Chapter 3

The Taste of Chanyeol's Summer



Working in EXO Hotel, probably, was the best decision my mum and I have ever decided. Just the other day, I had a chance to talk to the President itself, Park Chanyeol.

And just now, I got the chance to meet SNSD! They checked in this Hotel just now because they have a concert held in the nearby building and I'm the one who’s in charge with taking them to their rooms and I even got an autograph from Taeyeon-noona! *cough* I spazzed too much, but yeah, I’m a big SNSD fan, that’s why.

My shift ended smoothly and this day. I said good bye to my co-workers and decided to head back to my usual afternoon routine, which is reading. It’s a good thing that I brought books with me because I’m going to die with boredom for two whole months without doing anything. One of my favourite places in this hotel is the Sanctuary Garden. It’s the perfect place for those who want to relax and have some quiet time. 

But on my way to the Sanctuary Garden, I saw, none other than, President Park Chanyeol, strolling around the hotel.

“Why do I bump to you whenever I have free time?”

“Uhm. Gee. I don’t know. Maybe because I’m the President of this Hotel, that’s why.”

I chuckled and replied “Oh yeah. But aren’t you supposed to be busy doing all the maintaining stuff?”

He corrected himself with a dorky smile and added, “Acting-President.”


“You just finished your shift, right?” He asked.

I raised one of my eyebrows and asked him again, “How did you know my shift?”

President.” was his immediate reply blowing his cheeks again, holding his laughter.

I nodded once more and replied, “Right, right. Yes. I just finished now. Why? Does the president need something from me?”

“I want to go out, and I want you to be my guide as I want to go and wander around the commoner’s supermarket.” This whole role-playing thing is killing me. I couldn’t hold myself and I burst out laughing. He laughed with me as well, scrunching his nose and half winking his eyes.

“But Chanyeol, I’m not allowed to go out.” I suddenly remembered.

He sighed once more and gave me this, you-don’t-get-this-do-you?-look.

When I finally realised what he meant with that look, I nodded and in unison we both exclaimed “President.”


“Man, it’s so lucky being a President.”

“Nope. Not really.” He shrugged, and added “…If I’m lucky I shouldn’t be asking one of my employees to accompany me to some crowded place.”

Right. He has an image to maintain. I may not have the money, but I’ve got a lot of free time to kill. I can go to places freely. And I have friends to come with me wherever I go. Too much money can hurt someone, like Chanyeol. He has to stay with his father all the time. He can’t go to public places like we do. He does not have lot of friends to play with. He’s probably really lonely.

“Wait a minute.” An invisible question mark popped at the top of my head. “How are you gonna go out? People will know you.”

He eyes widened like his eyeballs are going to fall out and smiled with all his teeth showing and  replied, “Don’t worry, I’ve got this under control.” He showed me this paper bag he brought and guess what’s inside, a wig. Not just a wig, a woman’s wig.

I mentally hit him in the head. “What’s that, Chanyeol?”

“A wig! For disguise.” Obviously, he didn’t get my sarcasm.

“Yeah, but it’s a woman’s wig.” I sighed and shook my head. He is really just a boy.


We arrived to our destination. Luckily I persuaded him not to wear that horrible wig in public. But I swear to God it’s not that easy!  

“Why can’t I wear this wig?”

“Chanyeol, look at that wig. Have you tried it on?”

“Of course and it looks perfect on me.”


“Why nooooot???? I bought it in such an expensive price!”

“Oh my God! Are you serious?!”

“So, I can wear the wig now?”

“No. Never. Not when you’re with me.”


He sulked in the corner for a moment, and I explained everything about it is not normal in “our” world to see a random stranger looking like that. I am not going out in public with someone who’s wearing a wig like that. What if he suddenly shows his teeth and huge eyes? I swear it’s going to be a huge disaster. Seriously, this boy is such a kid.

“I still want to try that wig, Byun Baekhyun, why won’t you let me try it on…stupid, Byun Baekhyun.” I heard him murmuring with his deep low voice as we started walking through the entrance. For disguise, I gave him a lens-less spectacles and made him wear a cap. It works perfectly well, since he looks different, waaaay different, in person.

“Where do you want to go first, Pre-, Chanyeollie~” I almost spilled the beans luckily I’m fast enough to change his name into something…ridiculous.

But before he could answer my question I saw him fleeing into a candy store. He turned and shouted “What are you doing, Baekhyun?! Let’s go! Let’s go!”  signalling me to enter the store with him.


“OOOOOH. This one looks yummy!” “ooohh! That one too.” “My goodness, what is thiiiiis.” I can see rainbows emitting from Chanyeol’s mouth. He’s too engrossed with all the goodness he is seeing inside the store. But it does look promising.

“I’ve decided!” He suddenly exclaimed, putting both his hands on his waist, acting like a big boss. The store lady just looked at her curiously.

“I’m going to buy this s-“ I managed to shut him off before he could finish his sentence. I grabbed him my hand and put my palms against his mouth.


“Chanyeol, a commoner don’t just buy the store just because he likes everything in it!” I half whispered, half yelled at him still covering his mouth.



He struggled and I realized that I’m still covering his mouth. “Sorry.”

“Byun Baekhyun! How dare you do that to me! I am Par-“

But because he kept on babbling out those confidential stuff he’s supposed to be hiding, I have no choice but to cover his mouth again.

“Yes, yes… I’m sorry, but now is not the right time to act all high and mighty. Okay?” I whispered again. He then nodded and I released my hand.

“Sorry.” He muttered. But his eyes were glistening like a lost puppy. He really wants to try all the food inside the store.

I sighed as I grabbed one of the plastic bags, “I’m going to teach you how to buy these stuff so listen carefully, okay?”


“WOOOOAAAAH! They’re so many and we didn’t have to buy the whole store!” He happily exclaimed as he held tightly on his, I don’t know, ten bags of assorted candies and sweets.

I snorted and let him devour and enjoy his candies.

“Where are we going next?” He munches and looked at me with the eager to go to another miraculous place.

“Hmmm.” I pondered for a moment but I think it took me so long to think because the next thing I knew, he’s entering, a dollar shop.

“Why are all these stuff… cheap?”

“It’s because they doesn’t last that long. They’re more of quantity than quality.” I explained looking around. There aren’t much people that time.

“Aaaah.” as he roamed around the store. 

I let him wander around the store for a moment. He looked so curious and puzzled most of the time, and as he tries to discover new things, he gave this satisfying look.

“Did you find anything interesting?”

“They are all interesting.” he said. “Baekhyun-ah, tell me something about yourself, why do you need a job?” I blinked at him and took me a while to answer.

“Why do you suddenly want to know something about me?” Though I already know the answer I still insisted to ask him such a silly question. Poor Chanyeollie. Lonely, lonely Chanyeollie.

“Duh, because you’re my new found friend it’s obvious that we should know each other, duh.” He said duh twice, yup.

“Let’s grabbed some snacks first.” I smiled.


“Uhm. Can I get a fork and knife?” Chanyeol said to a random girl who’s passing by. The girl just blinked at him while I hit him lightly in the head.

“That’s a burger, you don’t need a fork and knife to eat it.” Veins started popping out of my head, seriously, this guy. “Also, you don’t just ask some random people to get you what you wanted.”

He replied again with the “Aaaah.” and “Sorry.”

I feel like a total boss right now, shushing Chanyeol, teaching him all the commoner stuff, even hitting him in the head. I almost forgot that he’s the president of Exo Hotel.

He looked around and started munching his burger. I can see his eyes widened even bigger as he had his first bite. “Wow, this is good!”

“And it’s better if you eat it like that, not with fork and knife.” I jokingly added.

“Yes, yes. You don’t need to tell it twice.” And then he continued eating.

I thought it’ll be really hard to make him adapt to the commoners things, but I was wrong. He’s open to everything, though he’s an idiot at first.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I didn’t realise that I was staring at him for a long time. He then gave me a teasing grin. “You’re falling for me? Well, it can really be helped since I’m so perfect.”

I choke and almost spit the frizzy drink I’m drinking. “M-mworago?” I knew he was joking but I can’t help but being surprised with him saying things like that. “Well, aren’t you confident?” I smiled back. He just chuckled and continued eating.


We went to several shops after that. He bought new clothes and shoes as well. More sweets and he bought stuff of Bacon as well. He insisted on buying me things, but I refused since I can’t handle the guilt of having the President of EXO Hotel purchasing stuff for me.

“The commoner world is beautiful. I wish I could live like a commoner.”

“Oh, and a lot of commoners wish to live like a filthy rich like you.”

He shook his head and disagreed, “It’s no fun. I’d still prefer the commoners’ world. It’s much simpler. No complicated things, it’s much…much entertaining.

I just nodded at him. I found out new things about Park Chanyeol again. He must be really sad inside.

“It must be really hard being rich, not having friends and all.” I said softly, trying to comfort him.

I saw his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me.

“I have friends.” His huge eyes pasted on my face as he looked at me.

“Pardon?” I blinked once more and tilted my head in confusion.

“Who told you I don’t have friends?” He scrunched his nose again ready to laugh.

“I…I-just-because I don’t see you hangout with your friends!”  I felt like my cheeks are getting hot because of embarrassment.

“They’re all in their overseas summer holidays. The reason why you don’t see them… But I’ll introduce you to them once they get back.” He grinned.

I wish he could stop talking because I’m getting ashamed assuming that he doesn’t have any friends.

“How come you’re not overseas?” I quickly changed the topic. “Shouldn’t you be in a summer vacation as well?”

tsk tsk tsk  He shook his head and waved his index finger like saying “no”.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he smirked.

“Oh…” I chuckled and we both answered.


to be continued...



Before saying anything else~
; A ; ) I love you all, and thank you for supporting.

but then again, i apologise for the slow phase of the story, grammar and spelling mistakes. ;;;OTL aaaaah, boring boring chapter. 

images are not mine. :3

Don't forget to comment about what you think I should do next~ I'm open with suggestions, question, and violent reactions~ 

Thank you, guise, thank you~! 



spazz with me guys.

I can't contain these feels! why are you not nekkid bb, what is that clavicle-sama doing. *dies*

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...and that's a spoiler. I don't even know how this Story Feed thing works. >3<


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LMAO!! Okay, this is the prefect time to call Tao in xDD
LMAO!!! Suho, you beautiful angel, thanks for making Baekhyun
realize something, even if he denies it <333333333
Where's that wushu ninja master looking panda when I need him?!?
TAO~ Go get your gege and leave baekyeol alone. He'll buy you lots of gucci if you do...:D
Krisyeol? Oh no, Tao better make an appearance soon, I want My Baekyeol togetherzzz<3

Update soon!
kekekeke..this is sooooo cute :3
update soon.
i'm freaking excited about this :D
Woooooooow this will be interesting *^* Please update soon :3
I love this story!! :)
ngo_tau77 #8
So interesting
I laughed so hard when the dog's name was called
And I'm really curious about the the 10th rule too
Please update soon ^^