Unexpected Visit

The Guys Next Door

Chaerin's P.O.V

After the guy that bumped into me left, we decided to just go inside the house and wait for Minzy and Dara unni to come back from the gorcerie store. My hand hurts a little because of the fall, but I don't really care, nothing I can't handle, right? "Omo, Chaerin are you bleeding?" I heard Bom unni yell as she took a hold of my hand, and it was only then that I realised I was actually bleeding.


"Oh, I didnt't notice until now, but now that I know why my hand hurt, can you help me get it cleaned up so I don't get an infection?" I asked her as I didn't want to do it myself, I may be tough, but when it comes to blood, I just can't stand it, just by talking about it gives me chills down my spine.


"Yeah sure, just let me get the first aid kit so we can clean that wound, and remind me to kill that bastard who hurt my baby Rin." She said while going up the stairs to get the first aid kit from the bathroom. Typical Bom unni, always so overprotective of her friends, but that's one of the reasons to why we love her, but I'm actually wondering why those guys were here. We've never seen them before and I don't think they live here.


"I'm back with the first aid kit, so give me your hand." Bommie said as she sat down and grabbed my hand.


"This is going to hurt a little, okay baby Rin, you ready?" She asked me, while getting the ointment ready, she should know that I can handle everything by now.


"Well, yeah nothing I can't handle, right?" I asked with a grin plastered on my face.


She put on some ointment to clean the wound and later bandaged it, it didn't hurt at all actually, well maybe a little, but I handled it. Bom unni went upstairs to put the first aid kit back, when I heard the door being opened, I guess Minzy and Dara unni just got back. As soon as they entered the kitchen Bom unni was on her way down the stairs


"Hey CL-roo, have you seen Bom?" Dara unni asked me, I was too lazy to answer her so I just pointed at the stairs, and she understood what I meant when she saw Bom coming down the stairs.


"Well, well, well, who do we have here? What took you guys so long it has been two freaking hours?!" Bom yelled at them, probably being frustrated since she didn't eat anything since she woke up.


"Sorry Bomtaro, but we saw five, hot guys getting boxes out of their cars and inside the house next to us, and we were wondering if they were moving in." Dara unni answered Bom, but did she just say five guys?


"Unni, you said five guys right?" I asked her, as I was hoping it wasn't the ones we saw playing soccer.


"Five, hot guys, but so what?" She corrected me, now I actually think that it's them.


"Were they plaing soccer, when you guys drove off to buy groceries?" If she says yes now, then it really was them, and I don't think Bom unni is going to be happy about this either, but right now she's spacing out staring at the food Minzy and Dara unni bought. Typical Bommie.


"Yeah unni, you know them from somewhere?" Minzy answered this time. Now I know that I was sure I nudged Bommie so she would pay attention.


"Unni, those guys from earlier are our new neighbours, how the hell are we supposed to ignore them now?" I asked, and just as I told her, her eyes widened and she didn't look happy.


"WHAT? Please tell me your lying Chaerin, I can't stand that guy already, and I don't even know him, how am I supposed to look at him everyday?" I knew she was going to freak out, but I had to tell her. And I still don't get why she is angry with him, I'm the one who got hurt not her, and still she's the one who's more angry with him.


"Wait a minute! I still don't get why you're freaking out by this, their hot, for crying out loud, did something happen while we were gone, if it did, could you at least explain?" Dara unni yelled, I guess she's frustrated because she doesn't have a clue about what we're talking about.


We told Minzy and Dara unni what happened, the whole story, and after the third time, I think Dara unni finally got it. "So you're saying that, the dark-haired guy, bumped into you, Chaerin, and told you to "watch where you go," what a major jerk he is, and to top that of he caused that?" Dara unni asked while pointing at my bandaged hand, luckily she understood and we don't have to repeat ourselves again.


"Mhm, could you please make us breakfast now? I'm starving, and I'm still frustrated by the part that they are our new neighbours." Bom unni said, while standing up and going towards the kitchen. She's not the only one frustrated about this, but we can't do anything about it other than to ignore them and that's my plan from now on; ignore them. 



T.O.P's P.O.V


"So, that was the last box right?" I heard Youngbae yell from inside the house.


"Yeah, that was the last, I think, I don't see more boxes out here so, yes." I yelled back, we can finally go inside now.


"FINALLY!" Daesung said, while running to get inside, I guess he's as tired as me, I just wanna go to sleep, but it's barely night. The time is only 5:00 pm. As long as I don't have to cook, I'll be fine. 


"Youngbae, you're cooking, right?" I asked him as soon as I got inside, I was starving.


"Neh, hyung I was planning too, but since we just moved in, we can't use the kitchen, so I was planning to order food, is that alright with you guys? Youngbae asked us. Right now I don't really care what kind of food I get, I'm just hungry.


"Yeah, sure can we order chinese?" Jiyong asked this time, we all answered with a nod and Youngbae left the living room to call the place.


"Hyung, can I talk to you?" Jiyong asked me all of a sudden, I nodded and we went out to the balcony to talk.


"What's wrong Ji?" I asked when we were sure nobody could hear us.


"Nothing special, I just think you should go apologize to the two girls who got mad at you earlier, I'm not making a big deal out of this, but you weren't nice out there and I think they deserve an apology." Jiyong answered me. Just as I thought he would. I knew he couldn't let it go, always the nice guy, but I can't blame him, I used to be like that once.


"Sure, but I'm only doing this because you made me, not because I wanted, remember that." I told him, but the truth was that I actually felt bad for the girl that fell, I hope I didn't hurt her badly.


"I don't really care, as long as you apologize." He replied with one of his infamous smirks.


"Just shut up and move, I'm hungry and me standing here in the cold isn't helping at all." I replied while pushing him inside, I was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, and I was freezing already.



Bom's P.O.V


I was sitting in my room, staring out the window. It was raining and I was still pissed with the fact that those guys, scratch that, I mean guy was going to live in the house next to us. I don't really know why I was mad at him, let's face it, I only met the guy once and I barely know him. Maybe I should give him a second chance. Forget the last part, he doesn't deserve a second chance after that bad first impression of his. He deserves to be ignored and even worse than that. I should just forget him. I don't even know his name, and still I'm sitting here, thinking about him. Maybe I should just go to sleep, it's almost noon. 


I was about to stand up and tell the girls that I was going to sleep when I heard someone ring the doorbell. Who could it be, who would come on the door this late anyways? I walked down the stairs to see the girls in the living room watching a movie.


"Were you expecting someone?" I asked them.


"No." They all said at the same time. That was odd, who could it be then?


"I can get the door unnie, just wait here." Baby Rin said as she walked her way to the front door to see who it was.



Chaerin's P.O.V


I stood up from the couch to open the door. Who would it be this late? As I opened the door, I spotted two guys. The first one was very handsome. He had  blond hair, it was all wet beacuse of the rain, but he still looked handsome. He was taller than me, he wasnt' that well-built but he wasn't too skinny either, I don't know which words to use to describe him, the only word I could think of was perfect. And his smile, it was to die for.  


The next guy was the last guy I wanted to see right now. It was the same dark-haired guy, who bumped into me earlier today. I think I get it now. The blond guy is a friend of the jerk, I can totally forget about liking him now. Considering that he is a friend of the jerk, he's probably just like him. And the jerk didn't look quite happy to be here. Wait a minute, if he's not happy, what the hell is he doing here then? I was just about to ask him the question, when Bom unni came. As soon as she saw him, her eyes widened, I guess no one's happy with him being here. We can totally forget about ignoring them now.


What are they doing here anyways? I can't think of an explanation to why they are here, so we might as well ask them.

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seoinae #1
Chapter 31: Omggg yesss finally he said it!~
babyda #2
Chapter 5: Until here, I can't imagine wht place neighborhood looks like..this little depressed for me arghh!! I can't imagine their house looks like arghh!! So distracted T^T
Chapter 1: OMG Perfect ships! Just saying....
Chapter 59: Nice story.. I love it so mucyymucyy....
Chapter 29: wow, it's amazing someone can be bipolar like that! *cough* TOP *cough*
aishahdaebak #6
Chapter 9: This is great!
Chapter 60: Love your story =) <3
Chapter 59: That's an awesome story authornim :) Thank you for sharing it with us :)))
Chapter 60: I LOVE YOU
I love this.
IS very awesome