Saving Grace

The Misconception


A tear ran down my cheek as I stood there, frozen on the spot, listening to Mi Young hurled insults at me.

I snapped out of my trance as a hand was placed on my shoulder and I was yanked back.

I stumbled into someone's arms and in front of me, stood Kikwang.

My eyes widened when I saw him and I looked behind me to see Doojoon holding me.

Mi Young had stopped ridiculing me and was wide open, gaping at Kikwang who stood in front of me, in a protective manner.

“Yah! Who are you to tell her those things?” He yelled at her, his temper rising.

I quickly untangled myself from Doojoon and ran up to Kikwang. I gripped his shoulder and yanked him back, stopping him in his long drawn out speech to Mi Young.

“Stop it.” I told him firmly and he looked at me in surprise.

“Why?! She's insulting you! Don't you get it?!” He yelled at me and I bit my lip.

“It doesn't matter. It's true anyway.” I said quietly and dropped my hand from his shoulder. He, SHINee, and BEAST looked at me in surprised.

I quickly ducked down, picked up my bag, and ran away from the hallway.

I didn't stop till I reached my safe haven.

My place.

My home.

My saving grace.


When I had reached the piano which I had moved to the hallway the day before, I dropped down in front of it and my tears poured out.

I curled up and cried.

Mi Young was right.

No one loves me.

No one cares about me.

Why would they?

Why would anyone care about me?

Even though Dae Hyun cared about me, slowly, he was forgetting about me.

He visited less often.

He doesn't call as often as he used to.

He's too busy.

He doesn't care about me anymore.

I have no one.

No one to love me.

No one to care for me.

No one to hold me and tell me “it's going to be alright.”

No one to be the reason why I live.


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Chapter 40: Aww, I just LOVE this story. I felt so bad for Sang Hee through the whole story. I was so happy to finally see that she fell in love with Kikwang. I had a feeling that it was going to be him, as seeing he was always there for her. LOVE IT!
Thank you. :) I'm glad that someone can empathize with me here. :) <br />
Awesome! I just learned some Korean! XD
ainieacestarn: Thank you for your concern. :) I'm happy that all my readers care for me. :D<br />
Yes, I'm a lot better than I was in the past. I've matured greatly and I'm finally starting to recover from the abuse. Before, I used to be practically mute and had very low self-esteem because of what my father did to me; I always thought that I was "pathetic, weak, and ugly," as my father often called me. But now, I've turned into a new person and starting to build confidence in myself. :)<br />
Ah, if only I could read Korean...what did you say? o.O
Lollie: Yes, this is all about my life. As I stated in the forewords, the abuse is based on the abuse that I had to go through as a child and this is something that I would never joke about.
Is this story all about your life ? Just wanna ask . cuz I'm actually still a new reader and still reading the early chapters. The tortures came are all so..........fearing. And seriously I cried. Just imagine how i got ignored by my mom once before . :/