Chapter one

The Taste of Chanyeol's Summer



“Damn, why does it pay so low...” I mumbled as I continued browsing the internet looking for possible summer jobs. I just finished high school and now looking for a job, for I don’t know how long yet.

My familly’s not that rich, so expenses for college is not secured. I thank God for having brain like this, coz I really want to go to college. I applied for college scholarships but not of them actually replied back. So here I am looking for a possible lifetime, and if lucky and someone will suddenly reply before the next school year start, a summer job.

“How am I supposed to get a job being a high school graduate and inexperience with everything?” 

Café are all full, Gas Stations are no good, Libraries only need volunteers, and all of them are no good when it comes to payslips. I need something that pays off really well, something that I can rely on for the rest of my college life...or something like that.

“Hey, HEY, HEEEEEEEEY, my Dear Baekhyunnie~” entered my mum being all noisy in the morning.

“Mum, are you drunk?” Wow, she looks excited, alright. She’s not drunk, btw.

“You’re not going to believe what I’m gonna tell you…” she said while looking at me with those teasing eyes. Then I remembered…

“MY SCHOLARSHIP???!!!” I jumped out of my computer and immediately hugged my mum. “YEEEES” I even shouted…

“What? PFFFTTT… NOOOOO….” She said, even sounding like she’s disappointed.

“You better start packing your things because I applied for the most amazing job in the world~”

HUH?  Is the only response I can come up with…

“…I applied you in EXO HOTEL~!!! And you got the job!”

“…” my mouth gaped open when I heard the name EXO Hotel. I don’t know if I should get excited, or shocked, or scared… I asked her again to make sure I’m in the same zone as my mum.

"You got me a job where?!" I think I got a little deaf for a moment there. You’re not talking about Exo Hotel, one of the most prestigious hotels in Seoul, Korea, right? The one owned by the one and only, leading young bachelor, Park Chanyeol, right?  (or it was named for him, but actually it’s his father’s coz no one his age can own a hotel like that, but you get my point)

"E-X-O Ho-tel~~~!" spelled out my mum while humming the words. This time, she even spelled it… I’m not deaf. I’m not in a different zone with my mum. She ran to my room and started packing my things.

"It's going to be an exciting summer vacation for youuuu~" What in the world is happening now. EXO Hotel. Are you effin kidding me?!


“Please welcome our new employee, Byun Baekhyun.” Nope. My mum's not kidding. I am actually inside EXO Hotel.Wearing their uniform. All the smiles are flashed as the head manager of the whole hotel introduced me to the other employees. “He’s going to be here the whole summer, so please be nice to him, okay kids?”

They all looked behave, well-dressed and pleasantly-looking. One of them was assigned to assist me for my first day.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Joonmyun, and I’m in-charge of taking care of you from now own.” He left out a shy chuckle; and then he suddenly covered his mouth with his hand as he tried cover his adorable huge smile.

“Hello, my name is Baekhyun.” I gave him my brightest smile and offered him to shake-hands.

“Since you’re new, I’m going to tour you around the place to get your familiarize, okay?” He seemed very polite by the way he’s talking. He has this soft tone, which make him look like a real guardian angel. 

“Sure. Whatever suits your taste…”


This is place is really huge. I never really thought of entering the EXO Hotel, but now that I had the opportunity I feel like I’m in a different world, but still under the same sky. For my first day, I only had to do the tour around the hotel. I have no idea why they hired me, I’m pretty sure there are enough people here…

I have no choice but to stay here for my whole summer. No cellphones allowed, no internet, not even letters about my scholarship. I have to wait for two whole months before I get in touch with the real world.


But that’s not the point right now. I have to focus on the good things that are going to happen to me while I’m at this. I get to live in a prestigious hotel for two whole months, got to eat those expensive food, experience the life of a filthy rich, and… if lucky, get to see Park Chanyeol.




“Hey, Baekhyun…not bad for a first timer, you worked like a total pro.” one of the employees they called D.O. patted  my back as we finished our shift.

“Really? Thank you so much. I wouldn’t do it without you guys.”  But seriously, there’s not much work here. All we have to do is bow in front of the guests and guide them to their booked room. EXO Hotel, what are you really? They were pretty laid-back, all seemed fresh and good-looking.


The rules seemed to be strict, but when I looked at them, I can’t help but think otherwise.

…also there’s this one rule that I still don’t get since the moment I stepped on this place.

Rule No. 10 : Don’t  talk/mention/ask anything about Park Chanyeol.


Come on… Why would they put a rule like that? Do they actually mean that no one talks about Park Chanyeol in this place? Seriously? Seriously?! Why would they not talk about him? What if I want to ask about how he manages this place? How does he handle all the employees? What if there's suddenly shortage of money and such? What’s his secret on being a leading bachelor? And that last question was totally not related to business. I need to ask all these questions inside my head!


I sighed as I strolled around the EXO Park after my shift. The mystery of Park Chanyeol is still circling inside my head. Why does he have to be so intriguing, this guy.



Did I just barked?

woof woof

That’s definitely not me. I looked around, and when I turned, a huge white dog glomped me.


“Woah, woah, woah” I fell on my as I catch the dog with my arms. Thank God it’s a not the vicious human-eating type of dog, if there’s a dog like that. But this one looked so adorable.

“Heeey, good boy~!” I laughed as he started my hand.


gif goes to its rightful owner

"…Hey, Where are you going?” as it started jumping up and down and, I assume, excited  for another run. 
Where's your master, big boy?" I asked as if he's going to answer me.


Both of us looked at where the voice came from. Did I just hear my name?

BACON!”  There goes a tall, young lad, calling for….


…the dog.

More importantly, that guy was Park Chanyeol.



Change of plans. so i guess this is not going to be one-shot. lol
I don't know if writing in the middle of the night will help me come up with more english words.

First of all, I want to say sorry if ever  here are horrible grammatical and spelling errors right thur. (I'm pretty there is, somewhere....)

Thanks for the subscribe~ wow. I feel so loved. /teary eyed.

I just feel like adding those images~ and it goes to its rghtful owners, okay.

if there's any error tell me... coz i seriously need to sleep right now, i'm typing with one eye closed . lol

Is it too short for a chapter? 

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...and that's a spoiler. I don't even know how this Story Feed thing works. >3<


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LMAO!! Okay, this is the prefect time to call Tao in xDD
LMAO!!! Suho, you beautiful angel, thanks for making Baekhyun
realize something, even if he denies it <333333333
Where's that wushu ninja master looking panda when I need him?!?
TAO~ Go get your gege and leave baekyeol alone. He'll buy you lots of gucci if you do...:D
Krisyeol? Oh no, Tao better make an appearance soon, I want My Baekyeol togetherzzz<3

Update soon!
kekekeke..this is sooooo cute :3
update soon.
i'm freaking excited about this :D
Woooooooow this will be interesting *^* Please update soon :3
I love this story!! :)
ngo_tau77 #8
So interesting
I laughed so hard when the dog's name was called
And I'm really curious about the the 10th rule too
Please update soon ^^