Chapter 4 *Jang-mi*



AN: Fiiiiinally I'm here with a new chappy! ^^ Anyways.. I'll have a lot more time to write now so I'll try to update sooner.

Seww yeah.. enjoy!! ^^



Most of the girls were still fast asleep, but the dorm was slowly being filled up with the pleasant smell of breakfast. Els was busy in the kitchen, making some toast and cooking up some eggs. Though she was pretty worn out from the get-together at the dorm the night before, she figured it’d be best not to make a habit out of sleeping in late. She looked over towards the couch every once in a while, to check whether Kelly and DO were waking up yet. Those two had fallen asleep somewhere at the very end of the night before and no one had had the heart to wake them up. Riki however, did have the brilliant idea of taking some pictures of the couple, for possible future blackmailing purposes of course.


When Els suddenly heard a movement coming from the living room, she turned her head towards the hilarious sight that was Kelly, paralyzed, staring at a sleeping DO. The boy slowly seemed to be gaining consciousness as well and soon, both parties were staring at each other in shock. Els had to clasp her hand to to keep from laughing out loud and ruining the awkward couple’s moment. She decided to leave the two be and went to put some more bread in the toaster.


Just as she’d filled up her plate with the yummy goodness she’d whipped up, Kelly came strolling into the kitchen wearing the biggest smile. Els just grinned at her friend.


“What?!” Kelly burst out, still not able to suppress her smile. “Nothing.” Els said innocently, knowing it would agitate Kelly. “There’s eggs for you too if you want, by the way.” She continued like nothing had happened. Kelly and went over to the counter to help herself when a door opened and a very drowsy looking Sen came stumbling out into the room.


“Morning everybody.” She yawned. “Oh hey, look what I found next to my bed!” She triumphantly held up an IPod. “It’s Kris’” She went on with a wicked smile.


“So you stole Kris’ IPod?” Els asked confused. “No I swear! He gave it to me last night!” Sen retorted happily. The two girls in the kitchen just glared at her suspiciously. “I just didn’t give it back straight away.” Sen giggled, holding the device to her chest, proudly. “Oh don’t give me those looks, I’ll return it today! Besides, what’s more important; what happened to you and DO last night at the party, Kelly?”


Els saw Kelly’s face stiffen at the mention of her and DO, and she knew what was coming. The following moment, the brown haired girl went into full-on defense mode. “What?! No! What are you talking about?! Oh my god, seriously, nothing happened! Seriously, what are you guise talking about?!” She tried to fight back.


Els couldn’t help but smile widely. “Errm you and DO spent like, a really long time in our bedroom last night.” She started “Or did you forget about that?” Kelly’s face reddened. Sen joined in, laughing. “Yeah, you know, after your little ‘Disney-moment’!” The girls knew Kelly wasn’t a promiscuous girl or anything; they just enjoyed teasing her way too much because her reactions were usually priceless. And this time was no exeption.


“Oh my god that was nothing! We didn’t do anything! Els, you know I wouldn’t!” Kelly blurted out loudly as the two other girls tried their hardest not to pee their pants laughing.  “Stop it!” She bellowed, putting down her fork. “DO and I just get along really great okay!” Sen grinned, nodding at Kelly. “Yeah, we saw that.”


Whilst waiting for Riki to wake up, the girls further discussed the previous night. Kelly proudly told Els and Sen the entire chicory crate event from the night before, pointing out various times that DO had liked them just as much as she did.


After Riki (finally) decided to show her face to the world, the girls all packed their things and headed for the company. After sleeping for so long, the least they could do was spend the rest of their day at the company, where they could be a little productive. They headed up straight to the dance practice room, along with a bunch of other trainees, just like they did every week. As they neared the practice room, they could hear loud music blasting. It sounded like some random American R&B song.


“Must be in use already.” Sen shrugged. Els thought for a moment. “The practice room is never occupied at this time though.” She started. “Unless someone decided to through themself a little dance party.”


One of the other trainees peeked their head into the room, to check what was going on. “Oh it’s SHINee!” She said excitedly turning her head towards the rest of them. She tried to stick her head through the door a second time but it was shut in her face, leaving the trainees nothing else to do but to wait until SHINee was finished with whatever they were doing in there.


When the doors opened after a good twenty minutes, a very sweaty and tired SHINee came walking out. They greeted the trainees politely and moved along. To Els’ surprise though, Minho halted in front of her for a moment. “Hey, thanks for inviting me to the party last night. It was so great!” He smiled at her brightly, before walking off and catching up with his band mates. “We didn’t exactly invite you but okay then.” Els thought to herself amused, as she moved along into the practice room with the others.


She noticed a few of the other trainees eyeing her up and down as she set her bag down on the floor with her friends. Minho’s involvement with Els apparently hadn’t gone unnoticed. The girls weren’t looking all too friendly as they murmured amongst themselves, gazing in Els' direction. Els tried to ignore their blatant meanness but she couldn’t deny, they were making her feel a little self-conscious.


Luckily, dance practice turned out to be a great distraction. Well, that was an understatement. Dance practice completely wore her out. After a long two hours of working her body, she slumped down against the wall, panting heavily. “I wanna go home.” She pouted, looking up towards her friends. “I know exactly what you mean.” Riki sighed as she too let her body slide down to the ground. “I know we haven’t exactly done much work today, but I need my rest.” “Riki, you slept ‘till one in the afternoon.” Kelly stated seriously, upon which Riki just grinned widely and innocently up at Kelly.




After some discussion, both Els and Riki made up their minds to go home early. Sen gave Els the Ipod she’d found earlier and asked her to return it in her place, as she was planning on working out late with Kelly. Els and Riki went to change into some fresh clothes in the locker room but when they came back out; they found their path blocked by some of the mean girls from dance practice. “Oh great.” Els thought, knowing this couldn’t be good.


“Where are you girls going so early?” One of the trainees asked. Both Els and Riki were thoroughly confused as to why these girls being like this and they honestly weren’t in the mood for any of it. “Ermm, were going home.” Riki said plainly and made a gesture for the girls to move out of the way. Jang-Mi, a tall girl with long ashy brown hair stepped closer towards Riki. “Listen foreign girls, nobody wants you here.” She spat. “I know you think you’re all popular but you’re not. So I suggest you take your ugly little asses out of here.”


Els had known this group of girls wasn’t the friendliest bunch but she definitely hadn’t seen this coming and honestly, at that moment, she had no idea how to react. Luckily, Riki was the kind of girl that wasn’t easily fazed by stuff like this. In fact, Els wondered whether Riki ever even noticed when people were being deliberately mean. So, being the airhead she was, Riki started rambling.


“Oh my god, you girls are so annoying. You know that? Can we just go? I’m tired.” And with that, she pushed through the group of trainees like they were made of air and headed towards the door, dragging Els behind her. When they’d made it outside she continued. “Damn, those girls were stupid, did you see their faces?” Els didn’t know whether Riki’s reaction to the girls had been a smart move exactly but she figured it was better than not reacting at all. On the way home, Riki kept rambling on about random things but Els couldn’t keep what had just happened off of her mind. It consumed her so that she almost forgot she had an IPod to deliver.


Arriving at their building, Els went up one floor above where their place was and knocked on the door to the EXO-M dorm. She was let in by Luhan, who was wearing adorable doggie pajamas. “I came to return this. Sen said it might be Kris’” She held up the IPod. Luhan took the device from her and inspected it. “Hmm yeah, that’s probably his.” He nodded. “He’s not here at the moment but I’ll give it to him once he gets here. Thanks!” He gave her a friendly smile.


Els was just about to turn back around and head home when Baekhyun and Sehun came walking in from the hallway. They both smiled and greeted everyone. Els wasn’t really in the mood for chit-chatting, so she quickly shuffled past the two guys saying her goodbyes. Before she could reach the door though, her hand was grabbed by Baekhyun’s. “Hey Els, don’t go yet. We’re having dinner over here with a bunch of us, stay for a while!” He said, motioning her back into the room. A part of Els was happy to be invited but on the other hand, she really felt like she needed some time alone and above all, she wanted to sleep. She shook her head. “Uhm I’d rather not today, sorry.”


Baekhyun seemed a little taken aback by her reply. He looked her in the eyes for a moment. “You okay?” He asked, looking sincerely concerned. His face turned suddenly. “Wait; is it something I did at the party? Because I didn’t mean to get crazy like that and stuff, I just get carried away and uhm I’m sorry.”


Els couldn’t help but smile slightly at Baekhyun’s little apology rant. “It’s not that. Really it’s fine.” She said reassuringly, lifting her eyes to meet his. “I’m just tired.”


“Well, okay then.” Baekhyun said, seemingly happier again. “But if anything’s up, you know you can always talk to me.” Els smiled even wider now. She was so glad to have someone like this boy in her life. Sure, he was a silly goose a lot of the time but he was also one of the most caring people she’d ever met. It was hard to explain why. He would just do all these little things, like text her to ask her how her day has been; stuff like that. She thanked him, said goodbye to everyone in the room once more and headed out.


When she entered the dorm, she found Riki sprawled lazily across the couch, watching TV. “I thought you wanted to sleep?” Els eyed her friend. Riki stretched and mumbled “Mmmyeah, in a minute.” Els went to put on a T-shirt and some pajama bottoms and got herself ready for bed. She kept telling herself to forget about the entire happening with the trainees but this was proving to be more difficult than she’d thought. When she came back into the living room after a good fifteen minutes to check on Riki, she found Kelly and Sen had already returned from the company as well.


“There were way too many people in the gym.” Sen shrugged. “So we came back.” Riki burst out giggling at the statement. “That’s just a lousy excuse for ‘we didn’t actually want to work out today’ ”  


“Hey, no! We were in there for a good ten minutes.” Kelly retorted, though her face broke out in a smile as well and she plopped herself down on the couch next to Riki. Els decided to tell Sen and Kelly at once what had happened before.


“Hey” She began as she walked into the room. “You two didn’t happen to run into those mean girls at the company did you?” Neither Kelly or Sen seemed to understand where that was coming from. “What are you talking about?” Kelly questioned. “You mean those girls from dance practice? What’s-her-name… Jang-Mi and her friends?” Els nodded.


“Yeah, they were being all stupid when Els and I were trying to leave. Wouldn’t let us through and stuff.” Riki, muttered, clearly still annoyed. As Sen and Kelly still had no idea what the other two were on about, Els proceeded to explain the entire event. Kelly and Sen listened in disbelief.


“That’s absolutely ridiculous!” Sen exclaimed loudly. “They can’t just threaten us like that!” Els sighed “Well, there’s not really anything we can do about it.” She was right. It’s not like they had anyone to complain to about this. There was no one that could really help them out with this. It was all up to them to fix this.


“I don’t think we’ve got anything to worry about.” Riki interrupted the silence all of a sudden. “Really; I mean, what can they actually do to us? They’re just trainees.”


“Uhm, girls are mean Riki." Kelly replied plainly. "And have you seen Jang-Mi’s face? That’s the face of a mean girl if you ask me, just saying.” Riki’s face contorted into a frown at that argument. “Well... yeah, point taken. But whether we’re going to let that get to us is entirely up to us.” She said. “So I suggest we go to bed and forget about it all.” Riki’s endless positivity seemed to calm the other girls down a little and a mere twenty minutes later, the dorm had gone quiet as the girls had drifted off to sleep.




Els spent the next few days trying to make up for the lack of training she’d been doing lately. She didn’t think anyone important had really noticed but she had to admit that the four of them had been slacking a bit as of late, getting caught up in other things. And if they ever wanted to get somewhere within SM Entertainment they really needed to start getting themselves noticed. On a happier note, Jang-Mi and her friends hadn’t been bothering any of the girls apart from the glares they shot in their direction at times. Els figured they’d probably keep their distance from now on.


Everything was going great until the day Els decided to work extra late one evening. She’d been working so hard she hadn’t realized the clock was ticking past midnight. When she finally checked the time, she shot up and went for the locker rooms to get her things at once. She exited the company through one of the side doors, ending up on a narrow little street under the darkened sky. She started walking at a decent pace but soon heard someone call her name. She turned around to find Jang-Mi standing in the darkness behind her.


She stepped up towards Els with a vicious look on her face. “So, all alone tonight are we?” She grinned. At that moment, Els swore she’d never disliked anyone as much as she did this girl. Like, who does this kind of stuff? Els had really had enough with this girl. “What do you want, Jang-Mi?” She sighed. Jang-Mi just smiled at her. “Oh nothing. Just wondering why you’re still here.” Els saw the tall girl’s glance move towards a spot behind her. Els turned around and found a sight that made her eyes grow the size of DO's.


Jang-Mi wasn’t alone. From the other side of the road came two guys Els had never seen before and they didn’t look all too nice. Els panicked as she saw the three of them come together and gang up on her. “So…” Jang-Mi started up again, looking even more confident now than she did before. “I don’t think you girls heard me when I told you to get lost.” Els was now slowly being cornered by these three people and there was no one around to help her. There was nothing she could do. Jang-Mi alone wouldn’t be such a problem but there was no way she could win from the two broad-shouldered guys on each of her sides. She decided her words would probably be her best chance. “Listen, Jang-Mi, I don’t want us to fight. Just stop this okay?” She began but she was rudely interrupted.


“You have no business here! None of you girls have any talent and the company only favors you girls just because you’re white.” Jang-Mi bellowed, still stepping closer towards Els, who was almost backed up against a fence now. “So what are you gonna do?” She asked, putting her hands on her hips. The last thing Els was planning on doing was giving in to Jang-Mi’s request and tell her they’d quit. No way, that was not happening.  On the other hand, she didn’t know what to say now. She was trying to figure out a way to get away from this mess but panic took over her mind and she decided to just keep still, hoping they’d just go away.


“Hey! I’m talking to you!” Jang-Mi yelled sharply and the next moment Els felt herself being grabbed by the shoulders and shoved roughly into the fence behind her. One of the boys had finally made a move. Els closed her eyes, scared for whatever might come next but her eyes sprung open again as she heard a familiar voice in the distance.


“Hey, stop it! What the hell are you doing?!”


No other than Baekhyun was now running towards the scene shouting at the three culprits. Els had never seen him angry like this. “Get off of her!” He was yelling, making Jang-Mi and her bodyguards run off into the shadows.


Panting, he came up to where Els was standing and instantly grabbed her shoulders. “Oh my god, are you okay?” He asked her feverishly. Els, who was still sort of dazed from everything that had just happened, just hung her head low. She was in shock and she didn’t know how to respond to him so she just shook her head slightly. The next moment, she felt herself being pulled into Baekhyun’s chest as he put his arms around her, softly rubbing her back. “It’s okay, don’t worry.” She whispered into her ear and right then, Els found she couldn’t hide her emotions anymore and put her arms around Baekhyun as well, squeezing her palms into his hoodie. She’d never been so scared before. “It’s okay.” Baekhyun repeated. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”




“Why are you here?” Els asked, as they were walking home together. She didn’t mean to put it so bluntly but it was a legit question after all, as Baekhyun had no point of being at the company at this hour. Baekhyun looked at her, thought for a moment and sighed. “I was worried.” Els gave him a questioning look. “Look, we were all worried actually. Do you know how long you’ve been at the company for? And you didn’t even have your phone on you!” He took a deep breather and proceeded a little calmer. “I came over to your place after dinner to look for you but your friends said you weren’t back yet. I waited for three hours but then we all started getting worried so I went to go look for you.”


Els hadn’t considered anyone else’s concern for her when she decided to stay so late but she realized now that it might not have been her best move. “It’s dangerous enough for a girl to walk the streets of Seoul alone at night.” Baekhyun went on. “I’m sorry.” Els said softly. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” Baekhyun put his arm around her and pulled her a little closer towards himself. “Just as long as you don’t do it again.” He smiled.


Back at the dorm, everyone seemed to have gone to sleep. “So much for my friends concern.” Els thought. When they sat down on the couch together, Baekhyun went serious again. “I’m really sorry for what those people did to you.” He said. “That stuff happens with trainees though. Some of us went through it as well.” Els nodded. She’d heard about the stuff that went on within the company sometimes. “I can’t believe they went that far though.” He continued, thinking hard. “Maybe I should try to walk you home more often.” Els smiled at the idea. “That doesn’t like a plausible plan Baekhyun.”


“I know… but I can try!” He said cheerily, making her giggle. This guy was unbelievable. There was a long pause as they sat slumped on the couch together. “So we should probably get to bed now huh?” Baekhyun said, finally standing up. Els nodded. “You sure you’ll be okay?” He asked. She nodded once more, smiling at him and standing up too. When they came to the door Baekhyun spoke up again. “Don’t think about those hateful people okay? Don’t worry about it.” He said. “You girls are great.”


And with that, Els said Baekhyun goodbye, not forgetting to thank him for his heroic act. And even though the day had been ruff, Els felt a great sense of happiness as she pulled the cover over her tired body and let herself slip into slumber.





Oooh this was a dit dramatic wasn't it.. Was it too dramatic? lol idk.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!!! ^^

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Chapter 8: its so interest! i like it
Chapter 20: Snif, I don't want them to break up, but I know that they're more into other dudes now, but snif I'm gonna be sad
Chapter 18: Finally ♥ I've been waiting for this for what feels like centuries hehe :p I loved it! I wonder how soon she will show him the ies muahahha! And I love the stuffed animals... god, obsession much?
tntmmm #5
Chapter 16: I literally die everytime there's a cute scene like ahdkalhxkdjslabdlsb update soon!!
xxRawrItsElyxx #6
Chapter 16: Aaaaaahh soo cute ! :D ♥
Chapter 16: YAY!!!! *happily flailing everywhere as bagels feels explode* SO HAPPY!!!! THIS WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 16: shipshipship, so cuuuuute!!! I screamed, like siriusly! I really can imagine them singing those songs btw! This SMTOWN has to happen hehe~ and Bacon is so lame but cute~ I ship it!!
Chapter 15: Oh, I feel bad for Kyungsoo! The three of them just barging in like that and ruining everything T_T it was so close!!!
Chapter 14: so cute!!! (-^□^-) this whole chapter was adorable! love the cuddling at the end!