The Fact About Her Dongsaeng

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"I want to talk to you," Sandara immediately said upon opening the office door of her bother.

The older guy seemed to anticipate her coming as he lowered down his papers to entertain the frowning brunette. "Anytime, little sister." he said, smiling.

The brunette eyed him suspiciously. "Where's my cute dongsaeng? Where did you hide him? Are you hiding him? I have to see him now. I need to see him. Now." she asked non-stop as displeasure evident in her voice.

Her older brother shrugged his shoulders. "Don't worry, chibi. He's just around the corner."

Her eyes widened at this. "Just around the corner!?" her voice booming in the room. "Just around the corner? It's almost a month he's missing and he's just around the corner? What the!?"

The older guy just mysteriously smiled as his eyes swiftly passed behind her head.

The newly arrived guy respectfully bowed at him before looking longingly at the pissed off girl facing back at him.

She was hovering her brother and still haven't noticed the newly arrived guy.

"Dara-sunbaenim..." he whispered slowly, as blood rushed to his system. God, how much he misses her.

The girl as if chased by time immediately turned her head quickly to face the owner of the voice. She wasn't able to say anything immediately upon seeing him.

It was happiness seen first in her big expressive eyes...then longing...before it was replaced suddenly with upset. And without any more warning, Sandara immediately walked towards Jiyong, stands infront of him for awhile as if contemplating what to do next before abruptly turning her back against him and hurriedly went outside the room, banging the door loudly behind.

The two guys left inside fell silent before the older guy burst out laughing.

"Yay, lil Ssantokki is mad." he looked at Jiyong, amusement in his eyes. "You know what to do." he only said before reading back his papers.

The raven-haired guy junior didn't answer. This is not what he expects to happen.


"...tell me..." a deep voice started to crack the defeaning silence starting to engulf between the two person, him and her. "...what am I doing here again?" TOP asked as he looked at the girl 'almost' leaning at him.

"Shut up." Sandara just snaps, pouting while crossing her arms. "You're a rude junior too...just like Jiyong. Rude and a bad junior!" she suddenly shouted on his face, glaring on TOP, who by the looks of it is displeased of her sudden loud voice.

"Juniors are all the same! Disrespectful and rude!" she continued before standing up, about to leave him, when TOP held her firmly on the spot.

TOP sighed, obviously showing he finds her very annoying. After settling himself, he looked straight at her. "Okay...I understand. Speak now, Dara."

Sandara looked at him, wondering. Mira

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ChellizM #1
Chapter 19: Creative plot...thank you for sharing your story!
aileehi #2
Chapter 19: Lovely book sis! If it's not too much of a trouble to ask for a sequel? The characters are so unique, I never envisioned Dara or Gd like this but the plot is so inviting. <3
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 19: I agree with everyone who suggested a sequel. The story needs one. Hot seduction scenes, by the way ❤️
Rizkary #4
Chapter 19: i think this story need sequel authornim
Kianarain #5
Chapter 19: Love it. Thank you!
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 19: I like this story.. no over driven drama just plain love and ty things but i love the whole story and plot.. thanks for writing such wonderful fics
kkenggi #7
Chapter 19: This is good... innocent first love and everything
Chapter 19: Daebak ! The story is jjang !
dyastin #9
Chapter 19: This story was so cute! Hahaha! And teh way that Jiying called Dara "Dara-sunbaenim". Although in real life I think Dara was the one calling Jiyong sunbae. =))
Chapter 19: ..this is the end???????? why?.. XD.. nah love the ending! love the story! ilove the characters!! ilove it!!! why? because the story wasn't heavy.. i'm not really a fan of heavy dramas that's why i'm avoiding them as much as possible.. It was sweet and well thought.. there were some loop holes.. but you've answered them in the end which is cool.. i really love this story.. if only i could vote for it every chapter i would.. thank you for sharing this story.. i really love this and i will definitely reread it again!! more powers authornim.. and more stories to come!!..^^