Chapter 14: *Reunited*




Another chapter! ^^

Enjoysies!!! :D




On Saturday morning, Sen was the first one in the dorm to wake up. She took a quick shower, humming happily as she did so. Next, she scurried through the bedroom, trying to find some decent clothes to wear before turning on her laptop. Today was the day EXO-M returned from China. She’d been on the phone with Kris the evening before and if all went according to plan, they’d arrive back at their dorm in the early afternoon. Sen checked the flight schedule, happy to see that they’d most likely arrive on time.


Slowly, Riki was waking up as well. The girl rubbed her eyes drowsily. “You’re already up?” She mumbled, sitting up in the bed.


“Yup!” Sen cheered. “You want some breakfast?”


Riki simply shook her head and let herself fall into the covers of the bed again. Sen shrugged and got up, deciding to have some breakfast alone. As she was pouring herself some cornflakes, her phone began to vibrate. She picked it up, reading Kris’ text message.


[Hey baby. We’ve landed safely. I’ll be there in an hour. XXX]


Sen smiled and quickly typed him an answer. Then, realizing she’d probably woken up a little too early after all, she plopped down onto the couch, flicking through the channels on their TV. As the time passed, the other girls slowly started to show signs of life, one by one appearing in the kitchen for food. Around one in the afternoon, there was a sudden knock on the door. Sen jumped up from the couch, rushing to open it.


It was a beautiful sight. The moment the door opened, the two flew into each other’s arms, smiling widely.


“I missed you” Kris whispered into Sen’s ear as he hugged her tight. She giggled into him. “I missed you too” When he finally let go of her, he reached for one of the bags he’d set down at the door and pulled out what looked to be a pink ball of fluff.


“I got you something.” He smiled sheepishly, showing her the little stuffed animal. It was a pink alpaca wearing a striped pirate scarf and a polka dotted blue shirt.


Sen’s eyes widened in awe as she took the plushy from him and hugged it tightly. It was just the right cuddle-size.


“Thank you!” She gazed up at him excitedly.


Kris chuckled a little before pecking her on the lips sweetly. “I thought you’d like it.” He smiled at her. “I have one too, but mine is a little different.” He said proudly and he went and showed Sen his plushy, which was also a pirate alpaca, but his was wearing a black pirate hat and a pink shirt.


“Hey lovebirds!” Sen heard a voice come from behind her suddenly. “You’re not alone in the room you know.” Kelly stated, making Sen and Kris turn around abruptly.


“Aww, Kelly, let the lovebirds be.” Els laughed.


Just then, another figure appeared in the doorway.


“Kris! My man!” Chanyeol smiled widely as he came into the room and went in for a hug. Then he looked towards Sen. “Are we all ready to go?”


“Just a second. I think Riki’s still in the bathroom.” Sen answered before yelling out Riki’s name at the top of her lungs. A minute later, a sleepy looking girl appeared into the living room.


“What?” Riki yawned.


“You’re coming to lunch with us, remember?” Sen smiled. “The four of us” She pointed to Kris and Chanyeol behind her.


“What? No we’re not.” Riki said, clearly confused but Chanyeol had already grabbed her by the wrist. “Yes we are!” He grinned. “You see, I want my Kris-bro-time, but if it’s just me with those two I’ll be a total third wheel, so you have to come too to make it less awkward.” The boy rambled on as the four of them descended the stairs.


“Great” Riki mumbled.




They walked all the way towards the back of the café, where it was nice and quiet. When they reached their table Kris pulled out Sen’s chair for her like a true gentleman. When Chanyeol picked up on that little gesture, he smirked and reached to pull back Riki’s seat as well however, Riki sat down quickly in order to avoid it. Chanyeol punched the girl in the shoulder as he sat down next to her. “Hey!” He pouted grumpily.


“What?!” Riki let out. “I saw that look in your eyes. You were totally going to drop me!”


“Oh my god; was not!” The stubborn boy raised his voice, glaring at the girl.  


Sen watched as the two argued for a moment before she felt Kris’ familiar arm sneak around her shoulder. She looked over to her right and smiled at his warm face. He looked her in the eye and brushed a strand of hair away from her face before sighing. “Maybe bringing the both of them wasn’t such a good idea.” He chuckled. “I was hoping on a nice, quiet lunch.”


Sen raised her eyebrow at him. “Chanyeol, nice and quiet?”


“Hey, he’s not always like this.” Kris stated. “He usually behaves around me.”


“Yeah well, not when Riki’s around.” She chuckled at the sight of the boy and girl before her. They were now fighting over the menu. Chanyeol was throwing pieces of bread in Riki’s direction and laughing.


After Kris gave Chanyeol a lecture about behaving in public areas, the four finally ordered their food.


Apparently Chanyeol really did need his Kris-bro-time. For the first half hour, the boy’s mouth didn’t stand still as he talked excitedly about all the things that had happened in the last few days and he asked Kris a million questions about his time in China. Sen in the meantime just listened to the conversation as she rested her head against Kris’ shoulder, enjoying to simply being around him again. Only when the food arrived at the table did Chanyeol shut his face.


“So” Kris asked after taking the first bite from his chicken sandwich. “How have you been?” He directed his words towards Sen.


“Pretty good” She answered. “I’m still hoping to get into SM Town. Although I don’t think I stand much of a chance.” She sighed as she poked her food.


“Oh don’t worry about that.” Kris smiled. “I’m pretty sure they’ll have a job for you.” He started grinning to himself weirdly then, making Sen her head in confusion.


“What are you talking about?” She asked.


Kris looked at her. “Well…” He started. “Since I knew this whole SM Town means a lot to you; and since it’s a great opportunity to spend more time together…” He ran a hand through his messy hair, hesitating before saying. “I may have put in a good word for you.”


Sen’s face lit up in an instant. “You did?” She exclaimed in awe.


He nodded sweetly at her before Sen cuddled up into him, squealing ‘you’re the best’ into his chest.


“Did you put in a good word for me?” Riki asked Chanyeol, who was busy gulping down his food.


“Wha?” Chanyeol mumbled; his mouth full of noodles. “Oh, not really, no.”


Riki pouted a little. “Well, you’re stupid” she murmured, putting a spoonful of soup into . Chanyeol just rolled his eyes at the girl. “I just thought you wouldn’t need it.” He said plainly before redirecting his attention towards the food.


Sen frowned at the boy and girl before her. She thought both Riki and Chanyeol were acting a little weird today. I mean, Riki and Chanyeol were always kind of weird, that was fact; however she felt like there was something not quite right. So when Riki left to go to the bathroom, she followed her, finding her leaned up against the bathroom wall staring at herself in the mirror.


“Is something wrong?” Sen asked carefully. “You seem a little tense.”


Riki just shrugged. “I don’t know.”


“Hey” Sen said then, a little softer. “If there’s anything going on, you can tell me, you know that right?”


Riki nodded. She stood there for a moment, just gazing ahead of herself but then, she took a deep breath before spilling it all out.


“It’s just. I don’t know how to act around him anymore.” She buried her head into her hands. “I know I said I don’t like him that way but I kind of do and I can’t stop thinking about him and it’s entirely his fault and it’s pissing me off that bastard!” She rambled on in one breath.


Sen stared at her friend in astonishment for a moment. She’d had a feeling about Riki’s feelings for a while but she hadn’t expected to see her friend burst out into confession-mode so suddenly. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She sighed out before going over and putting an arm around her friend.


“I can hardly admit these feelings to myself, let alone someone else.” Riki mumbled. She raised her head from between her hands. “But I’ll get over it I guess.”


“Or” Sen tried. “You could take a chance with him.”


Riki shook her head and murmured. “It’s better if we not… It’ll just complicate things. He’s better off without a girlfriend, being an idol and all…” She straightened herself suddenly and put on a smile. “Anyways, it’s just a stupid crush. I’ll be fine.” She started walking towards the door.


Sen didn’t want to push on any further. Riki seemed pretty determent to end the conversation here so she just followed her out into the café again. She still felt like Riki shouldn’t try to ignore her feelings but she figured she’d talk to her about it some time later.




After Kris paid for everyone’s lunch, Chanyeol left for his schedule and Riki left to get some more dance practice. Kris and Sen however had some more time to spend together.


As they entered their dorm building Kris turned towards Sen.


“How about you come over to our dorm for a little?” He suggested as he took hold of her hand. “I mean, Chanyeol has had his bro-time; now it’s time I get my much deserved Sen-time.” He smiled goofily at her.


Sen burst out into giggles at the lameness of that statement. She rolled her eyes and followed him up the stairs. It hadn’t taken Sen long to realize that Kris wasn’t nearly as cool as he was made out to be. In all honesty, he was sort of a dork. But she loved him for it. In her eyes, Kris’ little flaws made him even more perfect.


Most of the EXO-M members were still at the dorm, mainly in order to chill off their jetlag and to get ready for their heavy upcoming schedule in Korea.


Sen was greeted by Tao, who seemed to be in need of some Sen-time as well as he instantly dragged her off to his room to show him all the new clothes he bought and received in China.


“And look at this one!” He said excitedly, holding up a fashionable leopard print sweater. “Isn’t it so pretty?”


Sen chuckled at the boy, whose eyes seemed to be literally twinkling with enthusiasm. She had to admit, the clothes were fabulous and she wanted them all. In the rubble of clothes, she spotted a really cute, light weight, heavily printed sweater.


“Oh my god this is so gorgeous!” She exclaimed as she held it up.


Tao looked up and smiled. “Noona can wear it sometime if she wants.”


“Really?” Sen said. Now her eyes were twinkling with enthusiasm as well.


Just then, the door opened and Kris came in. “Hey, what do you think you’re doing.” He chuckled at Tao. “Stealing my girlfriend by bribing her with clothes huh?” He came to stand behind Sen, sliding his arms around her waist and planting a kiss on the side of her neck.


Tao stuck his tongue out at Kris. “She likes my fashion better than yours anyways.” He said before starting to fold up the pile of clothes and putting them away in his closet.


“Whatever” Kris smiled. He took Sen by the hand and led her out of the room.






The two decided to move away from all the stuff going on in the living room with the other members and in stead spent some time alone in Kris and Luhan’s bedroom. Sen jumped into Kris’ bed instantly, right next to his little Alpaca plushy. Kris laughed and took the stuffed animal into his arms. He sat down on the bed and shoved the Alpaca in front of Sen’s face.


“Hello, my name is Ace.” He squeaked in a childish voice.


Sen giggled and petted the Alpaca. “Hello little guy, my name is Sen.”


Kris then started laughing a little at his own silliness. He handed Sen the Alpaca and crawled onto the bed with her. He lay on his back next to Sen and sighed.


“I’m really tired. I think I’m finally feeling the jetlag”


Sen nuzzled herself into him. “Poor baby” She pouted, his tummy lightly.


“I’m glad to be here though” He smiled then, turning himself so he could get a little closer to Sen.


Even though all they did was lie on the bed together and chat, time seemed to fly by. After what seemed like no time at all, Chen came in asking whether they wanted dinner. They nodded. Sen helped the poor, tired Kris up off the bed and they left the bedroom to eat with the rest of the members. Well, except lay and Xiumin because they’d gone to bed already.


Sen had planned on leaving after dinner, as she figured Kris needed his sleep however, Kris urged her to stay a little longer. They settled on the couch after the other members left for their rooms. It was silent for a while before Kris spoke.


“Do you really like Tao’s fashion style better than mine?” He asked.


Sen broke out into an instant smile. “You're still thinking about that?”


“Shut up” He laughed and he pulled her a little closer.


“Of course I like your style better.” Sen chuckled then. “Nobody rocks the airport fashion better than you baby.”


“Good” Kris replied, kissing her on the forehead. “And don’t wear that shirt Tao told you you could wear. You can wear my clothes instead okay.”


Sen smiled at him.


“Alright” she said, pulling him down for a kiss on the cheek. Kris however, turned his head before she reached him and he captured her lips in his. “You’re mine okay” He said when he pulled back before kissing her again, a little deeper this time. Sen smiled into the kiss and let the boy slip his tongue in between her lips. His hands s around her waist, just lightly her sides. She smelled his cologne as his lips moved slowly but passionately against her, savoring every inch of her. Sen loved making out with Kris because he always seemed to know exactly what she wanted. He was aware that Sen wasn’t nearly as experienced as him and he acted accordingly; never going too fast and always making sure Sen was enjoying herself.


The pair finally pulled back after about twenty minutes of kissing and touching, taking in some air. Kris once again pulled Sen a little closer to himself so that she could rest her head against his chest.


“I don’t want to go home.” Sen sighed sleepily.


“Then don’t” Kris smiled. “We could just stay here until we fall asleep.” He said, lazily stretching one of his arms.


“I don’t know.” Sen said. “You really need a thorough night of sleep if you ask me.”


“Then you can sleep in my room with me.” The boy tried. “Just sleeping, I promise.” He chuckled.


Sen smiled. “Are you sure?”


“Am I sure?” Kris laughed. “Baby, I haven’t seen you in forever.”


Sen's smile widened and she pecked him on the lips. “Okay then.”


They silently made their way to Kris and Luhan’s shared bedroom, crawling under the warm covers together and spooning until they fell asleep.




And there you have it. ^^

Also, if you have any requests for things for me to write about, please let me know in the comments HERE  (more info in the link)



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Chapter 8: its so interest! i like it
Chapter 20: Snif, I don't want them to break up, but I know that they're more into other dudes now, but snif I'm gonna be sad
Chapter 18: Finally ♥ I've been waiting for this for what feels like centuries hehe :p I loved it! I wonder how soon she will show him the ies muahahha! And I love the stuffed animals... god, obsession much?
tntmmm #5
Chapter 16: I literally die everytime there's a cute scene like ahdkalhxkdjslabdlsb update soon!!
xxRawrItsElyxx #6
Chapter 16: Aaaaaahh soo cute ! :D ♥
Chapter 16: YAY!!!! *happily flailing everywhere as bagels feels explode* SO HAPPY!!!! THIS WAS SO CUTE!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 16: shipshipship, so cuuuuute!!! I screamed, like siriusly! I really can imagine them singing those songs btw! This SMTOWN has to happen hehe~ and Bacon is so lame but cute~ I ship it!!
Chapter 15: Oh, I feel bad for Kyungsoo! The three of them just barging in like that and ruining everything T_T it was so close!!!
Chapter 14: so cute!!! (-^□^-) this whole chapter was adorable! love the cuddling at the end!