Wrath pt. 2

My Rococo Doll
One less problem now fix another...How this stupid dares to get into my privacy, How is he was listening? I walked to the door to listen if he kept out of the room trying to hear something. I hear nothing, I guess it has to be cooking their famous pasta. I opened the door and surprise, Luhan fall in front of me.
- Ouch ! Haha, you were talking Bi? He said as he rubbed his head by the blow he received.
- Luhan! I told you a million times! It's not good to listen to other people's conversations, you are a fool!
- Sorry, I was concerned... Did i bother you? He said while pouting.
- No of course not. I said sarcastically as I crossed my arms.
- I thought you were...
- Of course I am! It really bothers me that people get into the bussines of others!

[Special - Lee Hi ft. Jennie Kim]
- Haha, thank you!
Thank you ? What's wrong with these idiot or what? I hitting him in the chest. He takes my wrists and approached me.
- What are you doing! what's wrong with you?
- Give me a hug! He took me in his arms and dropped his head on my shoulder.
What is this? What is this I feel inside of me ... is strange, as I had never experienced this strangest feeling. It feels as if the air is lighter, as if time suddenly stopped walking. It even feels as if suddenly a winter that lived inside of me became spring. It's weird to explain, but only one thing ... I don't want it to end. It feels like when...
-We can be like this so long as you want. He said with a smile.
Suddenly I react, I still do? Why we still hugging, why my arms don't react and push? Why I feel so good in his arms? There are so many questions in my head that I would love someone to answer for me, I can't with myself, what is this that is happening to me?
- Why are you hugging me?
- I thought it was a form of appreciation of humans.
- It is. Not all the time... but why are you thanking me?
- Because you addressed to me as "people" as a person! As a human Bi!
- What? How?
- You said that it bothers you when people get into the bussinesof others!
- Oh, yes...
I don't know how to answer, my desire to talk or fight with him...all gone. I would not do anything, I just want to cover myself with the sheets and expect to sleep. Because I feel so weak, because I feel like i have no weapons, like i am weak against him.
- Bi, what happen? did i hurt you?
- No
- I promise not to do it again...
I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. He was surprised of that gesture of my part. But he did the same again and hug me. Landing his forehead along with my head. His hands my arms so softly, so delicately, as if I were to fail, as if was something of value to him. Will he believe that I'm crazy? Will he cared about that hug?
- Hey...
- Hm ?
- Uhmm... I think if you're hungry and want to eat you should let go of the person who feed you, Don't you think?
- No.
- Aren't you hungry?
- A lil' bit ...
- Bi... maybe you don't know what are you doing.
- No... i think i don't. But can I tell you something?
- What is it?
- I do not mind...
What was that ? I thought I heard something. I listen close to near to and him... between us. There it is again, and keep listening. Is constant and relaxing, it's... The beat of a heart. I look up trying to find an answer on his face, trying to decipher why the "boy" who was in my arms is smiling at the time?
- Lu... why are you smiling?
- Bi, Thanks!
- What are you talking about?
- You gave me something very beautiful, and you call me Lu... thanks!
- Give? the hug?
- Something more than that. Listen...
We were not only embraced. "The guy " approached my head to his chest. I felt protected, in peace, no matter who was, I felt free. Not only that, I felt... Loved. Upon closer to him, I could replay that sound of that time... a beat? But how? Luhan is a dol..the... that! Those things, you know they can't have a heart!
- Did you hear that?
- It's a...
- A heartbeat, right? haha
- But how is that possible? You are a...
- Shh! No need to go back to that step. He said as he rested his index finger on my lips.
Then it occurred, someone had entered the scene. We both turned our eyes toward the intruder who ruined the most strangest moment that I have in my life. The intruder can't belive what is he looking at ... "A couple" hugging, so near as intimidating for any single person, but yet so tender...

Gifs and images are not mine. Thanks!
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Chapter 6: update update update :)
Chapter 5: Yay 루 한 yay
Chapter 4: Sehun defenitly sehun
NaddyNadiah #4
Chapter 3: Update sooon~~
Chapter 3: Hi I love it you gotta update more
Iluvkpop15 #6
Iluvkpop15 #7
YOU GOTTA UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iluvkpop16 #8
Iluvkpop16 #9
update soon ;D it so greattt ~!