The Dream




I stood in front of the gates that led into the school I went to in America. I was waiting for someone, that I knew.

But this dream wasn’t a normal dream… it was a memory… and it sent warnings through my blood making my body tense. Something was bound to happen, but what, I couldn’t guess.

I was in my own body, but I couldn’t control it.

It was my thoughts, but I couldn’t control them either. It was like… I was in another body, thinking both what it was thinking and what I – my contemporary self – was thinking.

My body looked up in the sky, allowing me to see and feel what it felt when looking at the blue cloudless sky, and feel the warm sunshine gently nibble it’s/my skin.


The American summer…


How I’ve missed it…


How long ago is this?


It must be at least 2 or 3 years ago…


My body looked across the street. The street was filled with people walking with big shopping bags, coffee and talking in cell phones. Some was waiting for the light to be green so that they would be able to cross the street and walk towards the place I stood. There were of course also a lot of cars driving fast, and some who was waiting for the light to turn green so they could drive.

The wind gently my skin with it’s warm fingers, and the sun nibbled my skin.


‘Such a happy day’ my body thought. I couldn’t help but agree to it. It was a fantastic day. But it also made me wonder why I would be able to remember it in so many details. Had anything happened this specific day? It seemed so harmless.

Small fragments of memories from the morning slowly pictured itself in my head, making my body and my present me, smile. I saw my mom and dad smiling gently towards each other and then at me, while setting up the table. It was a good day. Mom was going to get her promotion as a hairstylist, that she had always wanted, and me and dad had woke her up to surprise her with a delicious morning table. Mom got so happy tears ran from her blue, blue eyes I had inherited from her.

Such a beautiful morning…

But that morning…

Wasn’t it that day that…

Suddenly my body met a pair of scared eyes from across the street. He looked stunned but scared, like he didn’t know what to do. Then he shouted something, but just when he did a huge truck came driving from the right.

I turned my head to the left as I heard whining wheels, and discover my parents car trying to stop. But they couldn’t. Their car spun around and landed on the opposite track where the truck rammed it with full speed. Their car got split into two and each piece hit several people and cars.

My world got black and white.

My ears refused to hear.

My body refused to move.

My heart refused to beat.

People ran screaming around, some ran over to the pieces that were left of the car and some to the truck that had finally managed to stop a little further ahead, but just when they did, the car exploded. The pressure it had caused, threw me back against the hard cement of the gates to my school, and threw several other people and cars away.

But just before that I met the persons eyes again.

His eyes did not blink even once.

And then we both got thrown away.

And my world got red

then black…



I cut a grimace as a voice called my name from afar.

“TOBI! WAKE UP!” it called again.

I tried opening my eyes, and move my arms and legs.

“TOBI! Oh god, Tobi!” a frustrated voice said. I cut a grimace as I slowly sat up in the bed. I looked around. It was in my own bed, in the closet at Key’s apartment. But the voice didn’t belong to him. I looked to my right only to see Suzy sit beside me with a worried face. I rubbed my temples as my head was throbbing.

“Suzy…” I said, but couldn’t say no more before tears fell and my mouth denied to say anymore. She hugged me tightly, and gently rubbed my back.

“It’s okay… shhh… it’s okay Tobi…” she said and tried to comfort me.

But I was lost.

So lost.

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Chapter 63: Wait..... What happened? I dont get it.. Its confusing.. The three scenes with and then with key then zelo again then mir.. Waaaaaah my head hurts.. I really dont get this.. I swear.. Im sorry.. Author-nim, can you please make it clearer on the next chapter??? Please??????
MissLocket #2
Chapter 60: I got confused, sorry, the last scenario was real? Zelo is really playing with her? See, Key is not so bad after all.
Chapter 51: Ahah! I love him!
But, what the hell happened that night?
Chapter 50: The guy was Mir right?
Such a terrible accident! :s
Chapter 48: MIR!!! WAAAHHH
Chapter 48: I kinda feel sorry for Mie..he must haven't saved them because they can't...right?s;
Chapter 47: MIR?! Why do I feel like he's the bad guy here?
Chapter 47: He what???
Chapter 46: OMG PLEASE UPDATE SOON, I'm in love with your fanfic. ^.^ It's really great. :-)
Chapter 46: Oh come on! How can you, key, lose one oportunity like that???