The Reason


Myungsoo POV

Do I look good today? I think so. I just can't wait to meet Jeongie again. The whole week he's been avoiding me. I don't even remember doing something bad. Whatever, I'm going to make it up for him, somehow. Checking myself on the mirror, I notice it's 30 minutes before our date in the usual park. I took my wallet and phone, getting ready and ride my motorcycle to pick up Sungjong. 


Unknown person POV

I was just reading a text book in my room, when I heard a motorcycle engine is being . I rushed to peek trough my pink curtain. It's Myungsoo with his motorcycle again. Is he going to pick up his boyfriend again? I always admired him, but a person like me with Myungsoo? I heard his boyfriend is a diva or something. Like no way he'll even look at my direction. No Way




Myungsoo POV

Once I reach Sungjong's house, I ran directly to the door. Eh, I forgot to mention that I stops at a local flower shop to buy him flowers. Any yellow flowers, he'll love it ! I push the bell, and I can hear the bell ringing slightly. " Ne, be right there ~ " My angel has spoken his words. I chuckle. His voice is like a melody in my ears and when he calls my name, it feels like heaven to me. A while, he opens the door revealing his beauty himself. Not wanting to take more time, I took him the our date destination. The park, where there are lots of ice creams and people selling sweets. He loves that.

Like the other dates, we would eat ice cream, watching children play and laugh along with their cuteness ( he's the cutest though ) 
But something bothers him at the moment. Well, I notice that his expression will change when I said ' I love you ' why ?




" Jeongie, what's wrong? " Myungsoo stoke Sungjong's hair, while the younger still eating his ice cream with stiff expression
" Hyung, I have something to tell you " Sungjong said, throwing the rest of his unfinished ice cream to the bin. Myungsoo flinched a bit, he really hate it when food goes waste
" Sure Spill it all out " 
" Let's broke up " Myungsoo froze. Sungjong's words was so quick, deep, and sharp.

" Jeongie, what's wrong? Tell me " Myungsoo tried to calm himself. This is not the first time Sungjong said something like this in their 2 year relationship. Usually he came out, blurting about breaking up out of silliest reason. Being the calm Myungsoo, he always get things done and everything's ok
" Let's just not seeing each other " Sungjong said, his words was hard like a rock
" Please don't be like this, Jeongie-ah.. I'm sure we can solve things " said Myungsoo, with his sweet and warm tone, Sungjong's hair
" Now, just tell me what's wro- " 
" THAT'S THE PROBLEM HYUNG !! " Sungong suddenly yells, shocked Myungsoo
" Jeo-..-ng " 
" But-but, I thought everything was alright. . we were doing fine " Myungsoo realize, that now it's not the other time. Sungjong has a serious reason. something that make sense. His face turns pale, and he can't hide it with his so-he-called-calmness anymore. 
" Look. Hyung..I'm sorry, it just.. our relationship was too perfect. This is the relationship many couple dream off. I'm one of those who's not. You are really sweet and caring guy. I'm so lucky to had you. But, a relationship which has nothing in it.. it felt empty hyung... I lost the feeling of excitement and I love the feeling of loving you.. This relationship is too perfect, and I want to end it " 
Myungsoo take a step back, not sure of what should he say. 
" Hyung.. hyung.. look at me. You are a great boyfriend and I never met someone like you. It just, sorry.. I don't love you anymore. I know I hurt you, but please understand me " Said Sungjong, shade a tears from his own face



Unknown Person POV

I was bored studying all day long. The final exam is far from near but I need to catch up. Just for relaxing myself, I take a step outside the house and walk around in front of the door. Just then, I hear a sound of a crash. I take a look and notice it's Myungsoo with his motorcycle. Crashing out of nowhere in the empty street. I run to him and thank god his motorcycle didn't fell on him. 

" Myungsoo! Oh My Gosh, are you ok? "

" Uugh.. " He cried.. Jeongie? did he mean Sungjong his boyfriend?

People gather and try to help. He slips off somehow and fell on himself. But he didn't seriously injured. I took him to the hospital, he was knocked off. 


I look at the sleeping figure beside me. I got his parents number from the school staff, they are in Japan. All of his family. I told them I'm his schoolmate and neighbor. They knew me, I visit there twice or more.. but Myungsoo never notice my presence. 
" Myungsoo... what happen to you? " I asked, not expecting for an answer
He is so beautiful when he's asleep. His closed eyes, relaxed face, even a bit of sadness on his face. What's wrong ? 

When I'm about to take water, a hand grab mine.

" Jeongie.. Jeongie... " He cried in his sleep. . 

Jeongie ? Is it him that always in his head? 

" Myungsoo.. I'm not Jeongie " I said softly, but shockingly he wakes up

" Who-who are you ? " He shocked, but answer in soft voice

" I'm not Jeongie.. my name is Sungyeol.. Lee Sungyeol... " I said, smiling, even my heart feel like bitterly right now 




This is just a short chappie about Myungjong.. now that Sungjong is out of the fic ( sorry Sungjong's fans.. he's a minor here ) the next chap is going to tell you about everything !!  ( not really )

This is not a very long fics, but subscribers are loved

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ukissme1991 #1
please update >.<
strafield #2
Chapter 4: Just found this story ~

I love it ♥ what should i do ? :D

I guest i'd just wait for the next , please update ;))
This is great! I can't wait for your next update!
(Fan-Girl mode activated) Myunggie-ah, if you dare break Sungyeol's heart.. it won't be the only thing that'll be broken...
Just a kind reminder that blood will be shed... and it'll be yours. (Fan-girl mode deactivated)
I love Myungyeol!!!
Chapter 4: this story is nice. it'd also be nice if you update this.
frigginonkeyeol #5
why you are not update this story??
it's good..hehehe
Poor Seungyeol :s
Update when u can,please :D
what a bad past.. poor yeollie :(
Is Myungsoo asking Sungyeol to pretend to be his boyfriend or something? O.o
ally-chan #9
okay, the last one was confusing.
update soon~
Cassie_Prima #10
I dunno what about the other one but this one is good