Chapter 3

Not So Picture Perfect

Hee Seul flipped her canvas over as she made it face the wall, making sure that nobody could see the ruined and ugly painting that she L.joe messed up. She sighed at the back of the canvas and scratched her head in irritation. She knew that later today, Mrs. Cho would see her canvas and think of it as a joke. Mrs. Cho was a very sweet art teacher and she always expected the best from everyone, but mostly from Hee Seul. Hee Seul was infact the best painter in her whole art class and everyone admired her delicate and her very vivid imagination. Once Mrs. Cho finds her painting, she would be disappointed for sure.

Shaking off the negative thoughts, she got up from her chair and began to trudge towards the canteen. She grabbed her Hello Kitty bento from her bag and sat at the Paparazzi's special table. The table was only for the one and only insclusive members of the Paparazzi, and anyone who isn't part of the group would be kicked out immediately without hesitation. If you want to sit with the group, you should have joined the club when you entered the beginning of the semester.

Eating her bibimbap and her fried, seasoned, cuttlefish, more of the Paparazzi members started to appear. Tiffany sat by Hee Seul and began eating her salad while looking through her camera. "Seul, did L accept your new scoop?" she asked curiously and looked at her.

Hee Seul but her lower lip and shook her head, embarassed by her question. "Aniyo, he didn't accept it sadly." Everyone in the table looked over at her and saw her depression about the topic. They could all imagine a big, grey, cloud above and raining on her. Hee Seul wasn't in a very good mood at all.

"That wasn't all." she replied shortly. "L.joe oppa, no, TWO FACE made me ruin my beautiful painting because I got mad at him! Also because he painted my nose with red paint and I can't get it off!" Hee Seul pointed her nose and crossed her arms after her statement.

Doojoon chuckled at her and shook his head in amusement. "No wonder why you have a big, red dot on your nose. Haha, you look like a clown!" he said and started bursting with laughter. His friend, Junhyung, glared at him and stuffed his face with his hoddeok (It's just like a pancake) making him shut up from his laughing fit.

"Shut up Doojoon, this isn't something to laugh about. As you can see, this girl is suffering from allergies!" he joked and they both bursted into laughter. Hee Seul glared at him and threw one of her chopsticks at them.

"SHUT UP! IT'S NOT FUNNY~!" she yelled at them while holding her breath to the "NY" part of funny. She was very loud, but since the canteen was filled with so many people and all of them were yelling, no one could hear her. 

Suddenly, someone shoved an apple in and made it go half way in. Hee Seul stopped screaming and all she could do was glare at the two laughing hyenas. She pulled the apple out of and rubbed her jaw. "YAH! YOU COULD HAVE GOT ME JAW LOCKED! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE YOU-"

A cold, peircing glare made contact with her eyes and she immediately got chills from looking at it. She knew those eyes and it was no other then the Paparazzi's leader, Myungsoo. He's had enough of Hee Seul's childish and irritating behavior and just wanted to have peace and quiet for once. So far, in all the classes he's been she's been there and he's seen her flirting with that flaming head L.joe. Honestly, Myungsoo didn't like him and he didn't like him around Hee Seul or his other Paparazzi members. They've been rivals for a while now and he didn't want anything to do about him.

Myungsoo shook his head at Hee Seul and questioned her. "You what?"

Hee Seul shook her head and tried to avoid his eyes. "N-no-nothing L oppa." she said quietly and looked down at her food. He shook his head at her and gave her his famous yet deadly smirk.

"You. What?" he urged again and Hee Seul stayed quiet. Not wanting to answer him, Hee Seul sat back down and tried to ignore him. Why was L bothering her like this over something so little? She wasn't going to call him anything bad anyways...well maybe she was. 

L shook his head at her and began to walk off. "I'm not eating with you guys today. See ya'!" he hollered and walked out of the canteen. After L left, Doojoon and Junhyung looked back at Hee Seul and began to chuckle.

"It looks like you got master L mad~!" Junhyung teased and began to laugh once more.

Doojoon glared at Junhyung and smacked his head.


"THIS IS NOTHING TO BE LAUGHING ABOUT! THIS WAS A SERIOUS QUESTION...FOR HIM!" Doojoon yelled and shook his head in dismay.

Another member, Seukhye, shook her head at them and sighed. "You guys are so stupid. Just shut your mouth and finish your food. I've had enough of your stupid remarks and jokes. Plus, you made my oppa mad."

Yes, Seukhye unnie is L oppa's big sister. When L oppa is gone or out, she's the one in charge of the whole Paparazzi and she can also have the same and cold personality as him when she's in a bad mood. Other then being strict and cold like L, she is more caring, supportive, and understanding then him. She supports everyone in the Paparazzi and always tries to encourage them, but of course Hee Seul gets the most encouragement since she hasn't had a single scoop published yet. Hee Seul and Seukhye are very close, but they aren't really bestfriends. Hee Seul wishes that they could be best friends, but she was sure that Seukhye already had one.

"Wait, L never sits with us though." Hee Seul said and giggled to herself. "Why did he tell us?"

Everyone thought for a moment and nodded in agreement while shrugging their shoulders and murmuring an audible "I don't know."

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ At the roof top -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

After his little argument with Hee Seul, he trudged his way up to the roof top to eat lunch with his other friends, Sunggyu, Woohyun, Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, and Sungjong. They were all in a gang called Infinite and they usually sneak out of school during their free classes to go to gang meetings and gang fights. Yes, the one and only Kim Myungsoo has a liking for blood and violence. He was glad that his Seukhye noona didn't know about it or else he would be dead right now by his parents.

As he opened the door to the roof top he found Sungjong laying on Sungyeol's lap, Dongwoo practicing his dance moves, Hoya listening to music, Sunggyu studying for some sort of test, and Woohyun sitting on the edge of the roof swinging his leds. The door creaking open startled them and they all looked up to see L.

Sunggyu smiled at him and looked back down at his history book, chewing on a lollipop. "Where have you been L? It's been 15 minutes since lunch started and normally you would be the first one here."

L sat down on his usual spot by Woohyun with his legs hung over the roof. He shrugged one shoulder and began eating his lunch. "I was in the canteen still. I had to go tell the Paparazzi that I wasn't eating with them today."

Dongwoo stopped dancing around and did his famous laugh, earning a confused look from L. He patted his back and almost made L fall off of the roof, earning himself a death glare from almost killing him. Dongwoo bit his lower lip to make himself stop laughing, but continued to chuckle at him. "Oh Myungie..."

"Don't call me that Dongwoo hyung."

Sungyeol heard the nickname Dongwoo called L and snickered to himself silently, an idea popping up into his head. "MYUNGIE MYUNGIE MYUNGIE MYUNGIE MYUNGIE MYUNGIE MYUNGIE MYUNGIE MYUNGIE!" he repeated and annoyed the out of L.

L glared at Sungyeol and covered his ears in irritation, no wanting to hear the cute nickname of his. "SHUT UP YOU STUPID CHODING!"

Sungyeol gave him an offensive look and stood up, knocking Sungojong off of his lap, and making him faceplant into the cold concrete. "YAH! THOU SHALL NOT CALL HIS HYUNGIE A STUPID CHODING WHEN HE IS VERY SMART, NICE, HANDSOME, AND WAY TALLER AND STRONGER THEN YOU!" he yelled and started throwing a fit.


Sungjong rubbed his face from his fall and pouted. "OH MY GAH! MY FACE! MY BEAUTY SLEEP! SHUT UP!"

Hoya rubbed his temples and put his ipod on full blast, but it wasn't enough to drown away the bickering of the three youngest and Dongwoo's random blabbering to try to attempt to make the atmosphere seem more happier and playful....he was failing.

Woohyun, wanting to join into the small bickering/nonsense of talking began singing some lyrics to "Be Mine" just for the fun and attention of it. He didn't like feeling left out of a bickering session and it's been awfully quiet in the roof until L came in since he, in Woohyun's oppinion, was the moodmaker in Infinite.

"NAEKKEO HAJJA, NAEGA NEOL SARANGHAE,EO?" he sang at the top of his lungs, actually hitting the notes in the perfect pitch.

Irritated, Sunggyu grabbed his history book and began hitting them one by one on the head. "YAH! YOU ALL SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE COOL YET YOU GUYS STILL BICKER LIKE LITTLE CHILDREN! WE'RE IN HIGH SCHOOL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD AND WE HAVE OUR OWN GANG!" he yelled, stopping the group from talking and yelling at eachother. "WITH ALL OF YOUR NONSENSE TALKING AND BICKERING AND YOUR INAPPROPIATE SINGING, which I do respect you for hitting it at the perfect pitch Woohyun, WE COULD HAVE GOT IN TROUBLE BY A TEACHER OR SOMETHING!"

Everyone stayed quiet and stared at their leader with a guilty yet scared look. Sunggyu was a very kind hearted and nice person, but he could also be very mean, strict, and scary when he's upset. Sunggyu wasn't mad enough to show his scary side not too long ago, but if you get him irritated enough you would regret it.

With a tired sigh, he returned to his spot and continued to read his history book while muttering things like "We're teenagers" and "They should know better." Sometimes Sunggyu thought that he was too mature for things and can be quite the kill joy.

L turned to Dongwoo who was looking at his shoes and humming to himself and began to question him. "You were saying hyung?"

"OH YEAH! Umm, you never "sit" with the Paparazzi group so there is no point in telling them. Hehehe" he chuckled to himself at L's statement.

L was found dumbfounded and he felt a rush of heat come up to his face. He was blushing and he knew it. Palming his cheeks, he glared at Dongwoo and shook his head at him. "I wish I had my apple so I could throw it at that stupid dinosaur."


OMG! I'm really sorry for the really late update! OTL MIANHE! I've been writers blocked for a long time now and I just wrote this chapter to introduce L's gang, INFINITE! :DD I'm sorry if this chapter is boring to you but I'll try to make it more interesting. Trust me, the good part is almost here.

Also, don't you like the poster Melinda made me? It's so pretty right~??? ^^ Keke, anyways I'm done for now and maybe expect a double update today maybe? We'll see if I have time after I go shopping.

Please comment and subscribe if you like my story!^^

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smileycandy123 #1
Update soon please :)
L.Joe was playing around with her. Getting her riled up seems to be a source of amusement for him. Since what L.Joe did to her made her feel irritated, it's hard for Heeseul to control her emotions. It's easy for her to get worked up when someone gets on her bad side. She's already in a bad mood as it is, so she won't be able to hold herself back from her outbursts. For him to be worked up about what she was about to call him for stuffing with an apple, it must hurt Myungsoo inside to be insulted by her. It could be love that has this effect on people to make their emotions run wild. I think it's because of Heeseul that he thought about sitting at the Paparazzi club table--to spend time around her. Being called by a cute nickname must've made him feel uncomfortable or embarrassed that he prefers to not be called that. Being the choding that he is, Sungyeol does that just to stir things up in order to relieve himself of boredom. xD woohyun can be entertaining to liven up the atmosphere. Sunggyu really is fitting to be the leader as the serious, mature one and the voice of authority.

Myungsoo is one of the main characters, so his background needs to be introduced to the readers. He does have an important role in the story along with L.Joe and Heeseul. It must be for thrill seeking that getting involved in gang activities on the streets that the danger attracts him. Males generally have it in their nature to be aggressive, so they tend to test their strength in competitions where they can make use of it--like in sports. It's that adrenaline rush that makes it exhilarating. This chapter isn't boring. There is some amusement in it, which makes it fitting for a comedy. This fic is listed under the category of comedy.
Ch. 3 mistakes (Part 2):

Correction: THAN

Hoya rubbed his temples and put his ipod on full blast, but it wasn't enough to drown away the bickering of the three youngest and Dongwoo's random blabbering to try to attempt to make the atmosphere seem more happier and playful....
* It should be "drown out" instead of "drown away."

Woohyun, wanting to join into the small bickering/nonsense of talking began singing some lyrics to "Be Mine" just for the fun and attention of it.
* Comma after "talking"

he yelled, stopping the group from talking and yelling at eachother.
Correction: each other

Sunggyu was a very kind hearted and nice person, but he could also be very mean, strict, and scary when he's upset.
Correction: kind-hearted

Sunggyu wasn't mad enough to show his scary side not too long ago, but if you get him irritated enough you would regret it.
* Comma after "enough"
Ch. 3 mistakes (Part 1):

Hee Seul was infact the best painter in her whole art class and everyone admired her delicate and her very vivid imagination.
Correction: Hee Seul was, in fact, the best painter in her whole art class and everyone admired her delicate and her very vivid imagination.

The table was only for the one and only insclusive members of the Paparazzi, and anyone who isn't part of the group would be kicked out immediately without hesitation.
Correction: exclusive

She knew those eyes and it was no other then the Paparazzi's leader, Myungsoo.
Correction: none other than

When L oppa is gone or out, she's the one in charge of the whole Paparazzi and she can also have the same and cold personality as him when she's in a bad mood.
* The word "and" should be removed.

Other then being strict and cold like L, she is more caring, supportive, and understanding then him.
* The word that's used twice should be "than" instead of "then" since a comparison is being made between the two siblings.

As he opened the door to the roof top he found Sungjong laying on Sungyeol's lap, Dongwoo practicing his dance moves, Hoya listening to music, Sunggyu studying for some sort of test, and Woohyun sitting on the edge of the roof swinging his leds.
Correction: legs

L glared at Sungyeol and covered his ears in irritation, no wanting to hear the cute nickname of his.
Correction: not
Really nice story! Update soon!
kyaaaaaaaaaaaa! ssup? imma a new reader and heck, THERE'S LJOE!! AND I LOVE YOUR STORY!! how awethome is that? lol. :B anw, just wondering, why heeseul called ljoe, 'ljoe oppa'? just, isnt it too early and hell, she hates him. but dont bother bout it, kekeke. i was just talking nonsense. :B again, I LOVE YOUR STORY! .... AND LJOE! xD well well well, update soon! n_n
Hey, your poster+bg is ready for pickup at Designified Fountain.
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Whether the beginning of a story is boring, it's how the author writes it depending on the genre. Personally, I don't find it boring. It's a good start to introduce the main characters into the story. Since she is working under him as a paparazzi, Myungsoo gets more chances to spend time with her than L.Joe. I understand that there needs to be an L.Joe chapter because he is one of the lead characters. So, both guys deserve equal appearance time.

The word "than" is used for making comparisons. I notice that you've used "then," which indicates the following of an action or event. The grammar isn't glaringly bad. There are just a few typos here and there.
This seems to be an interesting plot. Heeseul really is a nature lover to care so much about the environment and the animals inhabiting it. Nature must be her inspiration for her love of photography. It seems that she's developing a little crush on L.Joe because of the way she looked at him in the photo she'd snapped of his best side. The two main guys live double lives, which makes things complicated. Yet, they're able to put up a good front when the authority figures are around to appear as model students. "Two-faced" is the best way of putting it, according to Heeseul. She doesn't know about Myungsoo since he's very good at hiding things about himself so that his cover doesn't get blown easily. He is nice to pick up her accidentally tossed pencil and hand it back to her without regarding her coldly or harshly. It proves that he does have a soft side to him despite his cold-looking exterior. L.Joe is the one who doesn't care what people think, so he doesn't bother to keep his gangster life a secret from his peers. It is funny that she can be so fierce when confronting L.Joe. The mess that she made of her own painting is the result of that. As a member of the paparazzi club, she could consider taking a scandalous shot of him to get back at him when he goes too far. That would help her get on Myungsoo's good side and make him consider keeping her in the club. Because of the kind of person that she is, it seems unlikely that she'd go with such a dirty tactic.
KikaLee #10
oh ho ho ho.
I like how Hee Seul is all cute but when she confronts L. Joe, she turns all angry and fierce.
I can relate to that... unfortunately. .___."
I like this chapter~