Chapter 13

Blood Romance

"What?" The girl immediately stood up, completely shocked by his statement. "What do you mean bring her back to life?"

"Yunhee." His cold hands that encircled around her wrists, in an attempt to put her in place, made her jump. "Help me bring her back." He spoke as he stared deeply into her eyes. "I need her back."

She tried to release herself from his grip. "I- I can't. I'm not strong enough, I don't know how to-" 

"I'll teach you, I'll train you. Please, just help me." As he spoke, his sharp nails dug into her warm flesh unknowingly. He was desperate, and he had once again shown her a part of him that no one had ever saw before.

"Sunggyu.." She winced when the pain she felt on her wrists became unbearable for her.

As soon as he realized how he was hurting her, he stepped back. His eyes darted around as he fell back on the couch behind him. He pressed his fist on his eyes, as he tried to block out all signs of light, bringing himself into the darkness. He let his emotions flow out, he opened that sacred dam he had kept hidden and locked for years within him.

"Please." He begged. "Everyone deserves a happy ending, right? Isn't that what you said?" He lifted his head just a little, but she could see how a small pathetic smile had crept up on his face. Even he found it ridiculous how he had just used her own words against her. 

It pained her, to see someone so strong and powerful, someone who she thought was full of charisma and confidence, crumble right in front of her. All of because of a mistake he had made a hundred years ago, he has to live an eternity of regret. And if she were to be honest with herself, a part of her does wish that he gets to experience the consequence of his cowardly actions. But a part of her also sympathizes with him, for she herself knows very well how painful it is to lose someone whom you've loved for so long.

After seeing how this seemingly brutal and cruel vampire had willingly allowed his darkest and most inner demons to be seen by her, she couldn't help but feel sympathy, and empathy even, for this man. And she wanted to help him wake up from his endless nightmare.

And so she had made up her mind.

She took a seat beside him and placed her arm around him, while she placed her other hand on his clenched fists and held them. She gave him a warm smile and said,  

"I'll do it, Sunggyu."




He reluctantly placed his hands on the door handle, and hesitated for the ninth time if he should really do what he was about to. He let out a deep sigh and once again took a step back and raked his hands exasperatedly through his thick hair. "Damn it, Sungjong, just do it." He reprimanded himself and groaned in annoyance at his reluctance. Hence, he mustered up the courage and took a deep breath as he lifted his hand to grab the door handle. But as soon as he pushed it down, the door had swung open, resulting in the poor boy losing his balance.

Thankfully, though, he had caught grip of the door frames and had regained his balance. He didn't want to think about what could have happened if he had not caught a hold of himself. Imagining it made him shudder in disgust.

The worst part though, was the fact that the other person at the door had also seen his embarrassing moment. Sungjong bit his lip and silently cursed at himself for being such a klutz before awkwardly clearing his throat and lifting his head up. He gave the other a confident glare.

"It was painful hearing you walk up and down my hallway for nine times." Sehun said as he gave the boy a look of agony. 

Sungjong internally cursed himself multiple times while trying his best to mask his embarrassment. "Right. You could sense me." The boy had totally forgotten about how vampires could sense each other's presence. How humiliating.

"What do you want?" Sehun said as he rolled his eyes and walked back to his bed to lie on it, closing his eyes.

Sungjong glared at the boy for his actions before entering the room. "As much as i hate speaking to you, we need to talk."

"Never in my hundred years of existence would I imagine that line come out from your mouth." Sehun scoffed, with his eyes still closed.

Sungjong took a deep breath and reminded himself continuously that he needn't waste his anger on such an imbecile. "You've noticed it, haven't you?"

"Noticed what?"


That name made his eyes widen and he focused his gaze on the boy again. "What about Yunhee?" He asked.

"She hasn't been talking to us." Sungjong sighed. He hated so much the fact that he was actually asking Sehun for help.

Upon hearing the boy's concern, Sehun sat up and crossed his arms at him. "Well, I wouldn't blame her. After what happened to her. She almost died because you nearly drained her dry." Sehun glared at the younger. 

Sungjong immediately lowered his head. He indeed felt guilty for what he did. He was apologetic. He had never wished to hurt Yunhee, he wasn't even in his right mind. He would never have done such a thing if he were conscious. But the fact that he had almost killed her, made him sick. It made him realize how much of a danger he was to her. And it frightened him. 

Seeing how the boy was so affected by what he had said, Sehun sighed and decided to tell him the truth. "That day.. Her powers awakened." 

His worst nightmare had come true.

And just like that, the boy had stormed out of the room, clearly enraged that the girl hadn't told him something so important, so dangerous. He had to hear it instead, from his nemesis. How would that make him feel? 

Then again, the boy did tell her to stay away from him. He couldn't really be angry at her, could he? Upon realizing that, he slowed down his pace, and eventually came to a stop. His breathing was uneven and his mind was hazy. Why was he always so helpless when it came to Yunhee? He wondered. 

As he lifted his gaze, he saw a figure he would never fail to recognize. He took in all the beauty he saw before him. How her caramel brown hair cascaded beautifully into loose curls that encircled her face and rested on her shoulders. And when she turned around to face him, he swore he felt  his cheeks burn in a way he absolutely loved. 

In an instant, all his anger disappeared. All he could think about now was her.

And how he felt for her. 

"Hey." He said as he took a few steps toward her. 

"Hi." She said as she gave him a weak smile. 

All he wanted to do was embrace her, but he forced that urge. "We haven't spoken in a long time." And I miss you. Once again, he fought the urge to speak those last words. 

Little did he know, it was exactly what she wanted to say to him too. "I'm sorry." She had no idea she had missed him so much. So much that seeing and speaking to him right now was bringing her to tears. Tears she was fighting and holding in so much.

She had also realized a few days back, when Sunggyu had told her about his plans that she had absolutely misunderstood Sungjong. All he wanted to do was protect her and warn her about Sunggyu, instead she lashed out on him. And she felt horrible about it. 

"Look, I heard about what you did the other day." He spoke, remembering how Sehun was so close to ripping his heart out when he woke up in the sick bay.

It was then that Sehun told Sunjong how Yunhee gave him her blood, and how she had fainted because he couldn't stop drinking it. It was also then that Sungjong realized that Sehun, his life-long nemesis, was in love with the same girl as he loved. 

"I never want you to do that again, alright?" He said as he lifted his pinky finger. 

Upon seeing that, the girl giggled. "What are you? Five?" She punched his shoulder.

"Hundred and forty-five, actually." His said and laughed along with her, but still kept his pinky there. "I'm serious." He said and lifted his pinky higher, motioning her to wrap hers around his.

She looked at him before reluctantly lifting her finger to wrap it around his. "I promise. But you have to understand how worried and useless I felt not being to do anything else."

She was worried for me?

That was also one of the reasons why she had wanted to learn how to control and use her powers. She felt so useless not being able to protect her own loved ones. Everyone else here had something special within them, whether they had discovered it or not. Not only did she feel so out of place for the fact that she was different than the others, but the fact that she couldn't even control or use her powers made her feel even more useless. 

Hence, she decided to go to Sunggyu. 

At which, she was reminded of what she had to tell Sungjong. 

Her agreement with Sunggyu.


Seeing how the girl was almost distressed, Sungjong could not help but pull her into his embrace slowly and gently. He wrapped his arms aorund her and rested his chin on her head. This was the first time they had been so close to each other. It was an act that shocked not only Yunhee, but Sungjong himself. He had actually given in to his desires. 

"S-Sung-" The girl stiffened.

"Just stay still. Just for a moment." He said as he pulled her closer to him and tightened his grip around her. He prayed secretly that she wouldn't hear the way his heart was dancing or feel the way his tempurature had risen. This was a feeling he had lost the moment he was turned into a vampire. This warm and humanly feeling, he had missed it so much.

The girl, however, felt so many different emotions. She was flustered, yet so happy and excited that she was actually in his arms. Her heart was racing a thousand times faster than it normally wouldn't. Yet at the same time, she was feeling "Sungjong, I'm sorry." She whispered, hoping her words would be inaudible. 

He had heard clearly every word she had said and he pulled her away gently, only to watch as she hung her head low. "What's wrong?" He placed his hand on her chin and was about to lift her face up, but she stopped him. 

She took a step back. 

"Tell me." He spoke gently, afraid that if he spoke any louder than he did, the girl infront of him would break.

"I agreed to it."

"To what?" He asked, confused. And when she didn't respond, it was then that he realized what she was talking about. "To Sunggyu?" He whispered, losing all his strength in his voice and he prayed so hard, that she would just say that it was not what his was thinking of. That it was something else. That she didn't agree to risk her entire life just for his brother.

She nodded, and he felt his heart sink.

"He needed my help, I couldn't refuse, Sungjong. You don't know what he's been through. He wants to start anew with Europhinia, he wants to change." She looked him in the eyes, pleading him to understand.

She wanted him to understand that his brother was not a monster, and that all these years he was fighting his inner demons all alone. All she wanted was for Sungjong to understand why she was doing this for Sunggyu.

"All these he has been living with pain and regret without Europhinia. And all he wants is to be with her again, all he wants is to be happy." She held onto his hands. "Don't you want him to be happy?" Her voice was softer now.

Sungjong stared into her eyes. "Then what about me?"

It was a question that left her stunned.

"Don't I get to have a chance at happiness too?" For once, he had finally experienced love. The warmth and beauty of it, he had finally got to feel all of it after a hundred and forty-five years of this immortal and dreadful life of his.

And there was a chance that it was all soon going to disappear.

What he said had brought her to tears. She knew that bringing someone back to life was a action that came with dire consequences. She could die form doing so. She didn't want that, to be honest. She didn't want to die at all. She was so afraid of what was going to happen to her, she was terrified. But she couldn't refuse someone's only chance at happiness, even if it meant giving up hers.

She smiled weakly at him and brought her hands up to his face, cupping it gently. "You do deserve happiness." Just not with me. You will be happy one day, Sungjong, That, I can promise. "But I'm sorry it has to turn out this way." 

Sungjong looked at the girl before him, his eyes misty. He sighed deeply before pulling her in for another embrace. This time he held onto her tighter, fearing that if he didn't she would disappear right away. He feared now that he would lose her any second. And it was killing him.

"I'm sorry, Sungjong. I had to." She said as she closed her eyes and let the tears stain his shirt. It felt so right to be in his arms, there was no place better. 

At her words, he gently pulled her away. He lifted his hands and cupped her face. He wiped away her tears with his thumb and gave her a weak smile. "It's going to be okay." He said and his eyes travelled to her lips. 

It was something he had always wanted to avoid, yet at the same time he yearned for it. He was always afraid of how far his feelings would take him. He doubted his own heart. Was it really love that always made his yearn for her? Or was it just his monsterous instincts? He never knew, that was why he had always tried to stay away. But right now, knowing that there will be a chance of losing her, he couldn't control himself any longer. 

He leaned in, and pressed his lips on hers. 

It wasn't bloodlust, it was love - now he knew.

It was something both of them were too afraid and reluctant to admit, but now that it had happened, what was the use of denying any longer? It was something they held dearly in them for so long. They knew what they felt for each other but they just didn't know what to do. But now they knew. 

"I think I'm in love with you." Sungjong said softly.

Her lips curled up at his words, and she let out a soft giggle. "Me too." 



"I'll be safe." It was a lie she had to tell him.




i feel like this story is such a mess rn but

there wasnt enough sungjongxyunhee so ;3 

do commenttttt kekeke 

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marshmellow10 #1
Hehe sorry about my last comment I meant if exo and infinite gonna end up with yunhee
marshmellow10 #2
Is infinite and exo gonna end up together if so it will be awesome I like stories like that please tell me authornim
hangoctram #3
Chapter 13: I like your story and i want more sungjongxyunhee too :3
Chapter 11: New reader :) awesome story and im like
why why why!!!! Does infinite have to be evil!!! T_T!!!
But anyways like ur story hope u keep up the good work.
Soohyun_babyy #5
Chapter 10: Update soon please!
Chapter 9: I'm leaving a shorter comment because I need to hurry away; I like that the plot has developed and that we are finally going to start understanding things more. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters and to enter the adventure this story will bring.
Chapter 8: Good ~ Good ~ Update Soon ~
Chapter 7: Im YunHee is a witch !!
Chapter 5: Oh Mah Ghawd ~ Poor Sungjong !!
Chapter 4: Aigoo ~ YunHee xD