around to get a plate.

“Oh, you’re awake?”

“Ah, yes. What are you doing?” mindlessly I asked a stupid question.

He laughed, “Isn’t it obvious? I’m cooking.”

“Do you need help?” I asked while rolling up my sleeves.

“Nope, I’m almost done. Go wash yourself and get ready for a superb breakfast!” He left his spot and pushed you out of the kitchen. “You can use the pink toothbrush, it’s new.”

“Thank y-...”

“Hush,” he put a finger on your mouth and winked.

Your heart skipped a beat by the sudden close act.

“Do I look cool? I always want to try this out!” He laughed, “Oh no, my sauce!” He shrieked and run towards the stove.

I giggled at his clumsiness, “What a dork!”


In the dining room,

“Hmm, it’s delicious! I don’t know you can cook!” I praised him while eating my seafood pasta.

“You don’t know?” He puts down his fork. “Hey missy, I made you chicken soup when you’re sick. Remember?”

I scratched my head, “Really?”

“You just never keep me in your mind,” he muttered while eating his pasta again.

“What?” I didn’t catch what he said. “Jinki, you should let your mom and dad tastes this.”

“They went for business trip for one week.”

I nodded.

“Do you want to go cycling after this?”


I followed Jinki with my bicycle and reached a spacious park where there is a big trampoline there.


“Yes, let’s play trampoline!” he shouted.

Jinki paid the uncle and we are allowed to play for one full hour. Without wasting time, he crawled up and bounces lightly on the trampoline. After he picked up the tempo, he did a back flip perfectly.

I’m impressed with his skills and clap, “You jump like a pro!”

“Come on, I will teach you!” he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. It was my first time and I’m unable to balance myself on the trampoline. So, I grabbed on his shoulder for support.

“I can’t!”

He smiled and slowly he shifted my hands from his shoulders into his hands. “Don’t worry, trust me. I will not let go of your hands.”

I’m holding Jinki’s big and warm hands. I feel safe. There are several times that I almost fall but he never loses his grip. As time goes by, I started to immune with the situation and slowly letting go his hands. I really enjoyed the time that I spent with him that afternoon. After that, I treated him spicy fried chicken as lunch and he is extremely happy with it.


After the lunch, we returned to the park for strolling,

“Thanks for treating me chicken! It’s the best!”

I shake my head, “Thanks for accompanying me today. I feel better now.” I take a seat on the bench and he followed.

“Then, I should do this more often.”

“Yah, you want me to be rejected for the 11th time?” I pushed his head.

“It’s the 11th time already? Still a long way to go,” he snickered and earned a kick from me.

“It hurts!” He complained.

“Jinki, I think I should change myself. I feel I’m not girly enough to look appealing to guys.” I sighed.

“You’re right. You wear jeans more than skirts,” he counts out. “...And you like to wear sports shoes...and you prefer baseball than shopping. Totally looks like a guy...”

“Yah!” I whine and pat his arm.

“And-and you hit and kick people as you like.”

“What friend are you? Hah?” I pout.

"Sorry~" He searchs his pockets. "Do you want to take this lollipop as an apology?" He showed me the cherry flavored lollipop in his hand.

"My favorite!" I smile happily. "Ok, I forgive you." I grabbed the lollipop and unwrapped it.

He chuckled, "It seems that cherry can settle everything in your world."

My eyebrows furrowed, "Is that a compliment or an insult?" I pop in the lollipop.

“Compliment. It shows how naive and straightforward you are," he said. "Basically, there’s nothing that you should change. Just be who you are and I believed you will find a guy who appreciates you.”

I looked at him absorbedly. Is he praising me? He never praise me directly like this before. To be honest, I’m quite flattered and touched with his words.

“What? Is my mouth stained?” He randomly touches his mouth.

“Jinki, why are you treating me so well?”

“What are you talking about? Pabo, you’re my best friend,” he pats my head.

“But as a friend, I didn’t do much to you,” I look at him solemly.

“You don’t have to do anything. I’m happy as long as you’re happy.” He smiled.

For a few seconds, we remain silent and I stared at him. I can feel my heart pounding louder than usual. I try to break the awkward silence with a joke.

“Yah, that almost sounds like a confession.” I  laughed.

“What if…,” Blushingly he looked down to the ground and muttered, “…if I say…I…lo-”


Unfortunately, his words is cut of by a female voice that emerged from behind,

“Jinki? you?”

We turned around and saw her.

“Jung Ah noona/unnie?” We said in unison.



A/N: My favorite scene finally gets into my fanfic. Guess what, it’s the “Lollipop Kiss”! I’ve been thinking of this for quite some time. Ehem, it’s a bit weird but I sort of like it. And Onew looks cool here. (>//<)b

Okay, so he almost confessed to you in this chapter but suddenly, Jung Ah appeared. Who is she? Wait for the next update! Bye! ^^

P/S: Thank you my first subscriber and commenter, lilmizmakeda. You're the reason I can finished this chapter in one day. XD


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I'm so mad at you Maggie! You never told me that you had another story!! >,< But nevermind! Hahaha! I read it all already and I really love the plot! Keep going I want to read more! And wow, they just look so cute together and the pictures in between stories are nice! Onew is so good looking!
I really love your story please keep writing. Onew is my ultimate biased but it's kinda hard to find good story with him as a main cast and finally i found your story... jinki is so sweet and gentle. The lollipop scene is so sweet~~ kyaaa... i imagine did that with him... *fan girling mode on kekeke. Please update soon.
Loving the first chapter :) update soon