ONE: Best Friends

Keeping Love Again

Theme Song:Keeping Love Again - SHINee



“Cherry flavored ice cream is the best!” I praised out loud while the ice cream in my hand.

Jinki noticed something and grunted like a mother, “Aishi, this kid!” He wipes the edge of my mouth with his finger. Wondering how it tastes, he it. “Urgh, cherry tastes weird!”

“Pabo, who asked you to taste?” I poked him. “Only mature adult like me will like the taste.” I said it proudly and puffed my chest.

“You? Mature? You’re just a kid who hates milk.” He showed his milk ice cream annoyingly to me.

“Milk stinks! Put it away from me!”

“That is why you’re short!” He teased after pat my head, “Shortie~” Then, he run away.

“I’m not SHORT! I’m 165cm! It’s average height, pabo!” I shout and chase him.

Following behind are our friends and classmates, Hyo Sung and Sung Gyu.

“They are more like a couple than BFF.” Hyo Sung laughed at our childlike acts.

“Nah, they are more like siblings,” Sung Gyu added.

“Lee Jinki, stop where you are!”

“I don’t want to~” he sang.

Hyo Sung giggles, “You’re so right!”


you, wake up~” Jinki’s gentle voice break the silence in the room.

It was 10pm and I’m sound asleep on Jinki’s bed. We are in the middle of doing group report but I couldn’t fight the tiredness in me. Carefully, he leaned forward and the distance between us shorten by every seconds. His face is now right in front of me and silently, he stares. That was before a smirk was formed across his face though.

“Yah punk!” He shouted and made me jumped up.


“Waking up my so called ‘team mate’ from dreamland.” He said it with his arms crossed.

“Jinki-ah, I’m sleepy. Please let me sleep?” I plead him pitifully while rubbing my palms together.

“No way, we are supposed to do get this done by tonight. Come on!” He drags me from his bed to the study table on the floor.

“No~” I whined and pulled along a pillow.

Now, I’m seated next to Jinki and looking at the papers and books that scattered on the table. For a while, I managed to stay awake and mindlessly nodding my head to hide the fact that I’m still sleepy.

“Then, I’m going to add this into our report. What do you…” he felt an extra weight on his shoulder. “…think.”

He sighed and found out I’m leaning on him, sleeping.

“This kid.” He smiled and continues his work throughout the night.


The next morning,

“I’m cold,” I mumbled and snuggled towards the closest thing to me. Then, I realize it was not my soft teddy bear but something else that is warm. Immediately, my eyes opened wide and it was Jinki who is sleeping next to me!

My eyes blinked, “Right, I’m doing report with him.” I recalled.

“Is this the first time I looked at him this close?” I leaned forward and carefully sweep away his hair from his forehead. “Omo, his hair is as soft as silk. What did he do to his hair?” I wondered and begin to touch his defenseless face.

“His eyebrows are bushy as it looks and his tiny eyes looks perfectly fine now because they are closed,” I chuckled. “And there goes his weird looking nose and his full lips...” I paused and lift my hand from his face. Somehow, my heartbeats increased and a strange feeling emerged within me.

you?” I gasped, oblivious that Jinki is now awake. He is rubbing his eyes and asked, “You seem spaced out just now.”

“WH- WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING NEXT TO ME?!” I shouted and get off from the floor.

He stood up and rubs his neck, “Dunno, I guess I fall asleep after I finished the report.” Then he stopped, “Hey, why are you angry? You’re the one who fall asleep on my shoulder first!”

“Really? Erm, sorry!” I packed my things immediately and about to leave.

“What’s so hurry? You always stay for breakfast.”

“See you in the campus!” I hurriedly leave his room and shut the door behind me. I touched my burnt cheeks, “Am I having fever?”

“What’s into her?” He blinked. “Hold on, don’t tell me she’s embarrassed?” A smile formed on his lips.


I returned to my house that actually situated next to Jinki’s house.

“Yah, you’re sleeping over Jinki’s place?” my mom asked.

“Mom, why aren’t you picking me up? Aren’t you worried about me staying overnight outside?”

“What should I worry about? It’s not your first time. Besides, Jinki is a good kid.” She said that firmly.

She noticed my sigh and questions me back, “Don’t tell you me you did something to him?”

“Mom!” I whined at her.


“Morning, you! You didn’t come with Jinki today?” asked Hyo Sung.

“Why should I come together with him?” I asked her back furiously. I’m still a little annoyed with my mom who believed in him than her own daughter.

“What happened to you guys? Fight?”

“What’s the commotion?”

“Sung Gyu, you’re here!” Hyo Sung happily greets him, “I save a seat for you!”

“Thanks, Hyo Sung.  you, where’s Jinki?” he asked and I rolled my eyes.

“Who missed me?” Jinki called from the back.

“Morning, dude!” said Sung Gyu.

“Morning, Gyu.” Then, he puts something on my head. “You left your phone in my room yesterday night.”

you, you are staying overnight at Jinki’s room?!!” Hyo Sung said it out loud and instantly made me the center of attention. Everyone is looking at me including my secret crush, Lee Joon who happened to sit right in front of me.

“It’s not what you guys think. We are doing report…report!” I nudged Jinki’s arm. “Tell them!” I whispered.

“She’s right. We are doing our report...”

“See! See! I told ya we are just doing our report.” I ended it with an awkward laugh.

Jinki noticed the reason of my nervousness is due to Lee Joon and added, “…but that’s before she fall asleep like a pig.” He snickered and causing the whole class to laugh at me, including Lee Joon.

It made my face heated up, “Yah, Lee Jinki! You..”

“Good morning class!” Professor Junsu entered the hall and Jinki tries to sit next to me.

“Sorry, it’s for my bag!” I put my bag on the seat.


The lecture started. Suddenly, Jinki sticked a post it on my table and pats me.


I took a glimpse and crumbled the paper. Then, my glance returned to the whiteboard in front. He pats again.

Sorry! ㅠ_ㅠ

I hide my smile when I saw the crying emoticon he wrote on it. However, I chose to continues my angry act to give him some punishment. Seeing no reaction from me, he gave up and the class continues.


“Don’t forget to pass up your group report before you leave.” said Prof. Junsu.

“Yes, sir!”

“Hyo Sung, let’s eat together!” I linked her right arm.

“Sorry you, Sung Gyu asked me out for lunch.”

I looked at her determinedly, “I insist!”

She whispered softly, “you, you know I had a crush on him right? Please spare me?” She is putting her palms together and pleads.

I sighed, “Fine, go with him. I can eat alone.”

“Sorry!” She said and joined with Sung Gyu who is waiting at the door.

“Well, we can eat together after I pass up the report,” said Jinki hopefully. However, I just walked pass him. I heard his voice calling me from behind but I ignored him.


I run to the park and chose a shady tree. I sat below it with my heads down on my knees. As I heard footsteps getting nearer, I started to fake up crying. Then, someone stopped in front of me and quietly sits next to me.

Softly he nudged, “you, I’m sorry.” He apologized but I keep my head down. “Are you crying?” He tilted his head over to check on me.

I jerked up and cried, “You’re so bad! Why do you have say that in front of Lee Joon? You know I like him.” I said that while hitting his chest.

Without a notice, he grabbed me into a hug. With a sincere and gentle voice, he apologized again. “It’s just a joke. I don’t mean to hurt you. Sorry.”

Actually, I forgive him already but at that moment, I’m carried away with his warm hug.

He sighed, “Forgive me okay? And don’t cry anymore.”

Then, I pushed him and hit his head, “Who said I’m crying? Merong~”

He rubbed his head and smiled.

“Yah, you punk!” he shouts and run after me.



A/N: I’m so into this song right now. It’s Keeping Love Again from SHINee. In fact, it inspires me and I’m playing it when I write. Btw, I use first person point of view, ‘you’ tag and add photos in my fanfic for the first time. Do you like it? ^^

Till we meet again, bye~


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I'm so mad at you Maggie! You never told me that you had another story!! >,< But nevermind! Hahaha! I read it all already and I really love the plot! Keep going I want to read more! And wow, they just look so cute together and the pictures in between stories are nice! Onew is so good looking!
I really love your story please keep writing. Onew is my ultimate biased but it's kinda hard to find good story with him as a main cast and finally i found your story... jinki is so sweet and gentle. The lollipop scene is so sweet~~ kyaaa... i imagine did that with him... *fan girling mode on kekeke. Please update soon.
Loving the first chapter :) update soon