`-heart break.

s i c k [r]

“Chun, nobody is watching me,” Kaia rasped as she lied, sitting on his lap, “I guess I was just a little paranoid about what I did with you.”
“You didn’t do anything…we did it,” he corrected, “And I know a lot of is going through your mind, but just let it go. It was just .”
“You took my ity…” she finally acknowledged, “So it was more than that to me.”
“To be honest…you kind of took mine too,” he shrugged, “I mean, I’ve ed Yunho of course and some other dudes before him, but…you were the first and only girl I’ve ever been with, so that makes it different, you know?”

Kaia was silent as she leaned on his torso. Honestly, she liked the idea of with no strings attached, but that never ended well, so she hesitated.

“Do you think we’ll be tempted, again?” he curiously pondered, kissing on her neck seductively, “I’m still trying to figure this out.”
“I think we will,” she replied, “I’m still thinking about you inside of me.”
“That’s really nice…”

Yoochun held onto her waist a bit tighter, breathing onto her neck hotly.

“So I’m really your first?” he inquired.
“Yeah,” she hesitated, “Changmin’s been inside of me, but he usually pulls out when he gets ready to…ya know.”
“Wow…” he breathed, “That’s awkward.”

Yoochun paused, then shrugged.

“You felt too good to pull out of,”

Kaia kindly blushed, kissing his soft lips.

“If we do it again,” she smirked, “I promise it’ll just be fun…no emotions whatsoever.”
Yoochun and Kaia spent some of the day together, trying to spark back their friendship and letting go of the ual and physical attractions they still held. Deeply, they knew it would never really go away, but they knew they could at least try.

“Where do you want to go first?” he asked her, looking at all of the stores in the mall.
“BeBe,” she responded, hooking her arm into his.

Kaia tried on a mini black dress from the BeBe store, but didn’t know if it looked good on her, so she asked Yoochun to come into the dressing room with her. He obliged and stepped into the tiny space, his body slightly pressed to hers.

“y,” he nodded, spinning her around, “I like it.”
“You sure?” she asked, “Are my s okay?”
“Perfect,” he assured.

He was always mesmerized by her womanly figure. She was thick in all the right places and definitely knew how to work it.


As they finished gazing around the store, Kaia was set to pay for her clothes, but Yoochun pushed her away and paid her entire expense of $1, 205.

“He’s a keeper,” the cashier smirked, winking at her.

Kaia blushed and nodded, rubbing Yoochun’s back.

As soon as they stepped outside, Kaia punched his arm.

“Ouch!” he roared, “What the actual ?!”
“You seriously didn’t have to pay for that!”
“You always give me what I need,” he clarified, “Let me give you something, now, okay?”

She realized how genuine his remark was, so she kissed his cheek and thanked him.

“You’re a good guy,” she muttered in his ear.
“But you’re a bad girl…” he teased back.

Suddenly, Yoochun bumped into a dark-haired young man.

“Hey, man, sorr—” the guy paused as he turned to look into Yoochun’s face and loudly laughed, “Yoochun Park!”

The two men clapped hands and one-handed hugged each other in that weird guy way.

“, dude, what you doing here?” Jaejoong smiled.
“Hanging with my friend,” Yoochun replied, “Forgot to introduce—”
“Kaia Patel…” Jaejoong smirked, “We met earlier…at her fundraiser event.”

Kaia shook his hand, “Jaejoong, hello,”
“I had no idea Yoochun was the guy that went to the event with you,” Jaejoong laughed, “I could barely see him.”
“Wait, so you were at the event?” Yoochun asked, “I didn’t see you!”
“Yeah,” Jaejoong nodded, “I saw a guy come in with Kaia, but like I said, I never got close enough to actually see your face, so I didn‘t know it was you. I didn’t have in my contacts.”
“Damn, that’s ed up,” Yoochun laughed.
“I know right, kid,”

The two men were chatting away, Kaia sitting uncomfortably watching the man she met just weeks ago.

“How’s Yunho?” Jaejoong asked fluidly, “You two still going strong?”
“Very well,” Yoochun nodded, “I could never let him go.”
“That’s good, bro,” Jaejoong genuinely smiled, “I wish a woman would just sweep into my life like that.”

Kaia found it sweet how Jaejoong was clearly a very straight man, but did not come off as disgusted or disturbed by Yoochun’s different preference. To her, it took a real man to look past the differences and just see the person.

“Hey, I gotta go,” Jaejoong smirked, “But call me sometime, bruh, and we’ll most definitely catch up.”
“Sure thing,”
“Miss Patel, pleasure seeing you, again,” he kissed Kaia’s hand, “Please don’t be afraid to use what was given to you.”

He winked at her and waved goodbye to them both. When Kaia turned to look at Yoochun, she could see confusion in his eyes.

“What did he mean by that last comment?” he asked.
“I don’t know,”
“Did he give you something?” Yoochun snapped, touching her chin, “Don’t lie, either.”
“Chun, you’re not my boyfriend,” she snapped, “Can we just walk around…please?”

Yoochun grabbed her hand and did as she asked. They walked around quietly until Kaia just became fed up and asked to leave.

Riding home, the two sat in silence.

“You’re never going to get anywhere in life being like this,” Yoochun shook his head, “Everybody that crosses your path has left you and you don’t even realize you’re the reason why.”

Yoochun didn’t turn to look at her as he expressed himself; only kept his eyes on the road.

“Someday, I’m going to leave out of your life,” he continued, “I’m telling you this because I don’t want it to be a surprise when I do.”

Kaia didn’t say a word, so when Yoochun came to a red light, he stopped to look over at her.

Tears weren’t coming down her face at all, but her eyes were cherry red as if they were about to.

“I know,” she lowly stuttered.
“So change it,” he shrugged.
“Just…just leave me when I most expect it,” she finally uttered.

Yoochun sighed, rubbing his face.

“Whatever you want, princess,” his sarcastic remark rung.

“Where were you?” Changmin asked as soon as Kaia stepped foot into the door.

She could smell the loud odor of alcohol slap her in the face, so she retreated backwards.

“Min, have you been drinking?” she coughed, covering her nose.
“I’m asking the questions,” he slurred, grabbing her arm, “Where the were you? Didn’t you see my calls?”
“I didn’t have my phone on me,”

Changmin’s button-down shirt was flared open, his abdomen sinking in and out in anger.

“Who were you with?” he asked, pushing her against a wall.
“I went to a meeting at work,” she replied, turning away from his tainted breath.
“Liar,” he roared, raising his hand, “Why do you have a shopping bag?”
“Because me and a friend went shopping afterwards,” she hurriedly expressed, “Please, baby, don’t take it so seriously.”

Changmin deeply inhaled, shaking her by her arms and pushing her over on the floor.

“Next time, call me,” he announced, running his fingers through his ruffled hair and breathing harshly, “You know I hate when you lie and sneak behind my back.”

Kaia nodded although her side was in pain from being thrown to the ground.

“I love you,” he smiled, picking her up and kissing her lips, “Someday we’ll have a beautiful family together…just me…you…and the kids. Nobody else, baby.”

Kaia nodded, scared to agree. Changmin was in her ear drunkenly, his hands everywhere on her body. She could feel him pressing tighter between her thighs, but she didn’t feel in the mood to please him. His teeth dug deeply into her neck, Kaia calling out helplessly for him to stop. His teeth dug deeper and deeper as she screamed, her tears splashing on his neck.

Finally, he let go, blood dripping down her neck. He sinisterly smirked, kissing the blood stain.

He sat on his chair, his eyes staring into the man opposite of him. The man stared into his eyes angrily.

“Did you catch them?” he asked, sprinkling sugar into his coffee.
“No, I didn’t,” the opposite smirked, “I guess I became a little caught up.”
“She’s a smart little ,” he laughed, “She’s going to know…”
“I’ll kill her, then,”

The two men sat silent.

“And him?”
“He’s an idiot,” the opposite smirked, “We’ll make it look like a suicide and he’ll never know.”
“I don’t like this sneaky ,” he growled, “I say we kill them all in the same room.”

Silence again.

“I would love to her before she dies, though,” he laughed, “Her tight over my …then I pull the trigger when I make her all over me...”
“You’re a sick motherer,”
“I know…” he agreed, “But it’s a sick game.”


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Chapter 16: love love love love this. ha ha
Chapter 2: ur ugly son of 'changirly'!