
Not the expected Fangirl

General POV

“Ok… that was pretty weird though O.o” Onew said after GaEul and Amissa(you) left their table, and the cafeteria…

“What did you do to her?” JongHyun asked Taemin, still looking to the door of the cafeteria, through which the girls have left.

“Well, if you did nothing and this is her way to drag our attention, I have to say that it is disgusting and childish, what a girl!” Key said crossing his legs.

“Ahm… I can bet she didn’t do it with that purpose; you shouldn’t be mad at her, I guess she was really pissed off by me staring at her…” Taemin said then, trying to make Key understand the girl’s point of view.

“So… you DID stare at her ALL lunch!” Key yelled, Taemin just nodded silently “I’m glad. That means you’re guilty and she’s not like I though” Key said smirking at Taemin “She’s pretty though” He said while turning his neck to look at the door “But I can tell she’s not Korean, where is she from?” Key asked Taemin, this time looking at him.

“I-I don’t know… I haven’t talked to her yet” the latter answered shyly.

“Really? Well, I think you should.” Taemin looked at him wide eyed “You should talk to her and ask her where’s she from, and then come and gossip it to me” he said winking at the maknae.

“I don’t think it is a good idea. You can tell that the girl has her temper… she doesn’t seem an easy person to deal with.” MinHo said pretty serious “And I think that you should sit somewhere else from now on, too.”

“What? You’re at the same classroom as her?” JongHyun asked with genuine curiosity.

“He actually sits BESIDE her, between HER and her friend” MinHo pointed out.

“You mean the girl that apologized for her?” Onew asked.

“Yupp!” Taemin said smiling.

Amissa’s [Your]POV

“What did I tell you about being nice…?” GaEul asked me as we walked to the classroom again.

“Sorry, you know I can’t help people staring at me” I said looking at the floor not proud of myself for yelling at the cute boy…

yeah he’s cute, I can’t deny it! I’ll be a liar if I do that, and I’m NOT a liar!!!’

“And you better than anyone know, why I don’t want to be noticed by those shining boys! I’ve worked pretty hard to move on, and to stop being the girls’ target, and I don’t want to get back to that…” I said pretty sad by remembering the last few years.

“I know…” she pouted, cutely, I have to admit… “But I know too that you promised yourself that you wouldn’t let them get in your life never again, that you wouldn’t quit at ANYTHING because of them, and that you would live your life happy and careless, what’s up with that now? Huh?” She said, now, kind of angry…

Gosh! She’s right!’

“Remember what you tell yourself every morning in front of the mirror?” she asked me, waiting for me to remember my “life-slogan”.

“You have never cared about what people think about you, and you’re not going to start today. You like yourself like this and that what’s matter. Be yourself…” I said quoting myself haha how weird is that?!


“Never be NORMAL!!!” I shouted out loud. She just clapped her hands and hopped cutely at my statement “But I do not want any more problems…” I said then pissed off.

Taemin’s POV

The rest of that day, and the day next, she didn’t talked to me again, not even her friend, even though I didn’t changed my classroom spot between them. I guess she’s really mad… I must have looked like a very creepy person by looking at her like that…

Should I apologize with her? I think I should… I will! Tomorrow’


Amissa’s [Your]POV

Well… that boy haven’t talked to me again, I guess he did got the message…

‘Gosh! How I regret it right now!’

Someone cleared his throat bringing me back from cursing myself…

“Y-you?!” I almost yelled in surprise.

“I just want to apologize for what happened two days ago; maybe I just freaked you out by staring at you like that, I’m so sorry… Can we start off again? And… be friends?” he said while looking at the floor.

Why doesn’t he look at me? Is he that shy? Or maybe… did I scare him that much that day?! Is he afraid of me to punch him?! Other guys are… -.- ’

“I-I..” I just stuttered…

What I’m I supposed to say now…?’

“You don’t have to answer yet, just think about it and let me now if you can forgive me” he said smiling at me, and just after that the teacher entered the classroom.

‘Great! ¬¬´ ‘

When the class came to an end, I was dragged by the “popular”-y girls to the girls’ restroom. They hadmeagainstthe wall, surrounded…

‘What now?!’

“You think you’re pretty smart by stealing the cutie attention, don’t you?” the Y-QUEEN spoke out.

‘I knew it! I knew this would be bad!’

“Do you think we are that stupid to just not notice how did he blushed while saying sorry to you?” her principal-monkey-slave said to me.

‘Noticed or not, that doesn’t change the fact that you’re stupid… -.- WAIT! Did she say he… blushed?! O.O’

“And who you are that he has to say sorry to you?!” the second monkey spited at me.

“No one important…” I said out loud “And I don’t have to give you any explanation of what goes on among the cutie and me!!” they just got even angrier (if that’s even possible) and I got still morepushed against the wall, it almost hurt.

‘Fine… I just screwed up the screwed… I’m hilarious!!! -.- ‘

“You know… this means WAR!” The y-queen murmured in a very witchy-dramatic way, you know like in the movies…

And then… they left the restroom leaving me ALONE.

‘Fine… I’m the target again…’

When I went out the restroom I heard GaEul shout at me as she ran to me, through the hallway.

“Where were you?” she asked me with a smile.

“I was beingcornered andthreatenedin the bathroom”


“Yup! I’m the target again. I think I’m just irresistible for them to bully…” I said while smiling and shrugging my shoulders.

“Sorry… Guess you were right…”

“Actually I’m glad of it” she looked at me wide eyed “You know, I’m going to be punished about something I haven’t done… so, since the verdict has come out,I think I can afford myself to commit the crime of which I am accused” I said winking at her.



Yeah… Taemin blushed, and it is kind of interested in you, same Key ;) not too serious yet, but… at least you dragged their attention, even though you don't want it lol

Hope you liked this chapter ^^

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looking forward to what happens next ^^ and you posted chapter two twice....just so you know ㅋㅋ