Chapter 11 *We came to Party*




Finally, I finished it!! :D

lol I don't know how much of this is realistic but hey, if fanfiction, who the cares anyways!

This chapter is long overdue so I hope you like it! ^^




The lights went off and Kelly hurried off stage with the others and all of a sudden, she was overcome with this great sense of relief. They’d done it. They’d done it and from what she’d experienced on stage, they’d done it pretty well.


Kelly felt quite proud of herself. Just a couple of months ago, she wouldn’t even have dared to think about the idea of ‘Kelly on a stage’, so this was indeed a big step for her. She was really glad that she’d pushed herself to do this but on the other hand, she was really happy it was all over now. All the extra practice and the stress that had come with the performance had tired her out and Kelly was looking forward to her old schedule.


As she arrived back behind the stage, her vision was immediately blurred by all the craziness that was going on before her eyes. Staff members were hurrying and crisscrossing through the area like madmen, trying to get the show running on time. For a moment, she was completely lost in all the commotion. She’d wanted to say a quick hi to DO before he went away but she didn’t get a chance to, as the EXO members were rushed out before she’d realized. The last she saw was Kai, who clapped her on the back, telling her she did a good job, before running off with the rest of s.


“That was amazing.” Riki sighed as the girls arrived back in their changing room and collapsed on the couches. “I can’t believe I didn’t make any mistakes.” Els said shaking her head. “Me neither!” Kelly echoed in disbelief. “I can’t believe we did this!”


They watched the rest of the show on the monitor in their room, drinking energy drinks. They were planning on leaving a few minutes before the show ended as to get ahead of the crowd but the idea was discarded when Els received a text message from Baekhyun.


[You girls coming to the after party later???]


The girls had figured there’d be an after party; they just didn’t think they’d be invited. However, as they’d been part of the show, they were more than welcome. They packed up their things and made their way out of the big building to call a taxi home. They wanted to make a little pit stop at their dorm, not only to freshen up but also to take off the identical little black dresses they'd worn on stage. They didn’t feel like looking like a bunch of clones so they all threw on some festive clothes of their own instead.


“What time is it?” Sen called out from inside her room. “Almost one in the morning” Kelly said, checking her phone. “The show must have ended by now.” Riki came out of the bedroom then, pulling Sen with her. “Well, let’s get going then!” She yelled happily.




After walking into the big building that hosted the after party, Kelly’s jaw dropped. She was in total awe of how fancy the place looked. The entrance hall had a velvety carpet floor and there was a big chandelier hanging from the off-white high ceiling. The girls went to hang away their coats and made their way to the lounge area, to wait for the boys.


As they were sitting there, Sen told Kelly and Els about everything that had happened the night before with Kris. She hadn’t really had the time to say anything during the day since the entire day had revolved around the performance and they’d all been so nervous. Now however, seemed like a good time to spill the beans.


“So you’re together now? Like, ‘actual couple’ together?” Kelly practically screamed after Sen ended her story. Sen burst out giggling and buried her face in her hands, seemingly unable to reply. “Yes; yes she is.” Riki answered instead, patting Sen on the back. “And as you can see, she’s pretty happy about it.”


“He’s perfect.” Sen sighed finally, sinking away in the comfy lounger.


It didn’t take long before the boys arrived. After saying hi, they all quickly set off towards the center of the party. There were two main rooms. One was a regular bar/dancehall, where they served alcoholic drinks and only people over the legal drinking age could enter. The other room, installed because of the high percentage of underage idols, looked a lot like the regular room, except it was underage-people-approved. As EXO contained quite a few people below legal age, the girls and boys excitedly entered the second room. This proved to be a great idea since the room was already pretty packed with people.


Some of the guys immediately took off towards the dance floor, leaving the group. The girls, however, followed the remaining boys as they made their way to the bar. Next to the bar, they found a more secluded area where they could sit. They sat down around a big table and ordered some drinks. Kelly had kind of wanted to sit next to DO, as she hadn’t spoken to him since their performance. She also found that the boy was looking a little down. It wasn’t super-noticeable, because DO was always sort of quiet and reserved in public but Kelly noticed a slight difference in the boys eyes and it made her sad. DO however, was seated all the way across from her, making it fairly difficult to start up a conversation about it.


Instead, she talked to Kai about the performance and the award show. Over the last couple of days, Kai had really surprised Kelly. Initially, she’d thought Kai was a little hard to approach but ever since they’d been picked as dance partners, the pair had really warmed up to each other. She found out how kind and hardworking Kai really was and he’d taught her how to have confidence in her dancing. Now, she found him really easy to talk to.


“Wow” Kai said suddenly, looking wide-eyed over Kelly’s shoulder. Kelly quickly turned around to see whatever it was Kai was freaked out about to see Sen and Kris sitting at a separate table in a corner, completely engulfed in their own little world as their lips moved together. Kelly’s mouth dropped open as she twisted back around to face Kai, looking at him with a shocked expression. Sure, she knew the two were going out but she hadn’t expected to catch them sticking their tongues down each other’s throats so quickly. Kai burst out in laughter then “That is awesome!” He laughed. “Go Kris!” Kelly looked at the boy before her like he was insane. “What?” Kai said, still laughing. She simply rolled her eyes and directed her attention elsewhere.


She looked at the big heap of people dancing in the center of the room. She was ready to go dance herself but before she could suggest anything, she noticed Baekhyun and Chanyeol appearing from out of the dancing mass and skip towards the table. “You guys need to come dance too!” Chanyeol panted and he immediately pulled up Riki by the arm. “Great idea!” Kai said and he got up as well, taking Kelly with him. “Is no one else coming?” Chanyeol pouted to which Suho replied. “Maybe later, some of us are a little tired but you guys go ahead.”


Chanyeol turned around and made his way to the dance floor, pulling a giggling Riki behind him. Baekhyun stayed put though. “I’m not leaving without you.” He smiled pointing towards Els. The girl rolled her eyes at the silly boy and she took his hand.




Soon Kelly was grooving to the music with her friends. They were mostly just silly dancing and having a plain old good time on the dance floor. At one point, Taemin joined the scene, getting into a hefty dance battle with Kai. They ended up having to call it a truce since neither Kai nor Taemin wanted to admit their loss. Then, after Kelly showed interest in his skills, Taemin went on teaching Kelly how to do popping. She actually seemed to have somewhat of a talent for the style, she noticed, as she picked up the techniques surprisingly easily.


She looked around as she was freestyle-dancing with Taemin and Kai and saw to her great disdain that Jang Mi had joined the scene. Kelly narrowed her eyes at the mean girl. She was still wearing the black mini dress they’d been wearing for their performance. She was rolling her hips to the music and staring seductively at none other than Park Chanyeol. Kelly quickly scurried over to where Riki was dancing to yell into in her ear. “That is here!” Pointing to Jang Mi. Riki looked confused at first but rolled her eyes in annoyance when her eyes found the girl. “Why does she keep showing up in my life? I’m trying to ignore her!” She grumbled.


Then, all at one, Riki’s face changed. Jang Mi had approached Chanyeol and now had her arms around his waist as they danced. “Oh no she didn’t!” Riki said in disbelief. “This needs to learn a lesson.” Kelly watched her friend take an angry step forward but she stopped nearly instantly as apparently, things were taking care of itself. Kelly saw as Chanyeol pushed Jang Mi away from himself looking upset with her. Jang Mi gave Chanyeol a vicious glare before storming off into the crowd.


The next moment, she saw Riki run up to Chanyeol and high-five him. Kelly smiled at the goofy pair as they started silly dancing together. Her mind wandered back to DO then. Where was he? She struggled her way out of the crowd and walked back over to the bar area. There, she found DO sitting at the bar with some of the other guys. He was still looking a bit gloomy but face lit up as he noticed her.


“Hey, I was wondering where you were!” Kelly yelled over the music as she sat next to him. “Yeah, you were gone before I could say hi!” He yelled back. Kelly smiled at the cute boy next to her. It was nice to see him smiling again. “Why don’t you come over and dance for a bit?” She asked.


DO looked at her with a  confused expression. “Dancing!” Kelly yelled a bit louder this time, pointing towards the dance floor. “Oh, I’m not really a dancer!” DO brushed her off. Kelly tried not to laugh. “Kyungsoo, you’re part of a Korean boy band. Don’t kid me! Come on, you’re a much better dancer then me anyway!” She grabbed his hand and led him towards the dance floor. Crazy dancing usually worked for her when Kelly felt crappy, so she hoped this would cheer up DO as well.


Kelly’s plan seemed to be working perfectly. He was a little bit shy at first but after one of his favorite songs came on, DO finally was able to let himself loosen up a little. They danced and jumped up in the air as they sang along to the lyrics of the songs, occasionally bumping into each other as space around them seemed to become scarcer.


When after a while the music started getting less fun to dance to, the two shuffled away and went to sit back at the tabled area next to the bar, where the music wasn’t as loud. As they sat down they both noticed Sen and Kris sitting in their little corner of the room, still all over each other. Unlike, Kai from before, DO’s reaction was exactly the same as Kelly’s. He looked at the couple in complete shock and then quickly sat down making sure he had his back turned towards the couple. He looked perfectly horrified.


The pair ordered some drinks and got talking. The later it got, the happier DO seemed to become. There wasn’t a trace of gloom left in his face. He laughed for minutes when Kelly told him about the time she accidently took a shower with her glasses on. More and more, DO began telling her more about himself as well. He told her about his family and about various moments from his trainee years. As it turned out, if you gave him the chance, DO was a really good storyteller as well.




After a while, they were joined by Els and Riki who both looked to be in a really good mood. “We just went to check the other dancehall; you know, the one where they serve alcohol and .” Riki started. “The place is like, dead!” Els nodded. “Yeah, there’s only old people in fancy clothes getting drunk. Looks like all the fun people are here!” Kelly and DO smiled at the girls' enthusiasm.


“Speaking about fun” Riki said, grinning. “Where do you think Sen and Kris have gone off to on their own?” Kelly swiftly turned around to the corner the couple had been sitting all night. They were gone. “Maybe they’ve just gone dancing?” DO tried, seemingly really confused. “No.” Els answered. “We saw them getting their coats a little while ago.”


Kelly was a little shocked to consider Sen taking it so far so quickly but forgot about the issue as she just continued her conversation with DO.


Kelly hadn’t noticed the time fly by as she sat there with him so she was really surprised when Suho came over to them, telling them it was late and everyone was going home. Kelly could’ve stayed there with DO for another few hours she thought but agreed that it’d be better to get some sleep.


They all grabbed their coats and walked outside. Luckily they found a bunch of taxi’s already parked around the building. They split up into groups of four, Kelly sharing a cab with DO, Suho and Lay.


DO motioned Kelly to go first so she got in and scooted over to the window side. A moment later, DO got in next to her. By the time Lay positioned himself in the car, Kelly had realized how small this taxi really was. DO was now pressed completely against her. She was squeezed in between the window and DO, who seemed to have found his awkward self back again. Kelly hated it when people got into her personal space but didn’t seem to mind the boy next to her pressing against her. He wasn’t doing it on purpose, plus, he smelled really nice, she thought.


The ride was nice too, despite the lack of space. It was as if all the passengers had realized all of a sudden what time it was because everyone was quiet; everyone except Suho, who kept starting up a conversation with their driver. Kelly ignored Suho and let her head rest against the glass window. She yawned.




Kelly heard her name being called but she didn’t know where it came from. Somewhere far away it seemed. Then, all of a sudden, the voice was right in front of her and Kelly’s eyes fluttered open lazily. “What?”


She saw Els’ head hovered above her. “We’re here. You two sleepyheads need to get out.” Els smiled and walked away. Kelly was still really confused. She was just turning herself around sleepily when she came to realize what was going on. But it was too late and she came face to face with a boy who looked just as sleepy as she did. He was leaned against her side and his face laid in the crook of her neck. Their faces not an inch away from one another and their bodies still pressed together, the pair gazed drowsily into each other’s eyes, really slowly coming to their senses.


“Hey, you heard her! You two need to get out.” The taxi driver yelled out all of a sudden, making the both of them jump. “Yes um, sorry.” DO said dazedly, bowing his head towards the taxi driver. Kelly quickly dragged herself out of the car, DO following behind her. Kelly couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep next to DO again. Why did this keep happening?


They stumbled into their dorm building after the others, trying to catch up. The girls said their goodbyes to the boys when they got to their floor.


“Now, I’m really intrigued to see what I’ll find in our bedroom tonight.” Riki grinned as she opened the door to the dorm.


“What do you mean?” Els asked but she knew exactly what Riki had meant. They walked into the dark room. “Oh my god Riki, they’ve been together for twenty-four hours! Kris is a gentleman!” Kelly burst out although she had to admit she was curious as to where the two lovebirds had gone to.


Riki quietly opened the door to her and Sen’s room. She couldn’t see so she clumsily made her way through the dark towards the little light on her nightstand. She flicked it on, her face turning to an immediate smile. Sen was lying under the covers of her own bed, alone but with a smile on her face as she slept.


“I told you Kris was a gentleman.” Kelly whispered from the doorway and then dissapeared off to her ow room.





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Chapter 8: its so interest! i like it
Chapter 20: Snif, I don't want them to break up, but I know that they're more into other dudes now, but snif I'm gonna be sad
Chapter 18: Finally ♥ I've been waiting for this for what feels like centuries hehe :p I loved it! I wonder how soon she will show him the ies muahahha! And I love the stuffed animals... god, obsession much?
tntmmm #5
Chapter 16: I literally die everytime there's a cute scene like ahdkalhxkdjslabdlsb update soon!!
xxRawrItsElyxx #6
Chapter 16: Aaaaaahh soo cute ! :D ♥
Chapter 16: YAY!!!! *happily flailing everywhere as bagels feels explode* SO HAPPY!!!! THIS WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 16: shipshipship, so cuuuuute!!! I screamed, like siriusly! I really can imagine them singing those songs btw! This SMTOWN has to happen hehe~ and Bacon is so lame but cute~ I ship it!!
Chapter 15: Oh, I feel bad for Kyungsoo! The three of them just barging in like that and ruining everything T_T it was so close!!!
Chapter 14: so cute!!! (-^□^-) this whole chapter was adorable! love the cuddling at the end!