Chapter 2

Twisted into Love


Well I had about just enough and walked towards him trying to pull him off the couch, but instead I landed on top of him, our noses touching each others, faces centimeters apart.
Why did he have to pull me on top of him? Why, why, why?
Awkward, Hell yeah it was.
“Kim Jaejoong let me go before I kick you in the balls” and by saying that he threw me on the floor.
“You know you could‘ve done it gently?” I said to him rubbing my , “Ouch”.
“Well, I didn‘t want to risk my babies” he laughed.
“Babies my ” I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his tongue back out at me.
“You guys make such a perfect couple” Yunho looked up and laughed.
“Ewww oppa, stop thinking things like that” I said as I made an icky face, “Yeah man, no way in hell would I date Donghae‘s sister” Jaejoong commented.
“Is that a insult, Jaejoong?” I asked him, offended.
“Well, yes, yes, it is” He smirked.
I threw the rag on the floor, “I had enough of his B*llsh*t!” I yelled at him and ran out of Changmin’s property.
_______ threw the rag on the floor, “I had enough of his B*llsh*t!” _______ yelled at me and ran out of Changmin’s property.
I never knew she would get that mad at me, I thought she was used to all that teasing stuff.
Sorry _____, maybe I did go far this time, I thought about it.
“Way to go oppa” Yoona said and Taeyeon nodded along with Yuri.
“You at least could’ve been nice to her” Sunny stated.
“Yeah, It’s 2011 already” Tiffany also said.
“How about changing , and trying to be nice to _______ once in a while, I mean after all she is your dongsaeng” Jessica gave him advice.
“Fine I’ll go after her” I said and went out the door.
 I yelled at him and ran out of Changmin’s property and went to the nearest park.
Gosh, I was freezing when I sat down on the bench, and thought about the things Jaejoong said to me earlier.
“Yeah man, no way in hell would I date Donghae‘s sister” Jaejoong commented.
I sighed and rubbed my arms for warmth, maybe I did overreact a bit. But hey can you blame a girl for being too sensitive, I mean it comes naturally, okay, now that’s a song.
And why am I talking to myself, is this normal? Oh well at least it’s not out loud right? Just inner thoughts, just inner thoughts. Okay now I’m freaking myself out.
I was about to stand up and go back when I felt something warm on my cheek. I turned right and saw a cup of hot caramel coffee, I could tell by the smell. But who would give this to me? 
I looked up and my eyes widened, “Jaejoong…”
When I got outside it was freezing cold, then I notice ________ wasn’t wearing a jacket when she ran out, so I decided to go get hot coffee for us two then find her and maybe talk about this mess. Who knew I had a soft heart, wait, am I questioning myself? Oh well at least it’s not out loud, right?
I ran in different directions just to find ________. I stopped at the park and saw a familiar figure with her back facing me. _______? I thought.
Once I walked up to her closer, I realized it was _______, she was rubbing her arms for warmth.
I noticed she was about to stand up so I quickly pressed the cup of now warm coffee onto her cheek.
She turned and looked at it at first, realizing it was her favorite, then she looked up at me, with widened eyes.
“Jaejoong…” she said and looked down.
‘Cute’ I thought. “Yeah, it‘s me, why? Who did you expect it to be?” I questioned her.
“Someone nice” she murmured, I heard nice and clear.
“Look, I‘m sorry Jaejoong”  
“Look, I‘m sorry _______” We said in unison.
“Huh? Why are you sorry, I mean, okay, but shouldn’t I be the one to sorry, I was kinda harsh back there you know” I looked at her curiously.
“I over reacted a bit” she replied and looked at me with her swollen Bambi eyes, that’s where I realized, she broke down, God Jaejoong you went way over board.
“No, I’m sorry ______, I’ve been a bastard oppa to you lately” I said to her sincerely.
“It’s okay oppa” She said smiling.
“I‘ll try to change _______, so you‘re calling me oppa now too?” I stated at her comment, it’s not that I didn’t like it, I loved how she called me oppa, uh-oh, what am I saying? Snap out off it Jaejoong.
“Why you don’t like it? I could just call--”
“No, it‘s absolutely fine” I smiled at her and finished my coffee.
2nd chapter finished, 3rd chapter ready to do.
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fishymah #1
aww. thanks :)<br />
i will :)
sunny and changmin cute <3 !! i like it <br />
keep updating ! ;)
MeepLubMeep #3 reader here...nice fic...keep updating..^^