Chapter 11

Blood Romance

"No, you will." His thin and cold voice echoed in the empty hallway.

Yunhee turned around and once she registered whom the voice had belonged to, she glared at the dark figure at the other end. "I will not." She hissed at him with every ounce of courage she had in her.

"The choice is yours ultimately, definitely. But the thing is, Yunhee," he walked towards her while his fingers scraped the lockers on his way, making her shiver upon every step he took. "I get to decide the consequence of your choice."

"Don't, hyung." The youngest boy pleaded. He knew what his oldest brother was planning to do and as always, he didn't like it.

The older, however, ignored his poor brother as he finally stood in front of the trembling girl. "Lets just say that the wrong choice would definitely make us all question the safety of your family." He paused and looked behind her at the younger, "and your loved ones."

"Don't you dare touch them." She glared at the older.

Sunggyu smirked and simply reached out to push her aside. Yunhee's body crashed against the wall and she lifted her arms over her head, trying her best to deter any further attacks. However, his unpredictable nature had fooled her once again as he walked over to the youngest and placed his long fingers on his neck. Her eyes widened as she heard how the poor boy was gasping so loudly while his face scrunched up due to the excruciating pain he was experiencing. Sunggyu watched nonchalantly as his own brother begged and pleaded for him to stop and after a few moments of satisfaction, threw him aside like the poor boy meant nothing to him.

"Try me, Yunhee." Sunggyu turned his gaze towards Yunhee, and never before had she been so afraid. She saw how his eyes darkened and how his iris became a terrifying blood red colour. "I dare you." He spoke in a low and menacing tone that sent a frisson of fear down Yunhee's spine as he walked away.

Seeing how the older had left her, Yunhee immediately rushed over to Sungjong, only to find out that he was completely unconscious.

"Sunjong? Wake up!" She shook the motionless boy continuously, but when he failed to respond, the girl bit her lips hard, fearing that he might have been seriously injured.

She swirled her head left and right, trying to find at least someone who could help and cursed softly when she saw no one. How she wished she could use her powers right now to save the young boy, but she didn't know how to. Hence, she stared at the helpless boy in front of her and decided that she had no other choice.

She opened up her bag and rummaged through it, trying to find at least one sharp object in there. She took out her penknife and placed it on her wrist. She stared at it in fear, reluctant to tear her skin but she eyed the boy beside her again and she immediately dug the knife into her flesh, causing small trickles of red to appear on her pale skin. She winced slightly at the pain before hesitantly placing it on Sungjong's lips. She watched as there was not a single response from the boy, she was just about to pull her hand away when she felt his tongue move against the wound - a sign that he was gaining conscious.

She sighed in relief and was about to press her wrist harder against his lips when she felt something sharp on her cut. She winced and tried to pull her hand away when she realized what it was, but the boy had already grabbed her hand and forced her to stay in place. His fangs were deep in her wrist and she felt him drawing blood from her.

"Sungjong, stop.." She pleaded when she felt the pain intensify, and her head became light.

She pleaded continuously for the boy to stop, but he wasn't listening. It was some time after, when she started feeling dizzy, as if the room around her was spinning. Her eyelids felt heavier as her body became drained of strength. "Sungjong.." She whispered, as her eyes slowly closed.

Her body swayed from side to side, and finally it fell, but not against the cold and hard floor. She felt the warmth of someone behind her, a presence, as the pain in her wrist disappeared, but it was too late.

Darkness had overtook her.




"Come, child." She heard a voice call for her, it sounded familiar, a voice that she had heard many times before.

She whipped her head around and opened her eyes slowly. Around her was nothing, a plain field with dead flowers and dried plants. The sky was covered with dark clouds, there wasn't a single star or light to be seen. The area was was hazy, foggy. Her eyes could not see anything further than a meter away, nothing but a large gate right in front of her. The gate had been beautiful once upon a time - that she could tell. But what was left was just iron bars and rust, forgotten and unwanted. It gave the girl a feeling of despair and dejection. 

"Come." She heard the voice once again, and this time she had found the owner of it.

"Who are you?" Yunhee asks, as she took a step closer.

A figure, blurry and glaring, stood far from her. But she could clearly see how her back was her, making the girl unable to see her face. Her arms were spread out, wide. It was then that Yunhee felt her lungs tighten, her breaths became short and quick. It felt as if she was running out of breath, and she placed a hand over her chest as she tried to ease this uncomfortable feeling. Her other hand was tightly placed on the gate as she tried to keep her balance. She looked up once again at the lady in white before her.

As if she were welcoming the girl, she spoke in a calm and soft voice, "awaken."



"Yunhee?" Her eyes shot open at the sound of Sehun's voice. The boy was holding onto her shoulders while he looked down on her with great worry in his eyes. "Are you alright?"

She stared at the boy in confusion before shifting her gaze to the room. She was no longer in the middle of nowhere, she was in a room. There was no longer a miserable and bleak gate in front of her, she was on a bed. The woman was no longer here with her, only Sehun stood before her. Upon realizing these, she shot up from the bed. Was it just a dream? She stared at Sehun once again, whose eyes were now widened.

As if the boy could read her mind, he spoke. "You fainted. I brought you and Sungjong here, to the infirmary." He sighed as he pointed over to the motionless boy who slept on the bed beside hers.

She looked over to Sungjong, and to his neck, where she saw bruises. Then she remembered, what happened and what she had done. She looked down at her hand and saw how they were bandaged. It still hurt, a lot. She lifted up her wrist and saw how blood still seeped through the thick amount of bandage on her wound. 

"What were you thinking?" The boy spoke with anger clearly evident in his voice. "He almost killed you!" This time he half-shouted.

Yunhee looked up at the boy, his eyes were misty and red, a sign that he had been crying, or was going to. The girl then stared at him in confusion once again. Since when did he start to care about her? Why was he showing so much concern for her now and not then? Did he also want something from her?

She then realized painfully, that there was no one here that she could trust. No one.

She let her eyelids fall - she knew the tears were coming, and she didn't want the boy to see her vulnerability - as she parted her lips slowly to speak. "How is he?"

"Were you even listening to me? I was asking-"

"Sehun!" She shouted his name in anger. The wind blew harder, while the candle flames raged brightly in the dark room, almost dangerously.. The coldness and darkness wrapped itself around her, as she stared hard at the boy. "Please, just answer me." She watched as the boy just stared at her with his mouth slightly parted, he gave her no response whatsoever. "Sehun, answer me-"

"You saw her."


"You saw her, didn't you?"

"Saw who? Sehun, what are you-"

"Europhinia. You saw her?" Sehun stood up and used his hands to rake his hair. "."

"No, i didn't. How could I? I mean she's dead and-" Yunhee trailed off once she realized what the boy had been talking about. The blurry picture she was dreaming about became a terrifyingly clear view. "Why? What does that mean? I did dream about her, but did it mean something?" She asked as she slid off the bed and grabbed his arm to turn him around so that he would face her. "Answer me." She demanded, irritated at the silence he was giving her.

"She awakened your powers." He spoke softly, as if he were choking on his own tears.

"What does that mean? Didn't I already have my powers?"

"Yes, you did. But now you have your full powers." He sighed, as his eyes closed.

Was it a bad thing? She thought to herself.

"What's wrong with that?" She asked.

The boy walked past the girl and took a seat on the bed as he cupped his mouth with his hands, hesitating to answer her question. He looked up at her, eyes full of anxiety and worry for the girl. "When Europhinia had her powers awakened, she didn't know how to control them. No one did." He placed his hands down. "Having her powers awakened almost killed her."

It made her legs weak, as the feeling of fear spread throughout her entire body. What if she couldn't control her powers? What if she became extremely dangerous, not only to herself but to the people around her? What if she hurt someone, what if she killed herself?

The candle had been knocked over and the tethered draperies had instantly caught fire. The girl watched in fear as the glowing embers leaped and twirled in a fiery dance, as if mocking her pathetic state of disbelief. The more fear and confusion she felt, the more the flames grew, but all she could do was stay still and let her feelings engulf her while she watched the orange sparks dance around. Ironically, they comforted her. She was so absorbed, she couldn't hear the other male shouting at her to step out of her daze and stop whatever she was doing, or feeling.

"Yunhee, listen to me." He grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to look him in the eye. "Stop being afraid. The more fear you feel, the larger the flames will get. Listen to me and calm down." He demanded from her.

The boy pulled her in into his embrace and whispered comforting words to her as he patted her back softly. And when he felt how her body wasn't as stiff as before and saw how the flames were turning into thick smoke, he gently let go of her. "Since you cannot control your powers, your powers will rely on your emotions. That's why when you felt fear, the fire started."

"I felt so absorbed, I couldn't look away or stop what I was feeling." 

"It's normal." The boy exhaled deeply. "That was how she almost died too." He confessed.

The girl looked up at the boy, as the feeling of fear started to creep up in her again, she felt the sting in her eyes. "I'm so scared, Sehun." She cried to him. "What if I do something dangerous to myself? To all of you?" 

"Hey, I promise I'll help, okay?" The boy said as he wrapped his arms around her once again. The warmth she felt from his embrace comforted her, made he feel slightly better, yet at the same time it made her feel even more frightened and worried. It was weird and strange to her, how someone could make her feel so many contradicting emotions at a time. It was a mystery, a puzzle she had yet to solve. 

And she wondered, what if all these emotions she felt because of him, would take control once again do something horrid to him? She closed her eyes as she realized how dangerous she was to everyone around her.

This was something she never wanted.

"I promise I will help you, Yunhee."




Closing the door behind her, she took a deep breath and looked around for a familiar figure. She had been here once before but the place was still new to her. She had no idea where she was or where anyone was. To make it even worse, the room was dark, there was no light or candles. She had almost fallen over several objects and furniture, making her mutter curse words under her breath.

"That's quite unladylike, don't you think?" A familiar voice echoed throughout the room.

Yunhee lifted her head up, towards the window where the moonlight was peeking through its square frames. A figure she had seen countless times stood by there, with his backs facing her. But she knew who it was without even seeing his face. 

She didn't want to come here, she didn't want to have to resort to such a horrible choice. But she had no other way. This was the only way she was going to save herself and everyone else around her. 

This was what she had to do.




because school and its assignments is being annoying :-)

anw vixx just came to singapore two days ago and i couldn't go to see them CAN I CRY:-)



(after 10 chapters rofl what am i even doing) 






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marshmellow10 #1
Hehe sorry about my last comment I meant if exo and infinite gonna end up with yunhee
marshmellow10 #2
Is infinite and exo gonna end up together if so it will be awesome I like stories like that please tell me authornim
hangoctram #3
Chapter 13: I like your story and i want more sungjongxyunhee too :3
Chapter 11: New reader :) awesome story and im like
why why why!!!! Does infinite have to be evil!!! T_T!!!
But anyways like ur story hope u keep up the good work.
Soohyun_babyy #5
Chapter 10: Update soon please!
Chapter 9: I'm leaving a shorter comment because I need to hurry away; I like that the plot has developed and that we are finally going to start understanding things more. I'm looking forward to reading the next chapters and to enter the adventure this story will bring.
Chapter 8: Good ~ Good ~ Update Soon ~
Chapter 7: Im YunHee is a witch !!
Chapter 5: Oh Mah Ghawd ~ Poor Sungjong !!
Chapter 4: Aigoo ~ YunHee xD