Déjà Vu


I tried to hold in my pain, but when I sat down at my usual desk a wheezed out. A broken rib was more painful that I had initially thought. Whispers buzzed around my ear as other kids came into the classroom before the bell rang. I knew they were all talking about me. The principal gave up looking for the girls who took it upon themselves to beat me to a pulp after the first day. He said something about having more important matters to worry about. 

I frowned, jotting down random lines on my tattered notebook. I hadn't been dreaming since I was in the hospital. I was worried...I mean...I hadn't seen Jiyong in what felt like forever and I was scared. I was scared I wouldn't be able to see him again. I know I sound mental, considering that he's a figment of my dreams, but he cared about me. 

The bell rang and I was going to rub my eye but I remembered it was still blood shot and I didn't want to make it worse than it already was. I'd probably win some sort of ugly contest right off the bat. 

"Alright class, we got a new student, everyone welcome him and treat him well." The class's volume increased in excitement and I just continued drawing whatever came to mind on the page. I could feel my eyes growing heavy. The medicine I was taking caused drowsiness and they prescribed it because they assumed I'd be at home resting. Hah. So it was either a, putting up with the drowsiness or b, putting up with the pain and the pain was bad enough on the medication. 

I was so sleepy...and I was feeling light, like I was drifting away or walking on clouds. I could have knocked out right then and there, in all honesty. 

"You can introduce yourself if you'd like," Professor Choi gave him the same option he was nice enough to give me when I first came into the class. I stifled a yawn again, my eyes watering up. I. Need. Sleep. 

"Jiyong. Jiyong Kwon." No way...

My eyes snapped over to the guy and I jumped in my seat, pain searing through my body from that stupid decision. I cried out, unable to stifle it. The class roared in laughter before Professor Choi yelled out, "SHUT UP." 

I even shifted in my seat in intimidation. His sudden booming voice with those wild eyes of his were enough to send anyone running in the next direction. He walked over to me and frowned, "are you alright? If you're in too much pain I can excuse you to the nurse's office-," I cut him off with a gentle wave of my hand. "I'm fine...please forgive me."

He nodded once and turned back to...Jiyong..., "Take a seat at the first chair second row," he instructed and Jiyong diligently did as he was told, but not before shooting me a weird glance. 

I sunk further into my chair. Am I high from this medicine? I was so confused. Why was Jiyong suddenly real? I thought he only existed in my dreams...

After a while of lectures and homework assignments, the bell rang, informing us of a school day ended. I was determined to go straight home and get that much needed sleep. I limped awkwardly out of the classroom after insisting to Professor Choi that I could handle it. I didn't want to burden anyone anymore.


"Where have you been? I've been so bored without you here." Jiyong's smile radiated and spread once the familiar girl came into view. He wrapped his arms around her without question and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. She smiled up at him, returning the hug so tightly, afraid to miss any minute of this. 

She pulled back suddenly causing Jiyong to grow confused. He brushed her hair behind her ear and tilted his head, his soft blonde locks shifting along. "What's wrong, beautiful?" 

"Jiyong...are you real?" She blinked when he began to laugh at her question. Of course I am. Can't you feel me arms around you?" He turned them so they saw the horizon become engulfed with clashing waves as the sun suddenly began to set, the sky bruising and turning a deep shade of purple as yellow butterflies began to flutter about. It was all so magical, so unrealistic, but it made her happy. She felt at home. 

He pulled her closer, resting his head on top of her's. "I'm going to protect you. I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. No one will hurt you anymore." She grew misty-eyed at his words. How she longed for that to really be able to happen. Why did dreams have to contain such a bitter sweet intensity? 

She wanted to melt into his arms and stay with him forever, but she knew eventually her alarm clock would ring and she would be pulled back into her grey reality. The reality in which Jiyong did not exist and she was alone. 

Then again, if he didn't, how exactly did he become a classmate of her's? Unless she had been dreaming the entire time; and inception sort of thing. "Jiyong," she breathed out, his eyes meeting her's as he beamed another smile. "Why me?" 

He turned serious for a moment, looking back to the waves in thought. "Because you were lonely. You were lonely and you needed me, just as I need you." She frowned then, her gaze following his. "But how could you even be lonely in a place like this?" 

"How can you be lonely in a full classroom?"


Her eyes slowly opened, squinted as they adjusted to the light. Another day of hell was awaiting her. With sluggish movements she arose from the bed, wincing as the muscles in her abdomen flexed, causing her pain to ignite again. Once she was able to regain an ounce of her sanity, she dressed herself and walked to school.

The students would avoid her like the plague, frowning and glaring at her as she silently made her way into the building. It was a typical day. 

Lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice someone standing before her with his back to her. She bumped into him and gasped out in pain. Quickly, the boy turned around and took hold of her forearm. It was Jiyong. She wasn't crazy. There was no way that wasn't him. "You okay?" She nodded meekly and he grunted as he bent over to pick his book up. "Be careful next time." 

Maybe it wasn't a typical day after all. 

Made a new poster! What do you guys think? I also hope that change of 3rd person didn't freak you all out! If it did, my apologies. Thank you for the comments and subs. 

Stay tuned, kiddos! 

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darkestnights #1
Chapter 4: i hope you will one day update this fic :(
Animelover1319 #2
Love it so much! Please update soon!
Jennifer_VIP #3
Love the plot~!!! Please update soon^^
Chapter 4: KYAHH Another wonderfully written chapter...and MY GOD you make such beautiful posters...
lovis89 #5
Chapter 4: wait wait so jiyong in real life and jiyong in her dream are 2 different person? hmmm still to early to tell
hyoriBB #6
Chapter 3: Why are they being so mean to the girl T_T.... Dying for her to meet jiyong.... Love this story^^ thx for the update <3
Chapter 2: I'm so glad you brought the story back...honestly this is one of the best stories I've seen on AFF. This chapter's amazing.
hyoriBB #8
Chapter 2: wow..I'm glad ur imagination is back 2 work..LOL...so glad that u updated the story....can't wait for more <3
so-fantastic #9
Chapter 2: Yayyyy <3 So happy you brought this story back! Can't wait for the next update :)
hyoriBB #10
I absolutley love ur writing style...please update soon...:)