VII. Dinner with the guardians..

Unfortunately Untitled (Hiatus)



“Oh…right. I haven’t mentioned it before but we’re talking about a total clean freak too.” Sunny exclaimed, smiling.

“Sungmin’s a clean freak?!” they both replied in unison. 'Woah. Now that's weird,' Sooyoung thought.

“Yes, definitely. Which means, no trash on the floor, no unfolded blankets, no scattered things around, each item must be on their appropriate places, and no dust particles anywhere within this room…and even outside.” 

“So that explains why your place’s clean all the way.” Sooyoung remarked.

“That is, except for Kyuhyun oppa’s room,” Sunny added having a view of Kyu’s cluttered room in her mind.

“What about his room?” they asked curiously. Sunny was about to give them an answer when someone interrupted them. “It’s messy. Unbelievably messy.”

Sunny and Sungmin’s room door is half opened and a guy with average height was standing outside.

“Oppa!” Sunny called out, noticing who it is just from the voice.

“Time to eat guys!” He smiled as he opened the door wide enough already; having a full view of what he looked like.

“Oppa? Why are you calling all of them oppa? I thought you were of the same age?” Sooyoung noticed. o.O

“I’m one year younger than almost all of them that’s why.”

“And who’s Kyuhyun again?” Sooyoung added asking.

“Sunny! I wanted to ask you this since were on the way going here!” Taeyeon squeezed in having Sooyoung’s question left unanswered. Sooyoung didn't mind it though.


“Why are you living with all of these guys? I mean, it really is unnatural for a girl like you to be with this bunch of guys. Do you have anyone of them as  your sibling?” Taeyeon appears to be really curious about it.

Sooyoung looked the same way.


Both of them stared at her intently.

“…it’s a long story! haha! Let’s just proceed to the dining area!”

“Eeehhhh..” Taeyeon seemed really concerned about it.

“Oh let it go Taeng.” Sooyoung remarked.

Sunny’s POV

I just can’t tell them that were only here for a mission. *sighs* I hate this, I’m starting to love both of them now and having to hide my identity seems like I’m betraying them or something of that sort. It’ll be alright, it’s for everyone’s sake after all. Anyhow, yeah, this is our cute condo unit and this is where we’ll be staying for a while. I love its rooftop the most! We can hang out there, play cards, chess or anything we could possibly think off! Yay! But, well, for now, dinner’s the most important thing! haha! Our Wookie oppa did the cooking after all!


“The food’s great!” Thumbs up for Ryeowook oppa!” Taeyeon let out a satisfied compliment.

Ryeowook smiled and bowed a little. “You better taste Hangeng’s cooking as well!” He added looking brightly at the guy.

“Okay, so you’re Hangeng oppa! Nice to meet you!” Taeyeon smiled at him. “You’re good at cooking as well??”

“Ne. His Chinese delicacies are the best!” Heechul complimented the guy closest to him.

“Then I shall cook for you the second time you visit here.” Hangeng stated, feeling grateful of being appreciated.

“Aww kamsahae~!” She bent her head a little.

‘She’s cute.’

They all giggled happily. A few minutes later and the doorbell rang. Sungmin stood up and checked on who it is.

“Hyung! Welcome back! Hurry we’re having our dinner already!” Sungmin just dragged him excitedly.

“Ah right. You cooked the food Min?”

“Nope. It’s our resident chef as always, Ryeowook. I’m just his mere assistant.” They both laughed.

They reached the dining area and everyone stood to greet him.

“By the way hyung, this is Taeyeon and Sooyoung.” Donghae introduced pointing who is who.

He turned to look at those two. “Oh, nice to meet the two of you!”

Both of them bowed in respect and everyone continued on with their dinner.

Dinner was finished and after a few more chit chat, everyone called it a day.

“Hey mo-toooot boy, you still owe me a snack!” Sooyoung demanded right before leaving.

“Wha-? Didn’t you just finish eating dinner?! And your not supposed to call me monkey boy again!” Eunhyuk protested.

“I didn’t.”

“Oh come on! You just replaced monkey with ‘tooot’! What’s with you?!”

She ignored him and went for the doorknob instead.

“Thanks for the warm company guys! And for the scrumptious dinner as well!” Taeyeon ended as she too went outside already.

Kangin opened the garage at once. “We’ll drive you home.”

Taeyeon and Sooyoung looked at each other; they’ve done quite a bit for them already.

“Don’t worry; he’s not drunk right now so it’s all good.” Kibum smiled, stating nonchalantly.

“No, no. That’s not it. It’s just that all of you have done enough now…” She smiled gratefully.

Kangin smiled back. “This has nothing to do with anything.”

“Agreed. We just can’t let two girls walk alone on the streets especially not at this time.” Sungmin seconded.

Sooyoung glanced at her orange watch. 9pm. It is late.

“See?” Sungmin smiled at her.

“Oh alright. Let’s just ride with them Taeng.”

Then they left.

-- + --

“Kamsahae oppa’s!” Taeyeon thanked Kangin and Kibum who was with them.

Sooyoung only bowed.

“No problem.”  Kibum replied. There goes the American dude again.

-- + --

“Where’s Kyu again??” Yesung then asked upon noticing that the evil maknae (Yes, Sunny and him is the youngest. It’s final :P) is still nowhere to be found.

Shindong who was watching TV turned to answer, “Game center.”

“I thought so.”

-- + --

“So how’s the new home-nurse doing?? Do you like him?” a girl asked curiously as she arranged the medicines on the cabinet neatly; putting them at their respective places.

“Maybe. Oh, I don’t know Yoona, I’ve just met him remember?”  She was her wavy, long, dark brown hair.

Yoona went on teasing her friend.

“Well, he’s pretty good looking. What do you think??”

She didn’t respond. The very idea is still being processed.

“You do like him!!”

She looked at the assuming Yoona in apprehension. “No! Are you crazy?!”

“Okay, okay. Chill. I’m not even being serious here.” Yoona exclaimed, laughing at her friend’s reaction. ‘Really, that temper of hers is what needs some medicine the most.’

“Tss. How’s the school doing anyway?”

“Still the same old boring one but, there’s this sudden transferring of a lot of guys.”

“So you’re interested?”

“Who wouldn’t be?” Yoona beamed knowingly.

“Ooohhh..Got someone who piqued your interest then?”

Yoona let out her tongue. “Maybe,” she answered secretively.

“Yeah, right; what an answer.” Her friend smirked and she smirked back.

-- + --

“Minnie~” Sunny called out, preparing herself for bed.


She looked really pleased over something. “Those two girls really are nice. I’m starting to like them both!”

“I knew you’d say that.” He leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead. “G’nyt Sun~”

“Sweet dreams,” was all she replied before completely going to dreamland.

-- + --

Heechul is preparing his lesson plan for tomorrow’s class when he called out to his roommate. “Siwon..” 

“Yes, hyung?” Siwon asked, upon closing the bible. He just finished his daily prayer routine after all.

“You see, I’ve always wanted to ask this…” He started.

Siwon looked at him worriedly. “Wait hyung! Don’t tell me you’re having problems??”

“Yes, it’s a crisis Siwon!! In desperately need your help!” Heechul cried out.

“I’m listening hyung!” Siwon’s attention is now Heechul focused.

“You see…”


“What…” Heechul started critically.

“What…day is it today?? Cause you know, I’ve been forgetting things lately. It has become quite a handicap for me.”

Siwon’s head dropped down automatically in foolishness. ‘Aish.’

Heechul was now laughing crazily, yes, as always; it’s been a habit of him to make a fool out of others.

“I shall sleep hyung.” Siwon apprehended, unfolding his sapphire blue blanket.

“Oh Siwon. Haha! Good night~”


The next morning…

“Annyeong haseyoooo~!!” Sunny’s voice boomed out. After a long yawn and a couple of easy exercises, she got up and poked Sungmin’s left cheek, trying to wake the cute guy up.

“Wake up pink boy! Wake up, wake up!”

“Roger that!” He humorously saluted and grabbed Sunny by the shoulders, giving her a warm, friendly hug.

Sunny went outside and yelled a few more greetings. Sure, everyone knew how Sunny loves doing noisy stuffs but, they still hate it when she does that every morning.

Kyuhyun’s sleep was officially disturbed. He’s half awake by now but he kept his head buried on one of his favorite pillows. “Keep it low Sunny!”

“Everyday is sunny day!” She’s definitely not listening and kept on shouting until someone caught her from behind.

“Got ‘ya!”

“Oh! Oppa! Annyeong~”

He let go, patting her still messy hair. “Annyeong~ but, not too loud Sunny.”

“Araso! Uhh, is breakfast ready??”

“Yeah, long before you wake up.” He smiled as he continued his way to the dining area.

“As expected from Leeteuk-sshi~! Did Wookie oppa help you??” She giggled and went to follow him.

“Well, that’s a given Sunny.”

“Sunny dear~!!!”

Sunny knew that voice. They weren’t even okay yet. “Yes Heechul…oppa?” She asked, trying to be nice as much as possible.

“How about dating me??”

Sunny raised an eyebrow, turned around, and left him alone...again. ‘Was Heenim’s brain damaged or something??’

“Hahahahaha! Okay, that was entertaining hyung!” Kangin laughed his heart out.

“Merong!” was all Heechul could fire back.

-- + --

All of them went on their ways again; unaware of what awaits them on their second day here in Earth. They were busy chatting and merrily walking towards the school gate when someone suddenly approached the last guardian to get inside the school campus.

END of chapter VII


okaaaayyyy.....that's it for chap VII..

again, kazeryu here, anticipating for your comments~!!

bye~ ^^

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JennyL #1
update soon
cristel_gold #2
.uwaaah!.<br />
.so interesting!.<br />
.all you need to do is to speed up the progress a little!.<br />
.other than that and some grammar mistakes, everything is good!.<br />
.so, please update soon!.
@kimjazilee, haha! I agree on that! ^^
nice. 1568 views =) KEEP READING! ♥
Sunny4Life #5<br />
<br />
---> She looked like IU there...<br />
<br />
Nice story..update....<br />
Sunny4Life #6
Whoaw! Sunny is very beautiful there......<br />
try to remove , she looked like [a little bit] Tiffany
honeypeachies #7
lol i didn't realize i've read up to chap 4 already!! such awesome long chappies!! :D
fickyz #8
Love the chapter<br />
Update soon
honeypeachies #9
whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaa!! sunny, suju gardians, SO INTERESTING!! :P
update please!! :)hope you can read my stories too and leave comments