


I woke up in a room I’ve woken up in for all my life.

I was at home.

I quickly sat up and looked confused around, then regretted as the cold air in my room hit my skin and made me shiver.

“Hey! Why are you up? Lay down immediately!” my mother said as she came into the room with a tray in her hands. I closed my eyes as the sweet smell of mothers home cooking reached my nose.

She sat down the tray at my desk, and then sat down on the edge of my bed. She then put a hand over my forehead and shaked her head.

“You’re not ready to go to school today…” she sighed and then stood up and was about to leave.

“Wait! Mom!” I called after her. She turned around and looked at me.


I felt a bit weird by the question I was about to ask her, but I just had to know. “Mom… why… am I here? How did I get here?” I asked and looked at her without breaking eye-contact. She looked blank for a second, but then remembered something. She suddenly smiled, a sad yet happy smile.

“The person who brought you home is sitting down in the living room. Your father is talking to him right now… come down when you’ve eaten… we have to talk about something.” She had, smiled again, and then silently left my room and went downstairs.

I sighed, and then held my hand against my forehead.

“Who can that be…?” I asked myself as I dig through my options. Memories becoming one big mess as I tried to remember all that had happened, but to no success. “I guess I have to go down to see…” I sighed again and got out of bed. I quickly changed my clothes to something decent, and then ate the delicious food my mom had made me, and then hesitatingly went down to the living room downstairs.

I could hear someone talk – it was a deep calm voice – it was my fathers. He sounded serious, not angry nor sad, just serious and like he was asking about something. Then another deep voice answered – it was a voice I’ve heard before somewhere, but where I’d heard it, I could not remember. Their voices was murmur until I came down to the opening of the livingroom.

I had prepared a tired smile so that our guest wouldn’t feel uncomfortable, but my smile and whole body stiffened as I discovered the person sitting there.

“M-Mir?!” I said in surprise. I hadn’t expected to see him again, and especially not in my own house, talking to my parents. Did they know? Did they know that he…?

“We know everything…” my dad interrupted my thoughts, and woke me from my daze again. I blinked a few times as I got ‘back’.

“Y-you do? Since when…?” I asked, as I tried to move my eyes from Mir, but without success.

“He just told us…” my mom answered but was unable to say anymore, as she began crying. My father put a protective arm around her shoulder, and comforted her as she cried.

I felt the tears press against my eyes, but I held them in.

I really


Wanted to cry.

“I am sorry, Tobi…” Mir said as he stood up. “I truly am.”

“I… feel like I was the one at fault… the one who killed them… and for not being able to save them… not doing anything at that time… I can’t say how much I am sorry for that!”

One tear followed another, and soon after…

                                                                                  I was in Mir’s warm embrace.


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Chapter 63: Wait..... What happened? I dont get it.. Its confusing.. The three scenes with and then with key then zelo again then mir.. Waaaaaah my head hurts.. I really dont get this.. I swear.. Im sorry.. Author-nim, can you please make it clearer on the next chapter??? Please??????
MissLocket #2
Chapter 60: I got confused, sorry, the last scenario was real? Zelo is really playing with her? See, Key is not so bad after all.
Chapter 51: Ahah! I love him!
But, what the hell happened that night?
Chapter 50: The guy was Mir right?
Such a terrible accident! :s
Chapter 48: MIR!!! WAAAHHH
Chapter 48: I kinda feel sorry for Mie..he must haven't saved them because they can't...right?s;
Chapter 47: MIR?! Why do I feel like he's the bad guy here?
Chapter 47: He what???
Chapter 46: OMG PLEASE UPDATE SOON, I'm in love with your fanfic. ^.^ It's really great. :-)
Chapter 46: Oh come on! How can you, key, lose one oportunity like that???