
My Rococo Doll

It's been a week since Luhan ... Yes, his name is Luhan. Woke up beside me in my bed . I spent some time with him, well ... I guess. Every day, i wake up and smell something delicious in my home. Luhan Everyday gets up at 5 am, Every day! He prepares breakfast and when it's ready he go and lie next to me, take me in his arms and snuggles into my shoulder, then with a sweet voice he wakes me up.

-Bi-nie, it's time to wake up , it's a beautiful day, do not you think ?

-Why every day is beautiful to you? And if you do not mind could you get away from me ! You invade my space, you are nothing but a doll, get out of my bed!
Luhan sleeps in the room, to be precise, on the couch. It is a doll, a vile piece, an object only, but despite that, I can not let him sleep with me... I mean it is an object! But... it's hard for me to realize that it is not human.
I will not get attached to something that is not real.
-Bi... why do you hate me?  He looked at me with his eyes as beautiful and insightful, you might think he's seeing into my soul at this time.
- I don't hate you... but, it is hard to explain... I said with indifference.
-It's because I'm a doll? Because you think I'm not real?
- Not that! I do not even know why I'm even talking to you! Why do not you return to your normal state and i can give you back to the store!
- I can't go without complete my mission Bi!
Mission? From what the hell is he talking about? Why he insists on talking to me ? Why he insist on engaging in conversation or a relationship with me ?
- Mission? ... 
- Each doll in this life comes to life for a mission...  He said as he stood up from my bed and walk away the room
- What kind of mission?
- Really want to know? He said turning his head slowly to the left , showing their profile with a flirtatious look .
[ First Love - After School ]
That look did give me chills. Slowly climbed onto my bed, as stealthy as a feline, so careful, so delicate ... each arm and leg coming towards me, up to be above me. He slowly closed his eyes and lowered his head until his nose rub mine. I closed my eyes for just inertia, something in me wanted more! Something inside me screamed that i wanted to to the time stop and then never end.
- That ... answer your question? He said mockingly while moving to the side, away from the bed. He get to the door turned slowly and smiled blatantly and said four words, only four words tha wounded my heart.
- Breakfast is ready ...
He leaves me stunned, until I could say that he did it look and feel so human. So cruel, so bad, so cold! I felt so pathetic, so weak, so humiliated. As I could get carried away by a stupid fantasy, it's nothing! It's not real! It's a simple doll!
I went to the small dining room of my apartment after brushing my teeth, Luhan was doing things in the kitchen, I sat in a chair away from where he was, trying not to make any sound that he wouldn't notice my presence
-Sorry, i didn't mean to...
- What are you talking about... DOLL !
- Hahaha, that! I'm sorry for tease you, i didn't expect you liked it. He said laughing as he bent his face to hide the blush on his cheeks
- Yup!  You must be joking! Never !
- Oh yeah? Then your eyes said otherwise... apparently they liked the idea of ​​kissing. he said with a smirk
- Never! Never in life! You misunderstand it doll! You're not a human! The kiss did not mean anything! You know why ? Because you're a vile piece of porcelain an insignificant thing ! You're a nothing in my life! Now get out of my house! I endured an entire week with you and had not done anything but make breakfast and just stay in a corner watching every move I make ! What are you trying to do? Perhaps you are a project of some secret? I don't care, just want you out of my life at this moment!
-Bi ... I'm not a spy, I'm not a robot. And if you wonder why I sit and watch you every day, is because I wanted to adapt more to you, learn to be human too... I know I'm a doll, no need to let me know at every moment, you know ? For me it is also painful to know that I can't give what a human could. But I'll try and keep trying day by day until...
- Until?
- To fulfill my mission ..
- Again with your mission! You're not a spy? So why you have a mission?
- My mission as a doll is giving something to the person elected, something like an exchange, I 'll give you something to you and you will give me something in return too. Bi it's about time... I just need more time and opportunity! Please i'll not let you down and you will not regret it, please!.
His eyes were full of what looked like water...tears ? Perhaps the dolls can mourn for real? So much feeling, so much pain, so much hope in one object ...What can i do ? Perhaps take a chance on a doll, that's the answer? As I do not repent ? Then I remembered what I once Liah said...
" If you never try to open a coconut , you will never taste the sweet juice " What a few words was ...
" If you close your doors to many opportunities you never know what might once have been good for you, no matter if it also could have been something bad , at least you'll have a lesson "
-Luhan, Okay... sorry, I should not have said all those things I'm sorry. 
- Everyone deserves a second chance, don't you think? he said with a sweet smile on his face
- If so it seems...
- Well, I'd just like to ask a favor...
- A favor? What it's about?
- Just... do not ever say "doll" in time to me being here please.
- That's it?
- If only I ask..
- Ok, I'll try
- Try not to say "no more"! Try to feel me like a person ! Try to pass the first step.
- The first step ?
- The denial !












My dear subscribers! Thank you very much for the support, I'm sorry for not having time for upload any chapter i didn't have the time or inspiration (hard times) but I'm back! :3 I'll be here for a long time, and I hope that you like it LOL, thank you very much for your support for this FF, I really hope not disappoint anyone! Thank you very much again for your support!
I hope you liked and enjoyed this chapter, do not worry there will be more of this so stay tuned.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much and a big hug to you all!
With Love!
Cherry B Chu! ^ ^
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Chapter 6: update update update :)
Chapter 5: Yay 루 한 yay
Chapter 4: Sehun defenitly sehun
NaddyNadiah #4
Chapter 3: Update sooon~~
Chapter 3: Hi I love it you gotta update more
Iluvkpop15 #6
Iluvkpop15 #7
YOU GOTTA UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iluvkpop16 #8
Iluvkpop16 #9
update soon ;D it so greattt ~!