The Past



Few day past after the small accident occured. Myungsoo is still staying in the hospital. Myungsoo’s parents came once, but as a busy businessman and woman, they have to get back to Japan right after a day.  Sungyeol talked to them already, and they turst Sungyeol to take care of Myungsoo. He is Myungsoo’s schoolmate after all. Myungsoo’s friends came sometimes to visit, and Sungyeol would be waiting outside and came back after they left. Even when Sungyeol and Myungsoo aren’t that close ( they talked rarely ), Sungyeol is happy that Myungsoo doens’t reject Sungyeol’s affection towards Myungsoo. Sungyeol always take care of Myungsoo properly, he went home once or twice a day to take bath and some stuff. He was all happy because it’s still holiday and he can stay by Myungsoo’s side all day long, all night long. But for Myungsoo, it feels so lonesome even when Sungyeol’s here. Everyday he stares at the window, waiting for a certain person to come. But he never showed up after all. Seems like Sungjong doens’t care about him anymore.


It was just the time when the sun setting, and Sungyeol came back bringing 2 packs of rice-cake. He enters the room, and found Myungso ois sleeping soundly on his bed, looking pale and sweaty. It’s not hot in the room, and he knows something’s wrong with Myungsoo. He came closer to the younger boy, and hear Myungsoo whines. Myungsoo cried.. “ Jeong-Jeongie.. Jeongie... je-bal.. “ he said in his unpeaceful sleep.  Sungyeol’s heart arched. He decided to wake Myungsoo from his ‘Jeongie’ dream.

“ Myungsoo.. Myungsoo.. wake up “  Sungyeol shakes Myungsoo’s shoulder softly
“ Uh-uh huh.. H-hyung.. what is it ? “ The just-awake Myungsoo tried to sit up as the latter woke him up
“ I bought rice-cake.. let’s eat ! “ Sungyeol smiles, with his infamous gummy smile
“ Thanks hyung, how do you know that I’ve been craving for it ? “ Myungsoo smiles back, making the older blush slightly, rushing to hide his face

They both eat silently, because that’s the habit of Myungsoo. Sungyeol decided to break the silence.
“ Myungsoo, did you have a bad dream just now? “
“ Bad dream? I don’t think so, why hyung ? “  
“ You cried in your sleep. Calling for Jeongie Jeongie.. I was worried, and I woke you up “  
Myungsoo’s expression changed. At that time, Sungyeol regrets for asking such question.
“ Hyung.. do you know.. Jeongie ? “ Myungsoo stops eating, only looking down at his unfinised food
“ I guess... “
“ Do you want to hear my story? “ Myungsoo let out a bitter smile
“ Sure. I’ll always here to listen “
“ Sungjong.. or I should call Jeongie, I’m the only one who can call him that. He is an angel, don’t you know that? “ Myungsoo speaks, with a sweet smile on his face. Not knowing that the older is resisting himself from making sad face
“ He’s the cutest person I’ve ever met. He’s so sweet and pure, sincere and .. and .. how do I describe him... he’s perfect ! “


Almost a hour past, Myungsoo is still telling Sungyeol about Sungjong.
“ Once.. he fell from a see-saw and I have to carry him home with him clunching on my back. It was just, adorable... he’s not a kid anymore, but he play with that tiny see-saw. He then felt asleep on my back, resting his hair on the shoulder with his bangs brushed on my neck. Yes, it was ticklish but I love it. His smile, his thin feature, so weak and fragile. It’s like I can break him into pieces just by hugging him tight. “ Myungsoo take a deep breath, smiling.
“ He sounds like a nice boy “ Sungyeol smiles, even though he’s hurting, by looking at the sincere smile that Myungsoo had now, making his heart in peace already.
“ He is.. but.. now.. he... “ Myungsoo stops
“ He ? “
“ He.. h-he.. he’s gone “  Tears formed on Myungsoo’s eyes, ready to burst out
“ Where ? “ Sungyeol is too slow to digest the situation
“ He left hyung... he left me “ Myungsoo is now crying his lungs out. He’s not the type that cried easily, but people has their weak points.
Not knowing what to do, Sungyeol hugs Myungsoo, letting the younger cry on his chest ruining his brand new shirt.
“ H-hyung..*sob*  I’ll ruin you-your shirt *sob* “
“ Sshh.. it’s okay... just let it out.. I’m here “ Sungyeol said as he keep on hugging Myungsoo. When Myungsoo place his hands on Sungyeol’s hand to deepen the hug, the younger doesn’t notice that a singel tear escape from Sungyeol’s eye.

After more crying and calming, Myungsoo finally stops crying but still sobbing.
“ Hyung *sob* can I *sob* ask you *sob* something ? “
“ Sure.. Anything “
“ Do you ever feel.. love ? “ Myungsoo’s sob stops as he asked the question, who shocked the elder. After a quick decision making, Sungyeol shocks his head.
“ I see. . . “ Myungsoo sigh, then positioning himself back to the bed
“ Hyung, I’ll be sleeping again. Thanks for the rice-cake. It was delicious “
“ Sure. I’ll be outside if you need something “ Sungyeol said, as he proceed to walk outside.



“ I-I’m home “ Sungyeol enters the apartment slowly, looking forward for his boyfriend to come. It’s his boyfriend apartment that he moved in when he is in 3rd year of high school. At first, he was so in love and when his boyfriend asked him to move in, he was so happy. Living alone in a small apartment was lonely. His family was afar, and he’s so thankful that he has his boyfriend to stay with him. But as time pass, he changed. He is not the same boyfriend he had.
“ YAH! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IS IT ?! “ He hear his boyfriend shout from the kitchen
“ I’m so-sorry, Joon. . I bought pork on my way home… and.. and.. the line was long “ Sungyeol shuttered a bit.
“ PORK? BULL !! YOU CAN BE ANYWHERE AND FLIRT WITH RANDOM GUYS ON YOUR WAY HOME !! “ Sungyeol shut his eyes, holding his tears back. He founds his boyfriend sitting on the kitchen with 2 empty bottle on the table, and the other half-filled bottle on his hand. He drank again; Sungyeol thought.
“ A-ani.. I was really b-buy-ing pork for dinner “ Sungyeol lower his head, moving to the corner of the room. He’s afraid of his own boyfriend
“ I see. . . I don’t want that! That Pork must be cheap and rotten !! GO AND BUY ME BEEF YOU DAMN USELESS BOYFRIEND !! “ Joon shouts, as he pointed at Sungyeol who is now trembling of fear
“ N-ne “ Sungyeol drop the pork, then walk lifelessly towards the door to buy beef. Just then, strong hands grab his shoulder and pull him into a hug. Sungyeol tears stopped, and he smiles. He’s going to apologize to me. He regrets it, he said that only because he was drunk and stress out. That’s all. He loves you, Lee Sungyeol! 
“ Do you think I will just let you go so you can flirt around again, huh? “ Joon whispers. Sungyeol’s smile fades as he hears that. How could he said that?
“ No.. I won’t cheat on you, Joon ! I wont ! “
“ LIAR !! DON’T YOU DARE TO LIE TO ME! YOU STUPID ! “ Joon slaps Sungyeol righ on the face, making the latter fell to the ground. Sungyeol then felt his stomach being kicked hard.
“ S-stop ! Please ! “ Sungyeol cry as he receive more punches and kicks from his boyfriend.
“ TAKE THAT !! SPOILED BRAT !! THIS IS YOUR PUNISHMENT !! “ Joon give his last hard kick to Sungyeol, as his phone rings
“ Hello? Ah..Mir.. you need a company? Sure, be right there “ Joon smirks trough the phone
He take a look at his now bruised and mess boyfriend. Lying on the floor, hiding his face with his weak hands and trembling, crying like no tomorrow.
“ Look at yourself. Pathetic “
Joon grabs his jacket and wallet, leaving to meet whoever he want to meet.
“ Don’t you dare to step out from this place, or you’ll get more than this. I should’ve beat you to death “ The icy stare Joon gave, make Sungyeol shivers and trembles even more.
Sungyeol can’t tell anyone about this. If someone know, they would probably call the cops and they will take Joon away. Joon is a short-tempered, abusive, and scary boyfriend. But Sungyeol loved him. He’s a fool drowns in love. How many times Joon land punches, Sungyeol will take it, even it hurts… Sungyeol loves him.
Not long after Sungyeol moved with Joon, his parents and friends notice the drastic change in Sungyeol. He’s lifeless, his grades drop, he lost his smiles and his bright side. He is like a zombie who always saying that he’s ok.
Soon, his friends caught Joon in action and call his parents. Joon was arrested for brutal action, while Sungyeol was being taken care for depression and mental shock. It wasn’t that bad, but Sungyeol become mute and lock himself in his room for the entire semester.
A year passed and Sungyeol is over Joon already. He decided to move back to Seoul to re-take his last year of Senior High in different school. His parents bought him a house and his old friends always tried to keep in touch with him. Everything was back to normal.


His first day at the first school, bringing lots of book in his hand to be placed in the locker. A guy bumped to him and drops all the books.
“ M-mian.. I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking. Let me help you “ He bends down and help Sungyeol picking up the mess.
“ T-thank you “
“ Sure. Hey, My name is Kim Myungsoo. You’re the new student! Nice to meet you “ Myungsoo smiles
At that moment, Sungyeol knew that he felt ‘that’ thing again.. Love… but this is love at the first sight, and it was beautiful
“ Lee Sungyeol “
“ Ok then.. see ya ! .. Wait.. Jeongie !! Wait for mee !!! “ Myungsoo then runs away
“ K-kim.. Myungsoo “ Sungyeol smiles



Sungyeol is sitting on a bench under the tree, with a now cold coffee on his hand. Dry tears can be seen on his cheeks. 







I'm back after the BAD incident !! >.<)/

So, this chapt isn't perfecty same with the last one, but has the same brief meaning. This is longer than the original, and I still think that the chap that was deleted, was better than this. But anyway, I'll let go of the past. 

Enjoy my story !
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ukissme1991 #1
please update >.<
strafield #2
Chapter 4: Just found this story ~

I love it ♥ what should i do ? :D

I guest i'd just wait for the next , please update ;))
This is great! I can't wait for your next update!
(Fan-Girl mode activated) Myunggie-ah, if you dare break Sungyeol's heart.. it won't be the only thing that'll be broken...
Just a kind reminder that blood will be shed... and it'll be yours. (Fan-girl mode deactivated)
I love Myungyeol!!!
Chapter 4: this story is nice. it'd also be nice if you update this.
frigginonkeyeol #5
why you are not update this story??
it's good..hehehe
Poor Seungyeol :s
Update when u can,please :D
what a bad past.. poor yeollie :(
Is Myungsoo asking Sungyeol to pretend to be his boyfriend or something? O.o
ally-chan #9
okay, the last one was confusing.
update soon~
Cassie_Prima #10
I dunno what about the other one but this one is good