Chapter 2

One-sided love story

-Chorong POV-

I woke up in the morning to find Bomi not there. I panicked and looked around. Where can she be?

"Rong~~~ Wake up! It's time to go now." Bomi said.

"Bomi, I don't have school." I said lazily.

"Oh, yeah you already finished." Bomi said. She ran out of the house. Probably to go to school.

"Chorong! Wake up! Time for work!" Sica Unnie yelled.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said. I ran to the bathroom and rushed to get to work. I walked in and noticed Suho there.

"Suho, want me to show you around?" I asked him.

"That would be nice Noona." Suho said. I showed him where he would go since he is in my team.

"Here is our place to work. If you need me, I am in there." I said. I pointed to the room that Sica Unnie gave me since I work better in silence.

"Thanks Noona, I really need this job so my brothers can go to school." Suho said. He went to his desk. I walked to my room. I opened up my laptop. I began writing about the new issues that happened until I got a text.

Bomi: Unnie, I will come home late....

She's coming home late again?! Who is this person she is hanging with?

Rong~: Why?

Bomi: I have to do something. pls cover me, Sica Unnie will be mad again and I don't want her too.

Rong~: If you don't want her too, then come home. This is the last time!

Bomi: pls? I have a meeting and I can't and won't cancel it.

Rong~: Fine, this is the last time.

Where can she go? There was a knock on the door.

"Chorong, did you finish the work yet?" Sica Unnie asked.

"No, Miss Jung. I will do it now." I said.

"What's up? You usually do your work." Sica Unnie said.

"Actually  I was texting someone. I'll get straight to work." I said.

"You miss her." Sica Unnie said.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" I asked her. 

"You like  Yoon Bomi." Sica Unnie said.

"No, what are you talking about? She is my hoobae and that is it!" I replied to her.

"See, look at that the first thing in liking someone is when they are brought up if they like them they refuse it obviously. You like her!" Sica Unnie claimed. I heard a knock on the door. Thank you~

"Noona? I need help." Suho said. He came in with his work he started. He looked up and saw Jessica. He bowed to her and went to me.

"The thing is, Joonmyun right?" Sica Unnie asked him. He quickly looked up and was scared when he met her eyes.

"Yes?" Suho replied uncertainly.

"Next time if you clearly see that someone is talking to someone it's called DON'T INTERRUPT IT!" Sica Unnie lectured him. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Yes, Boss." He said. He quickly gathered his things and ran out.

"Miss Jung, you could have did that without the eyes." I commented on her lecture.

"The eyes is what emphasizes it. I need things to be done quick since we have issues coming out." Sica Unnie said.

"Okay Miss Jung I will do my best." I told her. She went out of the office. She needs to learn to not yell at our employees. Maybe that is why we only have a few  permanent and some temporary. I got back to my article. A few minutes later Taeyeon Unnie came in.

"I need you to do an interview with the model. He is waiting downstairs in the studio." Taeyeon Unnie said.

"Okay." I said. I rushed to put all my stuff in my bag. 

"Remember to drag Suho along, he needs experience." Taeyeon said and left right after. I went out of the office and spotted Suho.

"Suho, come we need to do an interview." I told him. I went to his space and dragged him downstairs. Knowing models they hate waiting. We arrived on time.

"Hello, you are late I see?" a guy asked me.

"Sorry, I was just informed. You are Sehun-shi right?" I asked him.

"Yes that is me." Sehun said.

"Sehun? Is that you Oh Sehun?" Suho asked the guy.

"Yes? Hyung!" Sehun said.

"I guess you can do this without me then. Come with the results in my office later. I will give you 30 minutes." I told Suho and ran off to my office. I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I said.

"This is Yoona. Can you tell your sister to hurry it up and come to the studio? I have another schedule to do." Yoona said.

"Okay, I'll call her right now." I told her. I dialed my sister's number.

"Unnie, Yoona is in the studio. She has another schedule so hurry." I told her. I ended the call. I got back to my article about new stars rising. Exactly 30 minutes later Suho came in.

"Here is the results of the interview.  By the way Sehun is one of my friends." Suho said. He went out of the room. I typed away with the article finished by the end of the day. I was about to walk out of the office area for Journalism until Suho popped out of nowhere.

"Can I take you home?" Suho asked.

"It's fine Suho, I have a ride with the boss." I told him.

"Okay, but tomorrow I will take you home. Bye." Suho said. He left. I found my way into Sica Unnie's office.

"Sica Unnie? Are you in there?" I asked.

"In here! I just finished work. Come in." Sica Unnie said. I walked into her office. I looked around her office and she had pictures of us in the sorority. I smiled at the thought of being important to someone. She came out and we left the office immediately. We walked in the dorm.

"Diner is done!" Hyoyeon said. I walked to the dining room.

"Just got back on time huh?" Sica Unnie said. I nodded my head.

"Where is Bomi-Unnie?" Namjoo asked.

"She is doing a study group so she will be back pretty late since they are eating also." I told Naeun.

"Oh, but i thought Unnie-" Namjoo started. I quickly put my hand over and smiled like everything was fine.

"Let's just eat." I said. We finished eating. I volunteered to do the dishes. 

"Can I help?" Sica Unnie asked.

"Yes, here." I said. I handed her a pair of gloves.

"As I said at the company, you like someone right now." Sica Unnie said. I looked over at her. She was rinsing the soap off the dishes.

"What if I do?" I asked her.

"I was just curious, you are always distracted when I am with you." Sica Unnie said.

"It's just a crush. Once it develops, I will personally tell you." I told her. We were almost done with the dishes when someone came in.

"Are you guys done yet? We are all waiting at the living room." Tiffany said.

"Sorry, we are almost done." I told her. I put the last dish in the cabinet and we left to the living room. Tiffany Unnie was counting people if they were here and of course Bomi wasn't there. I got a text.

Bomi: I am at the front gate. Open it.

I walked to the button and let her in. I walked back to the living room.

"Is it Bomi?" Seohyun asked.

"Yeah, I just let her in." I told her.

"I think she has a boyfriend." Yuri said.

"Boyfriend? Why would she?" Sunny suggested.

"Just a thought. She is never home." Yuri said.

"Yeah, maybe Chorongie is lying for her." Tiffany said.

"Lying? My sister? She can't even lie to me." Taeyeon said. That was half-true.

"Do any of you guys know?" Sooyoung asked the younger girls.

"Not really, she doesn't say anything  to us anymore." Yookyung said.

"Oh I almost forgot, my sister is coming here because my father wants me to watch over her." Jessica said.

"Chorong-ah, I found out that Suho actually lives close to here. He lives with 11 other guys." Taeyeon said.

"You knew that and you never told me? He asked me if I needed a lift home and thought he lived far so I declined." I said

"He asked you if he can take you home?!" Taeyeon screamed.

"Don't worry. We are just colleagues. Nothing more." I explained to my sister. The door opened and Bomi came in.

"Your home?" Seohyun asked her sister.

"Yeah, Unnie. I am sorry I came home late." Bomi said. She bowed to her.

"You have something to tell us right?" Sica Unnie asked with her glare.

"Yeah, uhmm I have a boyfriend. His name is No Minwoo." Bomi said. My heart stopped and that was the end of the sweet Park Chorong...........




 for the wait

I had trouble waiting this but here it goes

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Chapter 3: One sided love story is the title, so I guess this is an angst of Chorong’s unrequited love. Hmm, here’s my take on an imagined continuation to this unfinished piece!

Chorong comes to terms with her feelings and heartbreak for Bomi, only now realising how much she loves her when Bomi loves and is dating someone else. Chorong feels upset around Bomi and their friendship goes on the rocks with Bomi not understanding why. Chorong requests to sleep elsewhere and they stop being roommates.

The dorm girls find out about Chorong’s heartbreak due to this changed behaviour. It’s obvious to everyone but Bomi who’s oblivious to why everyone isn’t happy for her relationship anymore (hence the Bomi quote in the fic description)
thedevil08 #2
Chapter 3: Update please, this is a good story.
keithmendoza #3
Chapter 3: Author why are you not updating a story?? your story is really good
will there be update? the story is good
Taeny4everinlove #5
Chapter 3: oh em gee .. this is good . please update soon . poor rong rong
Chapter 3: aww poor chorongie T.T i hope bomi will realize soon, update soon :P
yoongkuma #7
Chapter 3: update soon..
Chapter 3: I love it ~ please update soon
layicorn #9
Chapter 3: Great story! Update soon!!!