
Dazzling Wish
[ Your POV ]

I shifted my weight to the side and felt something warm beside me. My eyes let the sunshine in.. Beside me was Kevin, shocked, I froze under his arm. I thought he..he was sleeping on the floor. I tried pushing him away but.. I barely have any arm strength, sigh. I patted his soft hair and stared at his face. Well groomed eyebrows, beautiful rosy lips, milk-white skin, long eyes lashes. I took the time and observed the piece of art in front of me.
"Kevin." I tried to wake him up. "Kevin.." "Kevin!"
His long lashes fluttered open slowly, exposing his beautiful irises that shined with the light coming through the blinds.
"Morning, jagiya." He smiled sheepishly, half-asleep. I stared at him, shocked. He closed his eyes once again, his arm still around my waist.
"Ahem!" I cleared my throat. His eyes shot open and fell off the bed.
"Kevin!" I called out, poking my head out the side of the bed. "Are you okay!?"
"I.. I thought it was a dream, I mean uh. I.." He nodded as he rubbed the back of your head. He blushed a bright red and looked away. "_____, my bad. I must have fell asleep.."
"It's fine, Kevin. " I smiled, ignoring what he said earlier. What caught my eye was the bottles on the floor. "What are those?" I pointed at the small bottles that seem to sparkle.
"Oh, nothing." He smiled sleepily, grabbing all the bottles one by one, putting them in a small purple sack. I watched his long slender fingers envelope the bottles that were filled with sparkles. I slid down to the floor and sat beside him, without knowing my hand was on his left arm.
"Kevin." I called him quietly.
"Yes?" He replied, placing the purple sack in his bag.
"Why won't you tell me about the night I out?" I fiddled with my fingers and waited for the answer. But we all know what he was going to say.
"It's better if thi--"
"Things were left unsaid. " I interrupted him, staring back at him, who was sleepy. "I know. I know. Those were the exact words Eli said before he broke up with me." I got up and went to tie my hair in front of my mirror.
"_____..." He whispered. He got up and stood behind me.
He smiled smoothly, making my heart beat even faster. He took the blue ribbon out my hand, the one Eli gave me. His long white fingers tightened the ribbon as the other hand grabbed a hand full of my hair. I shivered when his hand accidentally touched the back of my neck. Electric shock went through my veins when he let go my hair, leaving a cool breeze.
"I like it when your hair is up. It shows your face." I stayed silent and stared at the mirror, froze. Smiling slowly, I grabbed back the ribbon, tying my hair into a messy bun.
"Did he tell you why?"
"Why, what?" I faced him and leaned against the mirror.
"Why did he break up with you, if you don't mind me asking?" He looked at me, seriously. I couldn't lie, it was as if he could see right through me.
"You. "
Pain struck onto Kevin's face, Guilt. He felt guilt. He stared back down and sat on the edge of the bed, watching me fix my hair.
"So, he wasn't lying. " Kevin stated. "He broke up with you beca--"
"Apparently, my feelings for you are much stronger than those for him. " I explained, avoiding any eye contact.
"Are they?" Kevin asked quietly.
I stayed silent and just hummed to Take Me Away. "______." I tried ignoring him but he grabbed my arm, pushing me against the mirror.
"Let go. " I growled.
"Are they?"
I looked back into his eyes, not sure how to answer. To be quite honest, I didn't know. My heart was with the both of them, but who do I love the most? Who was I supposed to be with?
"I don't know. " I told the truth. "I don't know, Kevin. I really don't. "
He nodded slowly and let go of my arm, he looked back at the mirror and notice he was half-. I turned away and chuckled.
"Well, well. Someone got used to my half-ness. "
I rolled my eyes and threw a shirt at him.
"Whatever, you're so cocky sometimes. "
He laughed and poked his head through his black V-neck.
"Me? Cocky. Nah. "
I rolled my eyes and patted his chest.
"Nice necklace. " I pressed against the pendant and looked back at him, smiling. He smiled back and grabbed his Jansport. "I think, I'll go out with the girls to calm myself down."
"Ah." He grabbed my wrist and displayed an awkward expression. "Could I tag along?"
"Could. I. Tag. Along?"
I titled my head and pulled my wrist away from his grasp. I pulled on my scarf and stared back at him.
"Why? We're all girls. So.. No. "
He rolled his eyes and practically begged:
"Please! PLEASE!"
"Yah!" I pushed him away playfully and placed my hands onto my hips. "Why?"
"I'm bored. " I felt like I heard a hint of lie in his pitch. I eyed him suspiciously and asked one more time.
"No, really. Why?"
He growled and pouted menacingly.
"I just want to tag along. What the hell is freaking wrong with that?" He snapped. "Can't I go? It's a public place, isn't it?"
Sheesh. And I thought he's gotten nicer. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Oh wait. He wasn't supposed to be sleeping on my bed. Aish. This guy. I flipped my hair away and walked away from him, heading out the door. But I knew he was right behind me. Sigh.
[ Kevin's POV ]
"This shirt is so cute!" One of her friends squealed, gripping onto a pink hideous shirt, if I may say so myself.
"How about this one?" ______ held up some dark blue heels.
"It's so prett--"
"Ahem. " I interrupted, earning 5 pair of eyes looking my way. I looked away and stared at the mirror.
"What's wrong with these?" ______ growled, pushing the heels up my face.
"Last time, you had heels. You were complaining of the pain. I prefer you with flip-flops. " I explained, with a serious tone. My eyes flickered around the store, checking if there was anything abnormal. Everything seems fine. Too fine. Ugh. Maybe, I'm just paranoid..
"Fine." _____ put the heels back on the rack and walked ahead of me, arm-in-arm with her friends. I guess she's handling the break-up pretty well.. "One second, guys. I'll meet you at Starbucks."
I watched the little one approach me with "menacing" eyes. A bit hot, I raised an eyebrow and stared her down.
"You're embarrassing me." She grumbled.
I rolled my eyes and stared at her friends, pointing and giggling towards us. We must be one weird-looking couple. The little marshmallow in front of me growled and grabbed my collar.
"What is it?"
She went off explaining and complaining of every moment that I've embarrassed her. The time, I accidentally pushed her friend. Wa-wait. My eyes scanned the large food court. Across from us, a dark figure was walking our way. . That thing's looking for us. I pushed her against the wall and pulled our hoodies together, face-to-face.
"What are you.." She trembled.
"Sh. Just. Sh. "
I waited a few minutes and felt the cold aura of the dark figure. It wasn't as strong as Erian's but it was something different.
"Kevin." Ren called out while _____ was getting ready to go out with her friends. I stared at him lean against the patio door cooly as he gestured me to come closer.
"What's up?"
"We did a bit of research. With a couple of my buddies. Oh. This is Aron and Baekho by the way. I stared at the two guys sitting on the lounge chairs, without a care in the world.
"And?" I raised an eyebrow. Ren stared at Aron as he approached us sulkily.
"Well. It seems Erian and his damned mind has thought of creating an army. Not a big one but not small either."
"An army?" I growled, a bit afraid and threatened.
"You could sense them. They aren't as powerful as Erian but don't underestimate them. They are merely puppets, controlled by Erian. And like puppets, they have strings. So.."
"Slice the strings. "
Aron chuckled and pointed at me: "Bingo."
Ren stared at Baekho who was now poking a ladybug. I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile when he smiled as the ladybug flew away.
"Anyways. Kevin. Don't worry. Aron and Baekho will assist you. So, they will be keeping an eye on ____ as I try to pinpoint Erian's exact location with Minhyun and JR. "
"Who and what?"
"Oh. Close friends. Starlites. Yeah. " Ren chuckled. He stared at his two companions, giving them a nod. They all disappeared when ______'s footprints could be heard.
I guess, everything will be okay..
"I'm leaving. Are you actually coming with me?" She pouted, rubbing her hands together.
I nodded and followed ______ out the door.
[ end/ i ]
"Kevin? Earth to Kevin!"
I shook my head away from my train of thought and stared back where the dark figure was. Gone. Dammit.
"Kevin!" She growled.
I looked back at her and tilted my head. Her cheeks were ...
"You like dozed off. " _____ stated, tapping her blue nails against the screen of her phone, avoiding eye contact. I grabbed her hand and pouted;
"Annoying. "
She rolled her eyes and slid the phone back into het pocket. "Shouldn't we get back to your friends?" I asked while walking towards Starbucks.
"Nah. Could we go to this one store before meeting up with them?" She clapped her hands together in question.
I nodded and followed her.
"No." I growled when she picked up a hideous shirt from the rack.
"Why not? It's pretty. "
"Yeah. If you're 60 and rocking them wheel chairs. " I fired back, placing the shirt back onto the rack where it should stay. Forever.
"You're mean. " She mumbled, burying her head in her red scarf.
"I have fashion sense. " I counter-attacked, amused of her frustrated expression. She's pretty cute if you look at her for a while. I smiled to myself in thought and just followed her.
We sat down and got each an ice cream in a cup. Since her friends were at Starbucks, apparently with their boyfriends, ______ didn't feel like being the third.. wheel. She didn't feel like getting left out even when I offered to pretend I was her boyfriend but that wouldn't be smart if Eli ever shown up. I scooped a bit of ice cream and let it melt in my mouth, watching ______ stare at the cherry on top of her ice cream. I wonder what she's thinking about.
"What's up with you?" I pointed at her with my ice-cream covered spoon.
"Nothing. Actually, there's two people over there.. staring. " She gestured, looking to her left, without turning her head.
I turned to check who were these two people staring at ______. To my surprise, it was Baekho and Aron. Right. They're keeping an eye on us. I nodded towards them.
"You know them?" ______ asked, looking back at the two.
"I... yeah. Friends from Seoul. Want to meet them? I asked hesitant.
She stared at me, filled with ice cream, the spoon stuck in . She flickered back towards them and didn't know how to answer. I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand.
[Your POV]
"Hi..." I awkwardly waved as the two boys smiled back.
"This is Aron and Baekho, they're friends from Seoul." Kevin explained, pointing at who's who.
"It's a pleasure meeting someone as beautiful as you. " The dark-haired boy smiled, Aron, I'm assuming.
"Uh.. Thanks." I couldn't help but smile at the sudden compliment, not forgetting to mention that it was an awkward compliment especially with the smirk on his face.
"Flirt. " Baekho growled, patting Aron roughly on the back. "My name is Kang Dongho, but call me Baekho. It's nice meeting you, ______."
"Ah!" I replied, shocked. "You know my name.. I never.."
Aron face-palmed and glared at Baekho, I tilted my head awkwardly and stared back at Kevin. Kevin interrupted the awkwardness:
"I told them about you.." Kevin covered his blush by turning away his head.
Oh. I formed an "o" with my mouth and helped myself to a seat, across from Baekho.
"Uhm.." Kevin hummed, it seems they don't have much in common. I took a small bite out of my ice cream, yeah I bite it, okay. I stared at the two foreign boys in front of me who both sipped on their drinks at the same time. They.. seem to dazzle. I raised an eyebrow and observed the both of them.
"Do.. Do you, by any chance, know a person named.."
"Ren?" Aron continued for me.
"Y-yeah." I answered back, shocked.
Kevin's head shot back to Aron, seemingly shocked. Something seems to be up. I eyed both of the foreign boys and decided to ask them a couple of questions.
"What school do you go to?" I asked, twirling my spoon.
"Private school, up state." They both answered at the same time. "These are our uniforms. " Aron held his tie and let it flap back onto his white polo.
"Oh. Wait. You know Ren.."
"He granted a wish of mine a while back, to be quite honest. "
"Oh! So, you know about the Starlite Society.." It felt good to have somebody else to know the society so then I wouldn't have to lie and cover things up.
They both nodded and drank their drinks.. at the same time. Again. Almost like robots. I smiled uneasily and ate more of my ice cream.
"What was your wish?" Baekho asked. I choked a bit on my ice cream and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.
"Me." Kevin said quietly. "Well.."
"A shot at love. " I elaborated. Keeping my eyes on the ice cream, I chuckled a bit. All I felt was guilt, I wonder what Eli is doing right now..
"I'm going to go to the bathroom."
"I'll come with you. " Kevin said quickly.
"What?" I asked, a bit shocked and taken back by his proposal. My eyes went and flickered towards Aron and Baekho who were also taken back by it.
"Kevin.. You're kind of weird. " Baekho commented, shaking his head.
"I'll go now.." I purred lightly, avoiding Kevin.
"What if you ge--"
I turned around and stared at Aron who had his hand over Kevin's mouth. I laughed playfully and continued my way to the ladies' room.
[ Kevin's POV ]
"Yah!" I grabbed Aron's hand and roughly pushed him aside. "The was that for? What if Erian and one of his stupid soldiers get a hold of her, huh!"
Aron looked towards me with expressionless eyes and sighed, frustrated.
"This is why I never concentrate or fall for a girl. All you do is freaking worry for nothing. " Aron growled, pushing his bangs to the side. "Besides, Baekho went to the bathroom "also". "
"Oh." I let out, awkwardly.
[ Baekho's POV ]
"Hmm.." I walked out of the Men's room and leaned against the wall right beside the Ladies' room. . A sudden chill shot through my spine, I turned to my left and stared at two men, who were looking my way.
Slowly, they took their silent steps towards me. My hand travelled to my necklace who had a sword as the pendant.
"Are you Baekho?" One of them spoke huskily, his eyes pulsed with darkness.
"What's it to you, punk?" I stared at both teenagers. These weren't humans. I know who you are.
"We got a little proposition for you. " The shorter one smirked.
"Really?" I raised an eyebrow and stood up straight, not letting them get a single opportunity of my vulnerability. "And what is that?"
"Give us the girl. We'll give back the one you've once lost. "
"Bring back the dead is illegal." I growled.
"Who said she was dead?"
My heart started to pound but I knew he was just playing around with me. There's no way.. I've witnessed her death. They're just using me.
I felt my hand go limb, but I shot back to my defensive state. I can't let Ren down. She's gone, Kang Dongho. There's no way, she'll come back. No way.
"Get lost. " I growled, gripping onto my pendant.
"Wrong choice. " Both of them growled, in unison. The shorter one grabbed my collar as the other held my arms back. Suddenly, I felt a warm trickle come down my neck:
"Do you want to witness the same death your little girlfriend had suffered?" First time, I ever felt scared. But there's no way I'll let them take another life.
" off!" I bit the chain of my necklace, raising it up to my face. As the light pulsed, the two young teenagers pushed away. Screams filled the food court as the two teenagers transformed into large colossal demons. . I'm gonna get into trouble for this. I raised my sword to my chest and lunged towards the deadly duo.
"Ba-baekho?" Is-is it her?
My head shot back and stared at _____ who was standing outside of the bathroom, pale, weak, frail. .
"Get out!" I let out. "Get away from here, GET OUT!" I ran towards her but I was too late, ignoring of the sound of the roars behind me. One of the demons jumped over my head, then lunged towards her. Screeching and her scream ringed in my ears.
They're puppets.
Light twinkled. No, their strings. They're controlled by Erian. They're puppets. I dashed quickly towards the bastard and with a strong swing of my arm, I threw the silver sword above its head. Cracking and the sound of shatter echoed the empty food court. Light conquered the darkness. But ______.
[ Your POV ]
"Ba-baekho?" Wh-who were those men? I stared at the two men holding Baekho quite aggressively.
Suddenly, the pits of my stomach started to churn as the two men weren't what we would call human. Their clothes ripped apart, dark purple skin, red crimson eyes. The roar of a lion conquered the thousands of screams emitted by the shocked and frightened netizens. Wh-what's happening?
Minutes--no seconds flew past. One of the monsters headed towards me with lightning speed. So much fear got to me, I couldn't move nor speak but scream. At the top of my lungs, I screamed.
Help me. 
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another fic. This time about JAejoong from JYJ


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a friend recommended this to me and i must say that i like your fic dear author (:
bine84 #2
Chapter 42: I Love this story, so amazing
Yuki2591 #3
Chapter 40: Love this fanfic!! Should have find this sooner but anyway its just sooo beautiful ♥ one of the greatest story ive ever read. *Rushes to read the sequel*
Chapter 19: I love love love love t5his! ohhhhh! I cant wait to finish then read the sequeal!
Chapter 40: Wow! This fanfic is amazing! I was practically crying non stop and the tts's love sick song was just wonderful with the scene although I kinda wished Kevin didn't have to die and resurrect as a Starlite and poor Ren.. he kinda fell in love with her.. I just wish 'EXO' can change the rules that Starlites can fall in love with humans so that they can have their own happy ever after and not just caring for other all the time... a little love wouldn't hurt right? ^-^
Chapter 41: OMG Best fantasy-love story I've ever read :D
Can't wait to read the sequel! :3
bean98 #7
Omg! I love this story so much!! But I have a request. If you find the time, could you please do a background story on Ren and how he came to be a starlite? Thanks!
For those who love UKISS' Eli as well! Please check out my new fanfiction titled: Caged Bird! I hope you guys will like it. THanks guys. Sequel will be starting in the next year! For now, I will focus on Caged Bird. Please take a look see! And sub, and vote if you feel it deserves the thumbs up! Thanks guys for everything. Happy New Years! Love, Khay
Chapter 40: Wow I love ur story so much <3
It's so....DAZZLING <3
I can't wait to read the sequel ^^