Another Rainy Day

Exotic Love
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Once morning came around, everyone quickly packed up and got it all in the van. Lay was driving again while Chanyeol sat in the back with Baekhyun and D.O to explain yesterday's events. The two maknaes were in front of them. Tao helped with explaining since he had been on this planet the longest with you.

You were sitting in the passenger seat with your head resting on the window. Rain was falling and your eyes followed the littles droplets that rolled down. Lay noticed your gloomy expression and reached his hand over to grip yours. Even though you didn't look at him he saw your lips slightly inch upwards. He was happy knowing that his touch made you feel better.

The drive was quiet for the most part. Baekhyun and D.O were taking everything in and Lay kept hold of your hand. Sehun turned his head around and gazed at you. He too leaned against the window. A similar day like this had found it's way to the top of his memories. It was the day before B.A.P had attacked and it was raining just as hard.

"Noona!" Sehun called. He had been looking everywhere for you. They all were. As soon as the rain started, you had took off. Usually you were easy to find but this time, it seemed almost impossible. The rain and clouds made it feel darker than it ever has been.

*It's not usually dark here. Where's the sun?* Sehun stopped for a moment and looked around. He squinted his eyes and thought hard of where you could be. *It's not like her to dissappear like this. Something must be wrong.*

He started running again and stopped when he reached the Tree. "Please. Help me find her." He breathed out and leaned against it to catch his breath. He had been running around for hours.

As Sehun stood there, usuing the Tree as support, the canopy above giving him relief from the rain, he thought back over the day and trying to figure out if someone said something to upset you. *Let's see...D.O cooked, everyone . But that's normal. Later her and Tao went for a walk and as they were coming back it started to rain and she dissappeared.*

The Tree shuddered underneath Sehun's palm. He straightened up and looked at it. Across the Tree were engravings. One by one they lit up and dimmed again. It looked like bright fire traveling through it. It passed from symbol to symbol, leaving behind a little of it's light. Unconsciously he followed the light around. It continued to travel around the tree and stopped. Sehun watched it fade away and he looked down.

There, soaking went while pressing her forehead against the tree was you.

"Noona." Sehun breathed. You seemed startled and straightened up. "What are you doing here?"

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Can't you feel it?"

Sehun was confused. "Feel...what?"

"It's so scared." You turned back to the tree and pressed your palm against it. It looked like you were soothing it. Sehun had always been confused over your connection with the Tree, but even so more now then ever.

"Let's go back. Duizhang is worried about you."

You shook your head. "I can't leave. Not while it feels this way."

Sehun sighed. "Noona." He tried again. There was a hand on his shoulder and he turned around.

*That's where my memory ends of that day.* He looked back at you. *I wonder how much you remember.*

Just then Lay pulled up at the house and you straightened up. He let go of your hand and popped the trunk. No one was really moving. Surprisingly, you were the first one out of the car. You went to the back to grab a bag or two. But Chanyeol and Baekhyun were right there, taking them from you.

"Go inside." Chanyeol said. "We've got it."

You nodded and numbly walked inside.

"I hate seeing her like that." D.O said, watching you walk into the house. Chanyeol patted his shoulder. "We all do. We all do."

You had stepped into the house and put on house slippers. Immediatly yours eyes went over to where Haruma sat when reading a book but he wasn't there. Actually, the whole house was unusually quiet. *Where is everyone?*

You walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Nothing really interested you so you closed it back. A yellow note stuck to the front caught your attention. You peeled it off and read the contents.

"Gone for the weekend. Won't be back until Monday.

- Love, Haruma."

You bit the inside of your cheek and frowned. *What is today?* You walked over to the kitchen calendar and frowned more. *It's only Friday.* You had really been looking forward to spending time with Haruma. *What do I do now?* Your body sagged against the counter. The cold was oddly welcoming to your fingertips, it expressed your mood perfectly.

The others walked in and put the bags down. "Where are they?" Chanyeol asked. Without answering, you nodded towards the note on the fridge. Tao walked over to read it.

"Oh. Well, looks like it's just us for the weekend."

It was a silent a moment until you straightened. "I'm going to bed."

All pairs of eyes followed you up the stairs. When you had disappeared Lay turn

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 61: I still love it so much~
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 61: OMG I absolutely love this story!!! Daebak!!!
I'm so glad I clicked on this story! One of the very first fanfics I have ever read!
I read this a long time ago, but I'm still crying! I thought I lost this story forever! You and this story are a true gift from you and god!
YourPrincessV #5
OMG this story is PERFECT! i can't even start. everything goes together perfectly!! i applaud you *STANDING OVATION*
Omg I LOVED this story!!! One of my favorites now :) Loved it loved it loved it!
Chapter 54: Himchan died! :( *sobbing so hard*
Chapter 50: My fave chapter so far~^^