I Got You


It’s been days since my “wedding” and darkness envelopes my solitary room. I’ve lost track when it comes to time – only the light rushing in and fading out through the small curtain gaps helped me be aware that it was night time once again.


I sat on the floor, my back resting on the bedside. My phone started ringing again, I grabbed it and found a whooping 80 text messages and 50 missed calls mostly from Minho and Key. I put my phone on silent mode and threw it back on the bed. I popped open another can of ice-cold beer and drank it straight hoping it will drown away all the sorrow I’ve been feeling. I sighed after gulping the last drop; I was in awe seeing all the empty beer cans scattered across the floor, and here I am still sober.


All of a sudden, I heard the front door of my unit opening. There were footsteps outside my room but really, I could care less. When the door leading to my room creaked open, I tilted my head resting it on the bed to see who the person was.


Yoona peered in and I managed to nod, acknowledging her. She took steps towards me and sat beside me on my left. We sat in silence for a while when I decided to open myself another can of beer – that was when she stopped me. “Let me do it for you.” She said and after handing me my beer, she opened herself one. She took a gulp and a smile took over my face after seeing her scrunch up her face. Yoona was never a drinker and here she was, popping beer cans with me. After downing a mountain of alcohol, she broke the silence. “I thought you needed some time to think things through, that was why I didn’t show up or gave you any call.” I faced her and landed my gaze on her eyes, her doe eyes – they were telling me something, something that I just couldn’t decipher. Yoona stood up and yanked me by the arms, “Come on Kim Jonghyun, it’s already been a week! Isolating yourself will do you no good.” But I stayed rooted on the floor. “Look! I helped you finish those heaps of beer, now help me bring my best friend back!” her word struck me; I stood up and let her led me to the bathroom. She shoved me inside and said “Have a shower, you reek of alcohol… and don’t even try drowning yourself – that would be pathetic.”


I did what she said; having the cold water run through my body brought me back to life. After the shower, I stood facing the mirror. “Aigoo Jonghyun… what happened to you.” I covered the lower half of my face with the shaving cream and started shaving the little hairs that started to sprout on my face. After shaving, I put adequate amount of wax on my fingers and my hair till I looked human again. I put on my favorite gray sweatpants and black wife beater and stormed out of my room. I found Yoona by the kitchen counter brewing some coffee. “You need some of this for you to be fully awake.” She said without looking at me. After a while, she handed me a mug and added some cream into it. “Thank you.” I said to her. “It’s nothing. You’re talking as if I’ve never brewed you some coffee before.” “No, I’m talking about you being here with me.” I said that as I avoided her gaze. I didn’t know why but, blood started to rush to my face. Then there was silence once again. “N-Not that I’m s-special, right? I’m s-sure you’ll do the same w-with Minho and Key if ever they faced this k-kind of situation.” Yoona just nodded as if oblivious to my stuttering. “Why don’t we go to the living room?” I managed to blurt out and I led her out of the kitchen.


Once we’re in the living room, I spotted the radio rack. Without even thinking, I put on a random disc and a familiar song started to play. “Shall we dance?” I asked Yoona, reaching my hand to her. The moment she accepted my invitation and grabbed hold of my hand, pure bliss was once again felt by Mr. Kim Jonghyun. I guided her slender hands around my neck and rest my hands to her waist. For a moment we stood there in the middle of the room, though I can’t lock gazes with her, we still swayed to the sweet music.


You’re a fool Kim Jonghyun! I was mentally torturing myself. How come it took five long years and a disastrous wedding for you to realize that this girl in front of you is the right one!? She’s been keeping up with all your craziness for years, supporting you all the way. You have a lot in common, you do the same things, you love the same food, you laugh at the same jokes and most importantly, she accepts you for who you are. This girl in front of you is not just your best friend. She’s the woman God sent for you to love, cherish and be with forever.


After building up the courage I met her gaze and said “Naege baboya.”


“What? What are you saying?” Yoona was clearly dumbfounded by my words.


“I’m a fool. It took so long for me to realize that this woman in front of me is my one and true love.”  I said that line while caressing her cheeks. And I was stunned when she started to tear up. I panicked; “What? Why are you crying? Are you hurt or something!? Tell me!”


Yoona glowered at me; “Yes. You are a complete fool Kim Jonghyun.” She ended her sentence with the most beautiful smile I’ve seen, making my heart beat faster (if that was even possible).


“I noticed that you’re really fond of calling me by my full name, Miss Im Yoon Ah.” I retorted jokingly. “Yoona?”




“Have I told you I love you?”


“No. Not yet.”


“Well… Saranghamnida.” I whispered to her ear and wrapped her in a tight embrace while filling my senses with her intoxicating perfume. She pulled out from the hug and said:


“I love you too.”


That was it. I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I leaned in and crash my lips to hers. Do you want me to describe the kiss? Well… it was wet, it was gentle and it was the sweetest kiss I’ve ever experienced.






“I’m so thankful that after everything we’ve been through – I got you”



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HKCactus #1
Chapter 3: Love it
You should try more about this kind of short stories
HKCactus #2
Chapter 3: Love it
You should try more about this kind of short stories
HKCactus #3
Chapter 3: Love it
You should try more about this kind of short stories
bittersweet ^^
oyeahgnarasdsns #5
Looking forward for your next fanfics.....
oyeahgnarasdsns #6
Wow that is avery nice oneshot........