Chapter 1

Twisted into Love


“YAH!~ LEE _______, You get back inside this classroom this instant” Mr. Koe our Geometry teacher yelled. I sighed, “Fine Mr. Koe but if I get the correct answer on the board I can skip class” I said smirking with confidence.
“Fine then Miss Lee, let’s see if you can get the correct answer, SINCE YOU HAVEN‘T BEEN LISTENING TO MY CLASS SINCE THE FIRST DAY AFTER WINTER BREAK!” Mr. Lee technically yelled at me in front of the whole class, nu-uh, he did just do that, I thought.
“Well Mr. Koe, I’ll guess I start” I said slightly embarrassed but with confidence.
I heard the es whisper that I couldn’t do it, oh yeah, I’ll show you asses.
I started solving the problem, wait, the equation for the sum of angles?? I thought this was a solving problem, well this made it wayyyyyyy easier.
“(n-1)180 over n” I said confidently grinning at Mr. Koe knowing I was right, Ha I thought take that!
“Correct Miss Lee, well a deal is a deal, you may go out now” Mr. Koe said disappointed that I got it correct.
I walked to the door of the classroom but turned back around and walked again to the podium, “Miss Lee I said-”, “Mr. Koe, next time don’t under estimate girls, they hate it” I smiled at him and walked off to my girlies in the ‘I thought so empty cafeteria.’
I walked up the stairs to our table looking up to see the Five Kingka‘s, yeah I bet you guys know them by now, Kim Junsu, Shim Changmin, Micky Yoochun, Jung Yunho, and the last but not least DoofFace Kim Jaejoong. I sighed seeing them but I just ignored them, going to our table with Jessica, Taeyeon, Yoona, Yuri, Sunny, and Tiffany.
“Well, well, if it isn‘t the hottest since birth Lee _______” Tiffany smiled at me and I laughed. “ Well, isn’t it the hottest in the world” I replied back. 
“___________ ~~~” the girls said and gave me a hug.
“How come you were late today?” Jessica asked me, I looked at her and sighed.
“Problem getting out of class huh?”  Yuri said knowingly. “Pretty much” and laughed.
“Oh well, it’s all good now, so where to go now to today?” Taeyeon asked and I looked at them and shrugged.
“Changminnie oppa is going to have a party at his house today, we could help them get ready, I mean it doesn’t start until 6 o’clock” Sunny suggested, she was going out with Changmin, he was a good guy you know, it’s just that, nah~ forget about it.
“No way I’m going” I said surely that I would not go. “C’mon ________” Sunny begged me, I looked at her then the girls, “Fine, the things I do you for you guys” I sighed.
“You love us either way” Yoona grinned and I laughed along with the others. “Are you guys coming or what?” The Jung Yunho said.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah” I got up and walked to their cars.
When we got to the parking lot, each DBSK member got into their own cars, pfft~ show offs, if I just brought my car to school, but no, my best friend Jung Yunho had to pick me up, oh yeah forgot to mention that, sorry peeps.
Sunny rode with Changmin since it was only a two seat car, Yoona and Yuri rode with Yoochun, Tiffany rode with Yunho, Taeyeon rode with Junsu (they are a couple also), and lastly I had to ride with Kim Jaejoong.
“Hurry up will you Lee _______” Jaejoong said teasing me, I hated how he would use my full name. 
“Oh, he speaks” you laughed and high-fived Yunho before getting into the passenger seat next to Jaejoong.
We went off to Changmin’s house and started cooking while the others were cleaning up and others were just laying on the couch doing NOTHING.
“Kim Jaejoong, will you move you off that couch and help us?” I taunting him.
“Make me, Lee ______” he smirked. 
Well I had about just enough and walked towards him trying to pull him off the couch, but instead I landed on top of him, our noses touching each others, faces centimeters apart.
Why did he have to pull me on top of him? Why, why, why?
Awkward, Hell yeah it was.
So how did you guys like the first chapter ?
Don’t worry I’ll try to update soon J
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fishymah #1
aww. thanks :)<br />
i will :)
sunny and changmin cute <3 !! i like it <br />
keep updating ! ;)
MeepLubMeep #3 reader here...nice fic...keep updating..^^