Sunbaenim's Lesson Plan

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Sandara knocked once again before pushing the door open. She showed an awkward smile immediately upon entering the room. She saw the raven haired lad half lying and half sitting on his bed, reading some book.

She sweatdropped as she felt the uninviting aura from him.

The guy didn’t even lift his face to look at the intruder in his room but instead continued to flip another page of the book. Uninviting, yeah.

Sandara is nervous than even before. She cleared and tried to sound stern. “You did not go down to join me in dinner, shorty. Why so?”

Jiyong just flipped another page. He is obviously ignoring her.

Sandara narrowed her eyes. “Are you doing what I think you are doing? Are you avoiding me, shorty?”

Jiyong continued to read.

Sandara clenched her fist as she blew her bangs frustratingly. “How’s your date?” she asked casually.

When Jiyong still did not respond, that snap her. She stepped forward…threw the book from his grip…and then tackle him on the bed.

And still, he didn’t even flinch at this. Argh. But Sandara remained still and on top of him before she leaned down and buried her face on his neck. Calming her now abnormally beating heart.

Sandara sighed. “Okay. I’m sorry.” She started after a moment of silence between them, whispering. “I’m sorry that I set you up. I’m sorry that I avoided you these past few days.” She breathed against his skin. “and I’m sorry for acting y too.”

She felt him stiffened beneath her, and Sandara smiled at this.

Finally…finally she received some reactions from him.


Sandara wanted to cry in relief at the hear of his voice. She felt teary eyed too. ‘My dongsaeng…my cute little dongsaeng…’

“I miss you, shorty.”

She felt him move, and the next thing she knew, Jiyong lifted her up and easily settled her on his lap. She was now straddling him and…she likes the new position. No malice.

Sandara grinned at him. “So, I’m now forgiven?”

Jiyong smirked as he kissed her on the cheek.

“I’ll take that as a yes, shorty.” She laughed.

“Dara-sunbaenim…” Jiyong cuts.

“Yes?” Sandara cooed, sniffing softly his hair.

“Aren’t you jealous that I’m dating someone now?”

Sandara stopped sniffing his hair then glared at him. “Who told you, you are allowed to date already? And what happened this afternoon is not even consider a date. That was a deal. Business deal!” she huffed after explaining it fastly, obviously pissed off of the topic.

Jiyong cocked his eyebrow. “You won’t support me to the girl I like?”

That shock Sandara. She immediately got off from straddling on his lap. She sat properly on the bed and looked at her dongsaeng, wide-eyed.

“Y-you like someone?”

Jiyong didn’t say a word but just nodded slowly. Meeting her gaze.

Sandara swallowed a lump in as she suppressed the bitter feeling creeping inside her.

Her shorty likes someone?

She didn’t expect this to happen…so soon. Who is the lucky girl? She wondered. Is it the eccentric Jung Juri? No. No way. It can’t be. There is no way Sandara will allow Jiyong to date that…that…that eccentric girl! No way!

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ChellizM #1
Chapter 19: Creative plot...thank you for sharing your story!
aileehi #2
Chapter 19: Lovely book sis! If it's not too much of a trouble to ask for a sequel? The characters are so unique, I never envisioned Dara or Gd like this but the plot is so inviting. <3
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 19: I agree with everyone who suggested a sequel. The story needs one. Hot seduction scenes, by the way ❤️
Rizkary #4
Chapter 19: i think this story need sequel authornim
Kianarain #5
Chapter 19: Love it. Thank you!
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 19: I like this story.. no over driven drama just plain love and ty things but i love the whole story and plot.. thanks for writing such wonderful fics
kkenggi #7
Chapter 19: This is good... innocent first love and everything
Chapter 19: Daebak ! The story is jjang !
dyastin #9
Chapter 19: This story was so cute! Hahaha! And teh way that Jiying called Dara "Dara-sunbaenim". Although in real life I think Dara was the one calling Jiyong sunbae. =))
Chapter 19: ..this is the end???????? why?.. XD.. nah love the ending! love the story! ilove the characters!! ilove it!!! why? because the story wasn't heavy.. i'm not really a fan of heavy dramas that's why i'm avoiding them as much as possible.. It was sweet and well thought.. there were some loop holes.. but you've answered them in the end which is cool.. i really love this story.. if only i could vote for it every chapter i would.. thank you for sharing this story.. i really love this and i will definitely reread it again!! more powers authornim.. and more stories to come!!..^^