Our first met

My Rococo Doll

-Bi let's hang out. She said to me with a big smile

- I don't want to

-Oh! come on it's the rose day! we have to hang out! 

-That's the reason i don't want to hang out!

-Park Biyeol! don't be rude, come on! just come with me please! She said to me pouting.

-Liah! i don't want, i don't like this day, it's so...sad, for me! i don't have anyone. I yelled her.

-Me also! but that' doesn't meant that you have to being bitter. She yelled at me

-Sorry Liah i don't want to go... i said sadly

-Please! She said to me with a aegyo face

-Ough! ok...

It's 4th of May in South Korea, that means that's 'THE ROSE DAY' the rose day is a habit here in South Korea to give roses for the people you love/like or a special someone. My name is Park Biyeol i'm an americankorean girl who's exchange student. My parents are koreans and that's the reason i went to south korea, they said that i have to learn more about my culture. My best friend is liah, she's smart, beautiful, talkative and she's a model of spain (yes, she's from Spain) and this is me, a smart, boyish, dork, boring girl. 

http://data.whicdn.com/images/15729545/tumblr_lsm48jwuBB1r4qegho1_500_large.jpg ('a picture of Liah') 

http://data.whicdn.com/images/1879333/tumblr_l0hl339D3P1qza6kro1_500_large.png ('a picture of Biyeol')

-Look Bi! there's a pretty store! let's get in

-An Antique Doll store?

We went to the shop and started to look around, i don't really like this place, too creepy for me.

-Excuse me Ahjumma, can i see that doll! it's beautiful! 


-Of course you can, this is special, if you want to buy it maybe your special too. She said generously.


-Yah! Bi, you don't want any doll?

-No, thanks! 

-Aww then just look over there!

-I don't like this kind of dolls, they're scaring me

-Then, look for some that doesn't scare you. She said with a cute smile

-Aighs! ok...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oarsObBvWSk (play this song)

I started to look around the store, then something caught my atention. It was a box in a corner...i opened the box and saw a doll. But this was a different kind of doll. It was a boy, a pretty little boy in a box...my heart started to beat fast, something inside of me told me that i have to have it with me...something in the air starts to being beautiful, i have to own him...him? omg! i said HIM? like a person?...


-Oh Bi! he's beautiful! you want it? 

-Anny! i just...

-Ahjumma i want this too! 

-Oh! Him...he was here a really long time, nobody wanted to take him...he have something special, more special than the others...everyone said that he really looks like a boy, like a prince...everyone said "He's so special for me" and get other doll, the box say it everything..."Love"

-Love? what it means? i said to the ahjumma so confused.

-I really don't know but i think it's magic!

-Ow! that's so beautiful...so Bi you want it?

-Well i really...

-Yes, she wanted! i'll take it!

-Ok, just take care well of him, promise me that you're gonna take care well of him...

-Yes ahjumma i will do. A said it with a smile in my face...

I just don't know why, but this doll...it's different...it's like a...LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

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Chapter 6: update update update :)
Chapter 5: Yay 루 한 yay
Chapter 4: Sehun defenitly sehun
NaddyNadiah #4
Chapter 3: Update sooon~~
Chapter 3: Hi I love it you gotta update more
Iluvkpop15 #6
Iluvkpop15 #7
YOU GOTTA UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iluvkpop16 #8
Iluvkpop16 #9
update soon ;D it so greattt ~!