Sunbaenim's Strange Feelings

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Sandara called excitedly from the stairs as she jumped the remaining ones and happily ran towards her newly arrived big brother.

The older guy welcomed the running brunette in his arms and carried his light sister happily as well, before giving a nod of acknowledgment to the standing in the corner Jiyong.

The young raven-haired lad bowed in respect in return.

"You came back! I'm so glad! I miss you, you know!" Sandara said loudly, happiness beaming in her eyes, still clinging to him. She sure misses him.

The guy just smiled as he pats Sandara's hair playfully. "The business is getting tough, little rabbit. I have to fix them. You know that, right?"

Sandara pouted at the mention of this. "You are always out, oppa. I always misses you. You don't miss me even a bit, do you?"

The guy remained smiling as he now looked at Jiyong knowingly. "I need to fix some problems, little rabbit. I want that by the time you take over the company, it's already fix and less work for you. I want the best for my little sister, after all." he stated, now pinching Sandara's cheeks. Sandara frowned at this as he can only laugh at his adorable step-sister. Then he looked up and looked straight at the looking at them Jiyong. "Besides, I gave you someone that will accompany you every time, remember?" he smirked. "How is your little dongsaeng, little rabbit?"

Sandara blinked at him. "Huh?" she looked thoughtful for a while before, "But, oppa..." Sandara argued, still frowning. "I am not interested taking over the company. You can always handle that." she said like dismissing the topic already, avoiding the last question. "I'm fine staying like this here...with Jiyong. He's taking care of me every time." she said, now smiling at this.

The guy laughed and can only ruffled her hair gently now. "No. I promised your parents to give you a good future. Even I'm just your adopted brother, I want to give the best for you." he then glanced at Jiyong. "Right, Jiyong?" he asked her silent dongsaeng.

Sandara looked at them and saw how the two men exchanges looks before Jiyong curtly nodded at her older brother.

"Ne,...young master." Jiyong answered respectfully before he looked down after, like he was hiding something from him.

Sandara looked back to her brother and saw how a mysterious smile formed on her brother's lips.

What was that? She thought.


Sandara was staring on the silent Jiyong staring on the moon while lying his head on her lap. They're in her room's veranda and Sandara found Jiyong strangely more silent after he and her brother departed downstairs earlier.

Jiyong is usuall

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ChellizM #1
Chapter 19: Creative plot...thank you for sharing your story!
aileehi #2
Chapter 19: Lovely book sis! If it's not too much of a trouble to ask for a sequel? The characters are so unique, I never envisioned Dara or Gd like this but the plot is so inviting. <3
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 19: I agree with everyone who suggested a sequel. The story needs one. Hot seduction scenes, by the way ❤️
Rizkary #4
Chapter 19: i think this story need sequel authornim
Kianarain #5
Chapter 19: Love it. Thank you!
wenkie0414 #6
Chapter 19: I like this story.. no over driven drama just plain love and ty things but i love the whole story and plot.. thanks for writing such wonderful fics
kkenggi #7
Chapter 19: This is good... innocent first love and everything
Chapter 19: Daebak ! The story is jjang !
dyastin #9
Chapter 19: This story was so cute! Hahaha! And teh way that Jiying called Dara "Dara-sunbaenim". Although in real life I think Dara was the one calling Jiyong sunbae. =))
Chapter 19: ..this is the end???????? why?.. XD.. nah love the ending! love the story! ilove the characters!! ilove it!!! why? because the story wasn't heavy.. i'm not really a fan of heavy dramas that's why i'm avoiding them as much as possible.. It was sweet and well thought.. there were some loop holes.. but you've answered them in the end which is cool.. i really love this story.. if only i could vote for it every chapter i would.. thank you for sharing this story.. i really love this and i will definitely reread it again!! more powers authornim.. and more stories to come!!..^^