Wrath pt. 1

My Rococo Doll
Days passed, i'm still asking me "How such a person like me, can support a person like...him?" We now that i can't call "that person" by...that thing you know... because I promised that i wouldn't say "doll ".
Things keep going the same way every day, cooking for me, watching over me, taking care of me... It's like a mix of father... no! forget  that! I shouldn't think about that, ever! But i would contradict another promise I made to myself. Stop saying "no"... but my heart or my brain i don't know which one is wrong. Spend the day with him is weird, but it's strange to say that I feel good by his side, say that I feel protected or stable and happy in a cruel world which anytime you can change direction... That happened a few days when after a few months of not seeing Liah back. Both of us have 20 years and his family is considered in bad taste or bad luck that at that age boys or girls have no partner, That makes Liah feel really bad. Liah has always told me that love for her is very important that not anyone could steal your heart, is not only a matter of finding someone and say "hey! You are the love of my life" For her, time in relationships is very important. Before we met, it was very difficult to show affection towards me. Once she rebel that se was afraid of me but she thought that maybe I was a good person, and that's why we became friends. Liah is a girl who is very influenced by feelings... That is very difficult for me because, The boys who she believed perfect, end up being a pathetic louts!
- Bi why guys are so horrible?
- The boys are not horrible, not all of them!
- What's wrong with you? some months of my student exchange and you change your mind about boys?
- It's not that Liah ...
- Oh! Don't tell me you ...
- No! Forget it ! You know I don't have time for such things. you know me very well!
- It's okay i believe you! But If you lie, i'll hate you for the rest of my life!
- Haha , Oh come on you can't hate this!
- Oh yeah, I can!
- Shut up! You love me haha
Everything was going so well until a certain person... which still doesn't learn all the manners of the human world, did the most stupid thing on the planet! In the place and the wrong time!
- Bi I'm home, where are you? Guess who buys your favorite ice cream! I hope it hasn't melted on the way, do you want to eat? How about a pasta, I really wanted to cook... Bi, who are you talking with?
- Luhan! Why? You ! I 'm busy get out! I hadn't said that is impolite to ask people when they are talking on the phone? Yes,  it's ok if you make your pasta and yeah, thanks for the ice cream thanks thanks...Now run! Pali pali!
- Haha , ok , when you finished let me know, ara? i need to tell you something ...
- Yes, yeah you can tell me later, then run!
I slapped my head in shame, now how i can explain this to Liah? Stupid Luhan ! He always ruins everything!
- Bi? Bi, Answer! what was that, Who the hell was there? You lied! evil friend! Park Biyeol answer!
- Liah gotta go talk to you later okay?
- LIAR ! Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?
- Boyfriend... HA! What a good joke! that is not dummy... That guy! it's not my boyfriend.
Damn! Jesus give me patience because I'm in a big problem!
- Listen Liah , is not what you think it is not my boyfriend is... a familiar who came to stay one season with me, you see he need to work and he decided to live with me here in Korea because he believes that it's easier to find work here !
- A familiar? I hear clearly you called him Luhan! That's not Korean, don't lie to me!
- Is... It's because...is he...
- I am Chinese !
- It's Chinese? Bi, is he cute, how old is he, has a girlfriend, he likes foreign girls?
- AGH ! Liah, if you want to meet me at the coffee! Tomorrow at 3o' clock! Not a minute later because I have classes, arasso? Same place! 
- If you take that cute with you! i'm ok with that!
- NO!
- Share your cute Chinese cousin!
- I even don't know if he is my cousin, well anyway, I love silly sleep well!
- It's not eve bedtime!
- I don't care idiot! Go to sleep!
- Yah! Biyeol you're so rude !
- You still love me ! Bye bye~
hello subscribers!! ^^
remember that I talked to you about the long chapter?
good! so here begins a part of this great chapter
This is very small (really sorry, it is not so easy to write, edit and translate)
So don't worry my little soon and I'll give you the whole entire chapter (for parts lol)
hope you like this little "chapter" :3 thanks for support and see'ya later!
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Chapter 6: update update update :)
Chapter 5: Yay 루 한 yay
Chapter 4: Sehun defenitly sehun
NaddyNadiah #4
Chapter 3: Update sooon~~
Chapter 3: Hi I love it you gotta update more
Iluvkpop15 #6
Iluvkpop15 #7
YOU GOTTA UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iluvkpop16 #8
Iluvkpop16 #9
update soon ;D it so greattt ~!