Gikwang - the great appa.....?

Hello Gikwang


Gikwang rubs his nape in frustration. That morning, their manager had arrived at their dorm to bring them to SBS studio to brief them about their new show. He didn’t mind new projects, especially in which all members will have to participate. But what puts in the edge is that they will be doing the latest season of Hello Baby.

“Didn’t Mblaq just finish the last season? I thought they’re supposed to get a girl group,” Gikwang said, amidst the excited chatter of s. “They’re supposed to do an alternate of boy group and girl groups.” He continued whining at no one in particular.

“Yah, hyung, cheer up. They’ll be adorable!” Dongwoon put his arms around his hyung’s shoulders.

“Yah, Lee Gikwang, how can you hate kids? I mean, your girlfriend is a preschool teacher. Don’t you play with her students?” Doojoon turned around from the front seat.

“No.” He replied flatly.

“Ah, why don’t we go to noona’s school and play with the kids!” Dongwoon suggested excitedly.

“Hyung, we don’t have any schedule today right? Can we go play with the kids? Please?” Dongwoon turned to their manager who was driving.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea!”

Gikwang gaped at Junhyung who also agreed with the idea.

By this time Yoseob and Dongwoon have joined forces to make their manager agree with them by doing aegyo.

“Ugh, you guys stop it.” Gikwang crossed his arms across his chest and unknowingly pouting like a child himself.

Hyunseung hit his chest playfully.

“Aigoo. No wonder your girlfriend took you in. You just looked like those kids she have in preschool.” Hyunseung laughed that made everyone sent their heads off laughing.

“Okay, but make sure you guys won’t be seen by anybody.” Their manager agreed as he turned the car around, towards the very familiar route that Gikwang had been when he would pick his girlfriend up after her class.


You had successfully put everyone to sleep for their nap time. You tiptoed across the little angels who were peacefully sleeping on the soft mattress spread over the carpeted floor. You tucked in carefully some kids who would occasionally kick their blankets from time to time before you made your way in front of the class and prepare their banana milk and snacks.

You smiled at the little angels lost to their dreamland.

You’ve been a preschool teacher for almost two years already, and you love every single time with your students. You love kids, and teaching them, playing with them made them love you back ten folds. Every end of the school year, your students would cry to their mothers, not wanting to leave their teacher behind. But you’ve managed to cooed them and tell them that they are going to another place where they’ll meet other teachers who would play with them and teach them much more interesting things.

Gikwang would sometimes sit in your class, wondering how you manage to calm those kids who would sometimes just wail and cry all of a sudden; those who would randomly throw temper tantrums or those who would be in petty kids’ fight.

During those rare days that Gikwang would be given free days, you would already expect him to hang out in school and wait for your class to be over. These times were the kids are most excited because they have another person to play with.

Gikwang is very awkward with kids. But that made him much more adorable to you. He’s a kid at heart, but he always feels at loss whenever kids would surround him. There was one time he went to a visit and it surely made him very well known with your students.

“Seonsaengnim,” one of your students was tugging the hem of your blouse. “Is ahjusshi going with us today to the park?”

You chuckled at the child’s innocence and bend to be at her level. In the background, Gikwang was bewildered. He must have heard the kid called him ahjusshi.

“Yes, Minjungie. That ahjusshi will be buying us ice cream.” You smiled at the little girl and patted her head.

“Really?” Her eyes lit up. “Yey! Ahjusshi will be buying us ice cream!”

The other kids started cheering towards Gikwang, who was taken back. When he looked up at you, you playfully stuck your tongue out at him.

“Yah, yah! Kids, I’m not going to buy you ice cream if you keep calling me ahjusshi. I’m oppa to you, hyung to you!” He insisted.

“Ahjusshi! Ahjusshi!” The kids continued hugging his legs.

“Aish! You,” He pointed at the little girl. “I’m an oppa!”

The little girl only giggled and continuously called him ahjusshi.



You smiled at the memory. You know how Gikwang doesn’t like kids that much. He would always complain to you that you love your students more than you love him. Of course that’s not true. You would just pinch his nose and kiss him on the cheeks to calm him down. But when he’d throw temper tantrums, just like those of the kids in your class, you’d immediately give him a sweet smile and a kiss on the lips. That always works well on him.


You nearly jumped out of your skin when the door burst open and a grown man came running inside with this arms spread open.

You rolled your eyes playfully and smiled as you approached the dumb struck grown man. Dongwoon. The grown man with a child like mind and personality.

“Dongwoon-ah.” You pulled him in a hug.

“Yah! Be quiet you punk, the kids are sleeping!” Junhyung playfully slapped the back of his head.

As the others started pouring in, your surprise grew much more. Everyone was here, even the unwilling Gikwang stepped inside. You raised your eyebrows in curiosity.

“What’s up guys?” You greeted them as your boyfriend swiftly went to your side and kissed you.

“Erm, we wanted to play with the kids, but…” Doojoon started, rubbing his nape. Dongwoon and Yoseob immediately looked over the kids and went on claiming dibs on which kid they will be playing with later.

You turned to Gikwang for another answer. Surely, BEAST can’t be that free to just go there, visit you randomly and play with kids, just because. But he shrugged in reply.

“I already told them it’s no joke playing with those brats,” Gikwang murmured, pushing his hands inside his pocket.

“Yah! In case you’re forgetting, those brats you’re talking about are my kids!” You crossed your arms across your chest.

You heard Junhyung snickered and Hyunseung tutted in disappointment towards Gikwang’s words. You were slightly offended that he sees your students as brats when in fact; they’re perfectly well behaved kids.

“Hey, hey. Are you mad at me? I’m sorry okay.” Gikwang held your arms, but you chose to ignore him. He can’t just go around calling your students brats when in fact he doesn’t even spend time knowing them because he hates kids in general. You know he doesn’t mean that bad, but you’re very protective of your students.

“Guys, you can sit here,” You motioned at the carpeted area in front of the whiteboard, where your teacher’s table was located. “They’ll be waking up in a while, and while you’re here, would guys help me distribute those milks and snacks to them?”

“Sure, sure. We’ll do them.” Junhyung said as the others went to take their seat.

“Hey, baby,” Gikwang still followed you as you made your way at the back of the room to put away the toys that the kids played with earlier.

“Gikwang, just… joined the others. I really don’t understand why you hate my students. Sure you’ve been here for quite a number of times already, but you should have seen already that they’re not bad kids.” You told him.

You just don’t get it. These are one of the times that you feel disappointed at him because of how he sees children. You’ve always imagined your life with him in the future: when you two get married, then have kids, take care of them and watch them grow up. But when you imagine yourself having kids with him, you’d hesitate. Because he’d always say he hates them.

“I’m sorry,” He pulled you in a hug and swayed you, just like he would always do to calm your anger down. You sighed. And just like all those times, you’d give in to his sweet actions and light kisses.


You suddenly looked down at the tiny voice and you saw one of your students, who was rubbing his eyes, was tugging at Gikwang’s hoodie.

“What is it, Changsunnie?” You pried your boyfriend’s arms around you kneeled down to your student’s level.

“Ahjusshi, can you please help me go to the bathroom?” He ignored you and has his eyes only to Gikwang.

“Err,” Gikwang looked at you for help.

“Changsunnie, teacher will go with y—“

“No,” He pulled himself from you and held the hem of Gikwang’s hoodie tightly.

“Seonsaengnim, you’re a girl. I’m a boy. You cannot go with me to boys’ bathroom.” He said logically.

You gave  your boyfriend a look that says he doesn’t have any other choice. So as Gikwang sighed, he picked up the little boy Changsun and disappeared from the room.


The BEAST boys were all having a blast playing with the kids. You watched them as your classroom immediately being thrown down as if a tsunami has passed.

Yoseob was playing horse with the kids at the middle of the room. Dongwoon was sprawled on the floor with a bunch of students who were drawing and doodling things with him. Junhyung was approaching random kids and taking selcas with him. You almost laughed your head off when he tried carrying a little girl and attempted to slide together in the mini playground but he was too big to fit in.

Doojoon was reading a story to some kids in the corner, as he animated re-enacted some scenes. You smiled as the kids listened eagerly and fascinated to Doojoon’s every words. Meanwhile, Hyunseung was in another corner of the room and a group of girls were surrounding him. When you approached them, you were surprised to see the girls giggling as Hyunseung expertly braiding a girl’s hair, twisting and turning it into a nice hair bun.

Gikwang was silently sitting beside you, watching you fold origamis to show the group of kids surrounding you.

“Don’t you want to play with kids?” You asked him. From the corner of your eyes, you see him pouting sadly. He can tell you’re still a little upset with him. How can he not be upset? All your attention is with the kids. There are barely left for him.

He s his arms around your waist, squeezing them lightly.

“Gikwang!” You hissed at him. You’re in front of the kids, he cannot just do that.

You heard him sighed and pulled his arms away. You tried to ignore him for the rest of the class.


It was time for the kids to say good bye, and so was Beast. The kids have fun with their hyungs and oppas that the kids didn’t even want to go home yet. So much to your surprise, the kids started kissing all the Beast members, even Gikwang who barely played with them, because he was just sulking the whole time.

“Annyeong seonsaengnim!” They waved at you goodbye.

“Annyeong kids. Get home safely! See you tomorrow!” You waved at them.

“Annyeong oppa-deul! Annyeong hyung-deul!”

Doojoon thanked you for letting them play with your students.

“Nah, it’s okay, they loved you. Next time when you have free time, you can always visit them again.” You told them as they started giving you goodbye hugs. You still haven’t talk to Gikwang.

So when it was his turn to give you the hug. He silently pulled you to his chest, and you swore you can hear him mumbling apologies again. You felt a little bad. Knowing this is just one of the few free days they have, you didn’t spend so much time with him. So you held him a little longer than the others and gave him a kiss on the cheek before he let go.

“We’ll be going now,” Doojoon said as the other waved at you.

You watched them, including Gikwang who boarded their van. He had his head hung low, sad and disappointed at how the day turned out.

You wanted him to stay, to spend the rest of the remaining hours with him. But you know you can’t do that. It’s just that, maybe you shouldn’t have been too hard on him.

You miss him too. And maybe, you can just start accepting the fact that he will never like kids. You love him enough that you can even accept defeat that maybe having kids with him will be impossible.


In the morning, you send your usual text message to him of ‘Good mornings’ and ‘I love you’s’. You know that it might take him time to reply, since the night before; you were in a long phone call with him. You made up already, but you can still hear the sadness and frustration in his voice. Although you assured him that everything was fine and you’re not mad at him anymore, it didn’t help a bit to what he was feeling.

Instead of receiving Gikwang’s reply to your early text message, you received a picture MMS from Dongwoon.

“Noona! Look look look look! Doesn’t she look like a princess?”

And a picture of Dongwoon with a really cute little girl, who looked more like an angel, was attached. In the background, you can see a glimpsed of Yoseob trying to take photo with the another little girl too. You laughed at their cuteness.

You touched the reply button on the screen of your mobile phone and typed,

“You guys are so cute!! Who is the little angel you’re with, Dongwoon-ah?”

As soon as the message was sent, your phone immediately continuously vibrated and Gikwang’s voice singing ‘I like you the best’ started ringing.

It was a video call.

“Noona! Annyeong!”

You were surprised to see Dongwoon all hyper in the morning, waving at your through the screen.

“Dongwoon-ah. Good morning! You’re up early!” You said, sitting up a little, brushing your hair with your fingers. You just woke up a few minutes ago.

“Are you still on bed, noona?” He asked, looking around you.

“Y-yeah.” You admitted shyly.

“Well, it’s time to get up!” He said, then the hand he had been holding his mobile phone was tugged a little.

“Oh, Yoomi-ah.” You heard him say as the video turned in to a blur.

“Say ‘Annyeong’ to unnie.” He said, and then a little girl who is absolutely gorgeous came up the screen.

“Annyeong haseyo, unnie!” She waved cutely and even did a little bow.

You wanted to squeal and squirm in her cuteness.

“Annyeong haseyo Yoomi!” You waved back at her.

“See, I told she’s cute.” Dongwoon’s face came back.

“Oh my god Dongwoon! Where are you guys! She’s so friggin gorgeous! I want a kid just like her!” You exclaimed. This made Dongwoon laughed and told you he’ll sure to pass the message to Gikwang. You started looking around as Dongwoon walked around. You noticed there are cameras and people as if they were in the middle of filming.

“Are you guys filming something?” You asked.

“Yeah.” He smiled sheepishly. From his background, you can spot Yoseob talking to the little girl you just saw. And then not far from him was Hyunseung who was carrying another angel in his arms.

“Is Gikwang there with you?” You suddenly asked.

“Um. Yeah. You want to talk to him?” Dongwoon moved the camera to where Gikwang was. Upon seeing him, you felt your heart soar a little.

There he was, sitting quietly in the corner, and a little boy was hovering him. He seemed to be showing him some magic tricks, and a few times the little boy would cry in delight. It was then when the boy climbed on Gikwang’s lap and much to your surprise, he put his arms around the boy and adjusts him, so the boy would sit comfortably.

They were absolutely a gorgeous pair.

The two just started playing again when Dongwoon’s face came back.

“We’re filming the new season for Hello Baby,” he told you. “And that little boy was attached to him since the first meeting with the babies.”

“But… Gikwang.. he.. He doesn’t—“

“We know. That’s why we were nervous at first. That hyung might push the kid away. But he didn’t.”

You wanted to ask Dongwoon if you can talk a bit to Gikwang, but you heard someone calling them and the filming will start in a bit.

“I’ll call you again later, noona!” Dongwoon said. “Get up now and prepare to go to school! Hehe!”

When you hung up, you can’t help feeling much more sorry for how you treated Gikwang. You should at least try to make it up to him.


Days had passed and you still didn’t have the chance to meet-up with your boyfriend. Although this is just a common situation for the both of you, you contented yourself with the sweet exchanges of text messages and brief midnight phone calls, since he’s always so tired by the end of the day. Either he’d end up falling asleep just a few minutes of your conversation, and you’d listen for about an hour on the phone, hearing his light snores, or you’d have to make him hung up and make him sleep because you can tell by his voice that it has been a long day for him.

So one normal Thursday, you were running the whole day in a routine like always. Waking up at exactly 6:30 in the morning, 2 minutes spent staring at the ceiling, before you reach for your phone and kiss Gikwang’s face on your wallpaper, before proceeding to send him a round a good morning texts.

Sometimes, he’d be all up and awake, and in the middle of filming. And during those times he’s actually free, or just in a break, he’d call you and you’d talk to him while preparing for school. Recently, he had insisted you talk to him through speaker phone while you were showering. Seriously, sometimes your boyfriend can be such an immature erted kid.

“Baby, I’ll go ahead now, manager hyung is screaming his head off, because Yeollie had spilled another glass of his juice in hyung’s shoes.” He giggled. By this time, you’ve known that Yeollie is that one kid who just wouldn’t let go of Gikwang’s hands or that who’s always following him whenever he goes.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you later.” You said and hung up.

You really miss him, but you can’t help smiling at the thought that Gikwang is starting to open up with kids. Maybe a future with happy looking kids, who greatly resemble yourself and Gikwang, wouldn’t be too impossible anymore.

You smiled. Whether or not Gikwang has really changed his mind, at least you know he’s trying for you.


It was just about to hit 11 pm when your door bell rang. You lethargically dragged yourself to the door. Today was really exhausting. You spent the whole day preparing activities and food for the party tomorrow for the kids. Every year, you gave your students a fun party for their really good behaviour and cooperating in school. Also, this is also a good bye party for them, since in a few weeks, the school year will end.

“Oh! Gikwangie, what are you doing here?” You gaped at him who was grinning his signature eye smile in front of you. You looked behind him and found that no one was with him. But he had on a really huge backpack, which he almost looked like he ran away from the dorm to have some secret sleep over or something.

“Come inside,” You pulled him in and you were immediately wrapped by his strong muscular arms.

It took your breath away, like literally. From the tightness of his embrace, to the very familiar cologne he always use, you miss all of those so much, that you just surrendered yourself to him.

“What are you doing here?” You managed to ask him, still not wanting to let go.

“Well, I missed my baby,” He winked at you childishly. You lightly slapped his arm.

“No, really, what’s with all those stuff?”

He led you to the couch and started taking out the things inside.

You found out that he had come home to his parents’ house and took some of his personal toys as a kid to give to Yeollie. Sadly, he didn’t have any toys to give to the little girls.

“Aw, my baby Kwangie is such a great appa,” You cooed and hugged his head. He seemed to enjoy it and hugged your waist for more attention.

“You think he’ll like it? I also bought some new toys,” He started rummaging through his bag again, and took out cute stuffed toys. All were very cute and he said hopefully the little girls would like them too.

You didn’t notice you were gazing fondly at him, because of how much he really wanted to make those kids happy. You’ve watched the first few episodes of their show, and it was very obvious that Gikwang is really awkward with the kids, but the kids always end up choosing him.

“You’ve become a great appa, Kwangie,” You said, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

This seemed to catch him off guard and turned to you.

“Really?” He asked, a tiny hope filled his voice.

“Sure, you don’t really see it much in you because you’ve convinced yourself before that you don’t like them.” You said, as you hug his side and rest your cheeks on his shoulder. “But really, you are.”


Suddenly you were off from your sitting position as Gikwang scooped you up in his arms.

“YAH! What are you doing?!” You screamed at him, slapped his chest a little because he seriously scared the hell out of you. You tightly gripped his neck in surprise, but which gave you more shock when he suddenly started making your way to your room.

He jumped on your queen size bed, like a big kid would do, and you found yourself bouncing with him on it.

“ACK SERIOUSLY LEE GIKWANG!” You screamed as his childish laughs filled your ears. He’s really enjoying this, isn’t it?

You made a face at him, daring him to laugh more, when he almost broke your bed.

“Do you want to try if I’m really going to be a great appa?” He asked softly, gently taking your hands in his.


As the realization of what he’s really asking dawned on you, you gave out a nervous laugh.

“Don’t joke like that! Gikwang!” you scolded him, as you tried squirming a little on your side, but he held you tightly in his arms.

“That’s it!” He was suddenly back to his hyper kid mode. “Let’s have a baby of our own!”

You nearly choked at how bold he was asking! Sure, the two of you had been intimate with each other a few times, but you’ve never gone that far. And he’s not simply asking to have with you; he’s asking to have a kid already! For goodness sake!

“Gikwang! Do you even realize what you’re saying?” You told him, afraid of how insistent he is. Sure you want to have kids with him, but now?!

He was suddenly doing that shaking thing he does with his shoulders when he wants something. You are very sure that your 12 year old brother does this when he was 5 years old and was asking your mom to buy him a toy robot.

“Lee Gikwang, NO.” You told him sternly. This amazingly gorgeous looking grown man in front of you started pouting like a little kid deprived of ice cream.

“You do know that it’s not simple to have babies. You have to constant watch over them, give them attention, feed them, and bathe them. They need 24/7 attention and….”

You can see that Gikwang was intently listening to everything you were saying. And you see the hurt in his eyes, because you both know he cannot do those things at the moment, because of his career.

“You said I can be a good appa,” He pouted sadly.

You sat up and pulled him up too. You cupped his puffed out cheeks with your hands and chuckled.

“You will be. One day, Gikwang. One day.” You said as you leaned to kiss his pouting lips.

But then,


He laughed as he pushed you down back the bed and hovered you.

“Let’s just try once, huh? Please? Pleaseeeeeee?”

Oh god, he sounded really like your students asking for more games and whatnot during your class.

“I promise you we will try, but not after my first kid grows up first, okay?”

You pushed him gently to his side of bed and grinned at him as he looked at you dumb founded.

“Y-yah! What first kid! What do you--… You don’t mean you have a kid already, r-right? O-or you have….? Who----?” He pointed a finger accusingly at you, horror written all over his face.

“That’s right.” You leaned closer to him, and gave him a light peck directly on his lips and winked mischievously at him, your little kid.





a/n: okay y ending is y XD I honestly have another scene in my mind (continuing yours and Gikwang’s conversation in the bedroom) but if I add those here…. I wouldn’t have any idea how to find an ending to that. Huhu. So.. maybe next one shot again? ;)

haha ! and oh god, my body clock is seriously messed up right now and my cousin is downloading a friggin big filed movie, so I still haven’t seen Infinite’s new MV. Huhu

So later, more drowning to Sunggyu feels, and I know I will continue watching those random Gikwang feels. Ack. Good luck to my poor heart XD

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nice fic !!!!!!!!!!!
koruxkpop #2
Chapter 1: Aigoo, kyeopta...^^
musicloverk10 #3
Chapter 1: This was so adorable! I really enjoyed reading it! <3 I started a Kikwang fanfic too, hope maybe you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed reading this one shot ^^
anejae #4
lol hahah
lets have a baby ,omo dirty mind hahah
aww! I find the ending so cute! hehe
secretstayafterlove #6
LOL Kwangie.
"Let's have a baby!"
So blunt and straight forward. XD
i love this!
ashley123456 #9
sooo cuteeeee~~~*u*
♥ that was adorableeee xD