Chapter 09

Blood Romance

Banging her head against the umpteenth time, Yunhee focused on the humming in her skull, the maelstrom in her head. She was confused, why did he say that? Does he know something? Has he figured out what Yunhee was? Did he know all along?

“Aish.” She lifted her head and slammed her locker, only to find someone right in front of her, only inches away. “Oh my God! Sehun! ” She exclaimed as she stared at the latter in confusion and shock. “What do want now?” She glared at him.

The latter hesitated for a bit as he had trouble trying to voice out what he wanted to say. “I just... wanted to tell you to be careful.” She could see the blood rush up to his cheeks and giggled a little to embarrass him further.

She cleared and stated, “Well, why would you care anyway? I mean, in case you have forgotten, you have been ignoring me ever since I got here, you practically told me to stay away, and your girlfriend kind of tried to kill me yesterday.” She tapped the scar on her face and waited patiently for his response.

“One – she is not my girlfriend and two – I’m sorry.” It took the latter awhile to finally say those two words, but only took him seconds to realize how humiliating this was. “, you know what, forget it. Why am I even telling you this? Forget that I even tried to warn you about them alright. You don’t even appreciate my help.” He hissed fiercely and turned away, wanting to leave. But the younger grabbed his arm and stopped him.

“What do you mean by that? Why? Are they dangerous? Is there something else I don’t know?” She asked in confusion, but she knew deep down she really didn't want an answer. she just wanted all this to stop.

"They're not what they seem, okay?" Sehun said before shifting his gaze to the younger's grip on his arm. "So just stay away from them. Don't trust their words too easily."

"Then why should i trust you? I mean Sungjong and the others treat me way better than you do." She said while crossing her arms, trying to test his limited patience.

"Really? You really want to trust a bunch of vampires who casually invited you to have a family gathering out of nowhere? You really are oblivious aren't you?" He spoke with a tinge of anger as his jaws clenched. He was running out of patience for this girl but he had to try his best to convince her somehow. She was in danger and he couldn't just let her be. "And, you're a witch. You have something they don't possess."

"You knew?" Since when did he know? Do they all know? Should she be in hiding, should she be afraid now that they know she's not one of them? That she's nothing but food, a simple and small prey to feed on? Many thoughts went through her troubled mind, but one thing was for certain - there was no one she can trust from now on. "I can take care of myself."

"No, you cant. You're only a witch, they are close to being royal bloods, what makes you think you're strong enough for them?" Sehun rebutted.

"Royal? What do you mean?" The younger asked, confused as ever. 

The young boy opened his mouth, ready to explained to her on what she missed out but stopped soon after when he saw a familiar silhouette. "I'll explain some other time. You seem busy now." With that, he took a step back. Yunhee could see the frown on his face and the fist that he had made. Hence, she turned around in curiosity to find out who it was.

"Was I interrupting?" Sunggyu had a smile plastered on his face as he placed his hand on Yunhee's shoulder, trying to let the younger know who she ultimately belonged to. 

"No. Not yet." The younger placed his gaze on Sunggyu's hand and his eyebrows furrowed while his fists clenched even further. The boy was just about to leave, but stopped to tell the older something. "By the way, I'm so sorry for your loss. Europhinia was truly a pleasure to work with."

"Europhinia?" Yunhee asked, it rang a bell.

Sunggyu's smile disappeared as he removed his hand form Yunhee's shoulders. "It would be advisable for you to leave now."

Sehun smirked as he walked towards Yunhee and whispered softly to her. "Remember what i told you. Some people cannot be trusted in this school." He said as he stared at Sunggyu before leaving them.

"Europhinia? Who is that?" 

"I'm sorry but I am afraid I cannot tell you about that for now. Another time, perhaps, when you are more... Ready." Sunggyu stated as he lifted his hands to her cheek.

"Well, what can u tell me?" Yunhee asked as she smacked the older's hand away. She was angry, she wanted answers, she needed them. But no one was giving her what she wanted. 

"Pardon?" The older was indeed quite taken aback by such a question and her actions.

"I basically know nothing about you and your other friends, you scare the hell out of me and plus, what would a vampire like you want with a witch?" She watched as the older's eyes widened in surprise while his lips curved into a smile she never really liked. "Sehun was right. You do have motives. You do want something from me, do you not?" Disgust filled her every cell as the thought of it frightened her so much.

"So you do already know. Well, that saves me so much trouble then." The older grabbed her wrist and continued, "Yunhee dear, yes there is something I have to do. and I will need your help." He took her hands and placed it in between his. 

"No. I don't want to. I don't want to ever see you near me again." She took his hands off her and glared at him before walking away from as fast as she could.

Sunggyu chuckled under his breath. "I guess we just have to lure the catch with a bait."




"No. I will never do anything like that! I will not lure her into danger."

"Myungsoo." The older called. The dark haired boy lifted his hands onto the frail and weaker sungjong and placed it on his neck. With just a little movement of his fingers, Sungjong could feel the massive amount of pressure and pain. Sungjong knew that his hyungs were stronger than him, and he knew that the older could easily use a little more strength and kill him in an instant.

"Hyung!" He pleaded with Myungsoo. He did see the apologetic gaze Myungsoo had in his eyes. But he knew there was nothing Myungsoo could do to help either. Anyone who disobeys the eldest, would feel the unpleasant and fearful wrath of him. And nobody wanted that.

"Its simple, Sungjong. I'm not even asking you to kill her. I am just asking you to be with her, make her fall in love with you." He chuckled, wondering why his younger brother even believed in such a thing. He wondered why his young brother wanted something as foolish as love. He placed his hands on Myungsoo's and motioned for him to stop. "After all, wasn't that what you wanted from the start?" He watched in satisfaction as the younger fell to his knees and grabbed his neck to ease the excruciating pain.

Sunggyu crouched down to meet Sungjong's eyes. The younger glared at him with hatred and disgust. "Don't you dare hurt her."

The older reached out to grab Sungjong's face and whispered, "Europhinia was a simple pest to get rid of, what makes you think she won't be any easier?" The older chuckled under his breath and frowned soon after. "But let's just say that if you do not get me what i want, i will look for her myself and i will torture her in such a horrifying way that she would eventually plead and ask her death." He grabbed the boy's hair and pulled his head up. "Do you want that instead, Sungjong?"

Sunggyu tossed him aside. "I want her in here next week. She should be convinced and willing to help us by then." The older said and left the room.

"Sungjong, It would be better if you do as he says." Woohyun said as placed his hands on his forehead. He never knew that his older brother would turn out to be something so horrifying, something so frightening.

"No, I wont put her in danger, Hyung." Sungjong glared.

"All she has to do is help us undo the spell." Dongwoo walked towards the younger and helped him get up after seeing him struggle.

"You know it's not just about father. It was never about him. He wants her for himself! Don't you get it?" Sungjong said, furious that his hyungs couldn't understand his mindset.

"So? You want him to kill her instead? You really think that is better?" Dongwoo stated.

"You know what happened with Europhinia-" Myungsoo stated but was shortly interrupted by his younger brother.

"This is different!" Sungjong shouted in anger.

"How different is this? He became like this because of her, what do you think will happen if he doesn't get what he wants this time? You know what he did with Europhinia. What makes you think he can't do it to her? Stop being stubborn, Sungjong. You're going to get her even more hurt." Woohyun shouted back, feeling more and more worried for the poor girl.

"No. I'm not giving in. I won't let her get hurt." 


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marshmellow10 #1
Hehe sorry about my last comment I meant if exo and infinite gonna end up with yunhee
marshmellow10 #2
Is infinite and exo gonna end up together if so it will be awesome I like stories like that please tell me authornim
hangoctram #3
Chapter 13: I like your story and i want more sungjongxyunhee too :3
Chapter 11: New reader :) awesome story and im like
why why why!!!! Does infinite have to be evil!!! T_T!!!
But anyways like ur story hope u keep up the good work.
Soohyun_babyy #5
Chapter 10: Update soon please!
Chapter 9: I'm leaving a shorter comment because I need to hurry away; I like that the plot has developed and that we are finally going to start understanding things more. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters and to enter the adventure this story will bring.
Chapter 8: Good ~ Good ~ Update Soon ~
Chapter 7: Im YunHee is a witch !!
Chapter 5: Oh Mah Ghawd ~ Poor Sungjong !!
Chapter 4: Aigoo ~ YunHee xD