P.E. Blues


6th period. It was just another name for hell. I could deal with lunch, hide away in the library and read away that free period, but 6th period...I couldnt escape the torture of it. P.E was something I never looked forward to. It wasnt that I was bad at any sort of physical activity...I mean...I'm not fantastic but I'm average. It's just that 6th period was the worst of all because when teams were chosen I was always left sitting on the side. No one wants to have a murder on their team.

"Alright, everyone split into teams. We're playing dodge ball." The P.E teacher's voice echoed though the gymnasium as everyone's attention turned to her. I swore I could feel my stomach drop. I just wanted to crawl under a rock and forget about school. With shaky steps I stood on a random side, groans filling my ears from teammates who were quick to express their disapproval.

"Hey look at it this way, at least she has experience in taking people out."

My lip trembled. Something in me broke then and before I could stop it, tears began to trickle down my eyes. I stood encased by a sea of judgement as I cried. I broke out into sobs and my knees gave out. I was a mess kneeling on the floor, exposed for everyone to see as I sobbed into my hands. A whistle broke the crowd and the P.E. teacher pulled me up gently before walking me to aher office, shutting the door and giving me some privacy.

"I guess monsters are capable of crying."

"That's enough. All of you line up. You're running laps until the period is over. No one should be still."

"But coach Chae, I've got asthma!"

"I hope you brought your inhaler."

The door slammed shut after she came inside again. I cried harder. I cried because I was grateful. I couldn't even put it into words. Coach Chae and professor Choi were the only two who've shown me any sort of kindness and I was so grateful. She smiled, understanding as her hand gently squeezed my shoulder. "It's gonna be okay. I know it's hard now. Kids are cruel, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Why don't you go home?"

I sniffed a bit, wiping my tears with the sleeve of my shirt before I looked up at her. "But what about the rest of my classes?" She shrugged, chuckling. "I can excuse them. I'll just tell your teachers you're helping me with errands. Go home and rest. You need to gather your thoughts, kiddo." I nodded, offering the best smile I could. "Thanks, coach."

I walked out of the room averting my eyes to the floor as everyone else passed by. I felt a bit safer in the locker room now. I just wanted to go home...but I didn't have a home. My home died.

"You think you've got coach Chae fooled, huh?" My locker door slammed in front of me and I jumped at the sudden intrusion. A girl pushed be against the locker as pain seared through my back. I flinched, lowering my head in fear.

"Can't fight your own battles? You make people fight them for you?" She pulled my hair, twisting my neck in a painful position. "Let me see how you killed your parents and brother. Show me how the monster feeds," she taunted.

A sudden kick to my stomach sent me tumbling into the floor. I gasped out as she kicked me again. Before I knew it the pain went away. I grew numb. I laid on the floor as the girl and her friends beat me to a pulp. Keeping my eyes opened proved to be a physical challenge. I coughed out, a copper like taste filling my mouth making me realize that it was probably my own blood.

"Let's go! We need to leave before they see us!" I heard faint footsteps retreat into the background.

Sleep. I wanted sleep. I gave into the blankness and drifted off where my pain became numb and trivial.

- -

When I came to I was...well I don't know how to explain it. I was wearing a cream colored dress with red shoes and stripped stockings. I looked around and realized I was laying in a soft patch of the greenest grass I had ever seen. The air smelled sweet and comforting, like fresh baked cookies waiting for you at the table as you get home from a long day. I stood up and to my surprise found that I had no pain my stomach area. I would have expected to have that at least. I then noticed a red ribbon in my hair. I felt at ease. Everything was vaguely familiar. It was as if I had been there before.

Should I explore? It sorted of reminded me of something out of Alice in Wonderland. Did I die? Hey, I'm not complaining. Anything is better than my reality. It was a forest of some kind. With trees towering over you endlessly and mushrooms the size of giant beds. I just hoped the bugs were friendly.

"Welcome back." I shrieked, caught off gaurd as a beautiful laugh filled my ears. I turned around to see a guy in a red coat with blonde hair smiling at me. I smiled back not really knowing what else to do. Without thought I blurted out, "Jiyong," and he clapped once, nodding enthusiastically. "That's right. You remembered!"

"I...know you," it was uncertain, the way the statement escaped my lips. He inturn pursued his and nodded again, cupping his wrist with his hand behind his back. "Of course. I don't just let anyone into my home, you know."

"Home?" He chuckled as he stepped carefully close to me, taking my hand and kissing it gently. "Let's go for a ride." Before I knew it a Phoenix like bird swooped down in front of us. He hopped on and offered a hand. I steppee back because I was unsure. I mean...I didnt even know the guy. For all I knew he could have been a psycho.

This Jiyong guy noticed my hesitation and he sighed, "you dont have to stay here anymore. I can show you a world full of magic and happiness. All you have to do is take my hand.” I looked into his eyes, somewhat worried. I didn't even know this guy, but when he smiled and bowed slightly before me I felt my trust seep into his hand, and gladly I took hold of it.

Brining the story back because I got a long string of ideas. Such a pain copying and pasting the coding on an iPad OTL.

Anyways, stay tuned, kiddos!

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darkestnights #1
Chapter 4: i hope you will one day update this fic :(
Animelover1319 #2
Love it so much! Please update soon!
Jennifer_VIP #3
Love the plot~!!! Please update soon^^
Chapter 4: KYAHH Another wonderfully written chapter...and MY GOD you make such beautiful posters...
lovis89 #5
Chapter 4: wait wait so jiyong in real life and jiyong in her dream are 2 different person? hmmm still to early to tell
hyoriBB #6
Chapter 3: Why are they being so mean to the girl T_T.... Dying for her to meet jiyong.... Love this story^^ thx for the update <3
Chapter 2: I'm so glad you brought the story back...honestly this is one of the best stories I've seen on AFF. This chapter's amazing.
hyoriBB #8
Chapter 2: wow..I'm glad ur imagination is back 2 work..LOL...so glad that u updated the story....can't wait for more <3
so-fantastic #9
Chapter 2: Yayyyy <3 So happy you brought this story back! Can't wait for the next update :)
hyoriBB #10
I absolutley love ur writing style...please update soon...:)