First Encounter Leading to the Peak of Happiness

My Three Second Girl

"Lee Jieun, you may sit next to Yang Yoseob and Jang Wooyoung on the left corner."

"Yes sir." My eyes followed her to her seat, which was on the left side of me. My friend, Wooyoung, sat on the right of her seat. It's funny how this girl  doesn't pay any attention to us, but only at the board. Trying to get on Jieun's good side, I tried paying attention as well.

I'm not dumb. I'm not one of those stupid players that you find in most fantasies. However, I did admit that I had no idea what Mr.. Lee was saying, so I just blankly stared at the board. I occasionally took glances at Jieun, who seemed like she was completely focused on the lesson. 

"So two boats are facing each other from opposite sides of a river, both leave at the same time heading toward each other. Although one boat is traveling at a faster rate than the other, both of their rate are consistent. The first time the boats meet, they are 700 yards from one shore. They pass each other and continue on to the other side of the river, then turn around (with no time loss) and head back toward each other, continuing at their same rates. the second time they meet, they are now 300 yards from the other shore. Assuming there is no current, what is the width of the river. Explain your answer," Mr Lee asked, looking at the class.

Once everyone heard the question, their jaw dropped, mine included. Seriously? I didn't even memorize half of what he said. How on earth does he expect the class to solve this? As the whole class was whining and complaining about the math problem we had to solve, I glanced over at Jieun. She was writing at the speed of light, jotting down numbers and crunching them in different pattern. Then, as if a light bulb went off in her head, she shot her hand through the air. Mr. Lee smiled as if he took pity on her and said," Well at least someone is taking a guess. Now, what do you think it is Jieun?" The whole class was silent, waiting for her to say the answer. I was sure that she was wrong. Not even Onew, the math ace of our class, could solve it. How could she?

"1800," she announced proudly, sure that she was right. Mr. Lee's jaw dropped down to the floor as he stared at the paper, and back at her.

"H-how did y-you...Explain how did you do that?"

"Oh that's easy," she started, leaving the class to stay shocked as well,"When they first meet, one boat has traveled 700, and the other one has traveled W-700. Speed is the distance divided by the time so time is distance divided by speed. Denoting the speeds as s1 and s2, this gives us an equation for the time taken by each boat. Time from the first boat is 700/s1 and the other time is (W-700)/s2. However, the times are the same so 700/s1 would equal to (W-700)/s2. You cross multiply,700s2 = (W-700)s1. I call this "Equation 1". Now consider the second time they met. The boat that had traveled 700 before has now travelled W+300.The other boat has traveled W+(W-300) = 2W-300. With the speeds still s1 and s2, this again gives us an equation for the time taken by each boat. Time for the first is (W+300)/s1. Time for the second would be (2W-300)/s2. As you can tell, the times are the same so (W+300)/s1 is equal to (2W-300)/s2 You cross-multiply (W+300)s2 is to(2W-300)s1. This is "Equation 2". Now, for the clever part. Divide the first equation with the second equation, getting 700/(W+300) equals to (W-700)/(2W-300). Again, you cross multiply 700(2W-300) and (W+300)(W-700). You expand 1400W - 2100 = W²-400W-2100. Last, you get W²-1800W = 0 which is W(W-1800) = 0, and ends up as 1800. Clear?"
The whole class sat silent, even the teacher. It was astonishing. How did she come with with that so quick? Seohyun, Onew, and the other math aces couldn't even speak a word. They looked at each other and back at Jieun. Wooyoung, wide eyed, glanced at her with such admiration. I was the first one to actually do something. I got up, and patted her on the back. I then sat back to my seat, not daring to look back at the beautiful genius. 

"That's....AMAZING. Everyone please give a hand for her. You were astonishing. I didn't even know that you were supposed to divide the two together. That was, indeed, the most clever work I've ever listened to." The whole class clapped except for some of the students, probably jealous of her superior skill. I was impressed and a little shocked as well. If she was this smart, why can't she go to college already? That problem came straight out of a college textbook, and she solved it in a few minutes. Well, I'm glad that she's in my class now. I should start being smart too so that she could notice me.


The bell rung, signaling lunch time. I was about to ask Jieun if she wanted to hang out at lunch with me and my friends, but by the time I faced to her seat, she was already gone. I sighed helplessly as I trudged over to the lunch tables. I didn't want to be a bummer, but I couldn't help but feel sad that I couldn't catch up to her. Kikwang was the only one who noticed my troubles, and was the only one who listened to my problems while everyone else was too busy talking about Eunji's up coming birthday party.

"Hey, what's with the pouty face?"

"I lost her Kwangie."

"Lost who?"

"My three second girl."

"Oh! So you really did like someone. Well what do you mean by 'losing her'? Does she already have a boyfriend?"

"I hope not. I wanted to invite her over because she's new, but she left before I could approach her."

"Seriously? Wait-New? She's new?" I nodded at his question." Is this girl....Lee Jieun." I covered his mouth before he could say anymore, my wide eyes popping like a balloon.

"Don't say it so loud," I hissed, glaring at the giggling dumb .

"What? I'm stating the truth aren't I," he said quiet, earning a nod from me. He chuckled as he put a finger against his lips," I won't tell a soul." I sighed happily that he wasn't going to tell, but my smile faded as I remembered why I was talking to him.

"So anyway, back to the subject. I. don't. Know. Where. She. Is. Help me NOW," I said, shaking him with every word I said.

"Alright. Alright. I already know where she is. In the library, fantasy section, middle table."

"Thanks so muc-wait- How do you know that she was there?" I asked, suspicion in my voice. He scrunched his eyebrows as he waved his hand.

"She asked me where he could find the library. Then she asked me where the library section was. I showed her both and saw her get a book and sit in the middle table. How did you think I found out?"


My Imagination


"Sweetie! What are you reading?"

"A romance novel. Say Kwangie, do you know where the library is?"

"Yeah I do. Why?

"Wait I'm not done questioning. Do you know where the fantasy section is?"

"Your fantasy... is me."

"How did you know?"

"Because I love you."Then KiKwang pulls up and kisses her.


My friend looked at me, annoyance present in his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? I'm not that cheesy. You're stupid Yoseob. I barely know her as much as you do. I only showed her to the library."

"I had doubts," I pouted, trying to ease him from being angry. He sighed as my pout continued and patted my head.

"Aish~ I hate it when you pout. It annoys me, but it's cute. Anyway, you should get going to talk to her before the bell rings. You don't want to get her to not notice you at all right?"

"Right. See you in class Kwangie. Wish me luck!" With that I dodged out of the cafeteria and to the library where my three second girl was.

I searched around the library, not knowing where the fantasy section was. I groaned to myself as I looked hopelessly around the library. "How the hedgehogs am I supposed to find her here?" I asked to myself, patience not evident in my voice. After I said that sentence, I heard a giggle. I turned around and saw the sign 'Fantasy' on the wall. I mentally smacked myself on the head. I've passed there about several times and yet I NEVER even looked there until now. Are you that stupid Yoseob? Seriously?

I headed on to the fantasy section and recalled what KiKwang told me.

"In the library, fantasy section, middle table."

Okay so I went in to the library.


I found the fantasy section after much effort.


Now all is left is the middle table. Piece of cake. I searched for the tables that were in the middle of the whole section and came across her. Her was all alone, absorbed on a book about wizards and warlocks. No, not Harry Potter, but some other book. Her glasses were pulled up continuously due to her small nose. She didn't notice me, but I still hid behind a shelf just in case. I observed her a bit more, glancing at every feature. Call me a stalker, but I'm not.

I wanted to talk to her, but my mouth ran dry and I panicked on how to start a conversation so I took out a small book from my backpack that I kept for writing and sat down next to her, trying not to blush when I brushed past her. I continued on with the notes I wrote last time I saw her, taking a peek every now and then. She must've noticed that I was staring at her sometimes because she would glance back after I stopped looking at her. She never actually caught me, but she knew that I was continuously looking at her. After a while, she broke the silence and glanced down on my notes, curiosity shown in the her eyes.

"Did you write that by yourself." I blushed as her hand brushed against mine to look closer at it, but kept a calm tone when I answered.

"Yeah. Is it interesting?" I sounded a little more cute than that manly image I wanted to go for, but she didn't seem to care.

"Mm hm. I've always wanted to learn. How did you learn?" Her question made me smile, for I always loved to talk about music.

"I learned just by my ears and knowing what notes go where. I just go on the piano, play notes that I think will make a good tune and write it down if it is. I don't really know how to explain. It's sort of like it...speaks to me. Psh. What am I saying? Sorry for talking non stop nonsense." She shook her head at my last sentence, eyes gleaming.

"No I think you're brilliant. You have a talent. Wait a minute... aren't you the person who sits next to me in class? Erm...Jang Wooyoung or that other guy?" I heart hurt when she mentioned my name as the other guy. I tried not to look too hurt as I replied.

"No I'm Yang Yoseob. The 'other guy' who sits next to you."

"Oh sorry for mentioning you as that. I didn't mean to sound rude, but I honestly couldn't remember. Sorry," she pouted, gazing at me with puppy dog eyes. I could feel my cheeks turn hot as my palms became sweaty. She looked so darn adorable. WAY more adorable than me.

"Uh. I-it's a-alright," I stammered, mentally shouting at myself to get a grip. She smiled at my answer and checked her watch. She gasped at the time.

"Oh no. We only have five minutes to get from here to our class. Come on, we better go." She grabbed my hand, causing me to clutch on my book and messily sling my backpack as I ran out of the library with her. I didn't notice our hands until we got out. They were both holding each other, Jieun's hand pulling me to go faster and my hand enjoying the warm, soft feel of hers. I smiled to myself as we dashed off to the class, few minutes ticking down.

I honestly didn't care whether or not we don't get to class on time. I'm on my peak of happiness.

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wafflewaffle #1
Chapter 7: update soon maybe?
angel2x2 #2
Chapter 4: The umbrella scene is based on love rain right???
Please update soon! ^^
Hi, your trailer is ready to pick up! Sorry for taking so long, and thanks for requesting. Hope to see you again :) Don't forget to credit~
Hello! Your review for this story is done! Please pick it up in 2 weeks. :)


Please credit the reviewer and the shop! :D
aww looks cute! <3 Will make a cute trailer for you ^^