Chapter 4

Imperfect Love

*Yawns* "Eh? What time is it?! Its only five!" Ji Yong mumbled to himself and scratched his head, wondering why he woke up so early for. It wasn't like him to wake up early in the morning as he wasn't a morning person. He turned his head over the couch and that was when he realized his wife wasn't sleeping on it.


"Where is she? Normally around this time Kiko would still be soundly asleep, not waking up even when people clashes pots and pans around her." Ji Yong wondered and he made his way out of his room and peered downstairs into the kitchen, wanting to ask Mrs Kim where his wife was.


When he was about to ask, he saw Dara cooking and chatting with Mrs Kim very happily in the kitchen.


"This was the first time I saw her smile so happily before." Ji Yong thought as he remembered Dara's expression for the past few days. It was all either sadness or having a forced smile on her face. Her eyes showed a lot of sadness which Ji Yong noticed on the first day when they got married.


He didn't know why but he felt like taking care of her, getting rid of all the sadness she has. He felt like he knew her for a very long time and that he promised her something but he didn't know what it was.


"Aish what am I thinking? I can't be falling for this girl am I?" Ji Yong shook his head in disbelief when his thoughts got cut off by a sudden voice.


"Young master, breakfast is going to be ready soon!" Mrs Kim shouted at him as Dara continued laying the table.


"Young master, do you want to come down and have a glass of orange juice first?" Mrs Kim asked politely. He again can't help but notice that Dara didn't once look up to see him and that made him uncomfortable.


"Arrso Ahjumma." Ji Yong replied as he made his way down the stairs.


Dara took a glance at him.


"Pssh, he still looks hot with bed hair," she thought as she continued laying out the table, trying her best to ignore him.


Ji Yong noticed that she looked at him briefly when he came down and thus smirked, happy that his wife finally noticed his presence.


"Wait, she isn't my wife! Kiko is!" Ji Yong thought, unsure about why he kept thinking about Dara nowadays.


"Who cooked the breakfast ahjumma?" Ji Yong asked Mrs Kim.


"Dara did all these young master, she even cooked your favorite dishes!" Mrs Kim replied as she winked at Dara whose cheeks burned up at the comment.


"Hmm.. Urgh what is this?! Kiko could cook much better!" Ji Yong said in disgust as he walked away, silently smirking that he was able to hurt his 'wife' again.


Dara heard his painful words as she stopped what she was doing and cried silent tears. Mrs Kim took pity on her and went to hug her, comforting her as much as she could but this made Dara cry harder.


"Omma never hugged me like that..." Dara thought as she shook uncontrollably with never ending tears streaming down her face.


"He.. He still thinks whatever I do is worse than Kiko." Dara sobbed.


"Unnie, did you know Kiko was my friend?" Dara continued


"She always get the guys she want because she is prettier and friendlier. She.. She went out with the guy which I liked in the past and she still went out with him despite knowing that I like him."


"Unnie, why can't Ji Yong ever like me? She is already dead! Why can't he try to love me... Is Kiko really that important to him?" Dara could not stand it anymore, letting out all her pent up troubles.


"Dara-ah, Kiko is actually someone who never steps in the kitchen, it was she who lied to Ji Yong that she cooked all the food by herself. I do not know why Ji Yong said that but I am sure he knew Kiko doesn't cook and also he knew that your food is yummy!" Mrs Kim explained to Dara, hoping to calm her down.


"Unnie, I am going to the toilet for awhile," Dara sniffed as she made her way towards the bathroom.


Mrs Kim could only stand helplessly, not knowing how to help this poor child.


During breakfast, the elder Kwon couple could feel the tension emitting from the younger Kwon couple. Mr and Mrs Kwon looked at each other in confusion and shrugged, not knowing what is the matter with them. Ji Yong also felt that his parents knew that was something going on and was trying to start a conversation with Dara. However, she only replied with a 'Yes' or 'No' or 'I don't know'.


"What is that doing?! She is making me look bad in front of Omma and Appa." Ji Yong lamented in his head as he thought of ways to punish his wife later.


"Ji Yong ah, bring Dara to the company today, I want her to be your personal assistant," Mr Kwon told Ji Yong as he sipped his coffee.


"Wae?" Ji Yong asked not knowing how a person with no degree will qualify for a personal assistant.


"Just do it, oh and Dara, I will treat you like a regular employee and you will get your pay," Mr Kwon added, smiling at Dara in the process.


"That appa, didn't even smile at me, he treats me so sternly!" Ji Yong pouted.


"Arraso, komawo Appa!" Dara replied happily.


After breakfast, Ji Yong and Dara made their way into their room and started getting ready for work.


Dara took out the office clothes her mom bought for her in hope she will work as an office lady one day, to support the family better. She hurriedly went to iron it, happily thinking that she could finally help her family with the finances.


Ji Yong was having trouble with his tie but he was too proud to ask help from Dara, he then sat on the bed and sulked, not happy that his 'wife' was ignoring him. Dara then stepped out of the bathroom and started preparing to go to work.


"Gosh why does she suddenly look so pretty..." Ji Yong mumbled as his eyes kept following her wherever she walks in the room.


"Aish what am I talking?" Ji Yong thought and knocked his head, wishing to get that ridiculous thought out of his head.


"Ji Yong-sshi, your tie..." Dara mumbled and she begun fixing Ji Yong's tie.


After she finished and was about to walk away from him, he suddenly grabbed her hand which caused Dara to turn around in disbelief.


"Yah, what do you think you are doing during breakfast?! You made it look like I am the bad guy in that situation! Didn't I tell you to play along with me? What's with the short answers, you ?" Ji Yong harshly shouted at Dara. Dara could feel tears welling up in her eyes again but she blinked it away.


"Nothing, I just did not feel like talking," Dara mumbled. She looked at the ground, not daring to look into Ji Yong's eye.


"Play along with me next time," Ji Yong said coldly. He then grabbed his suitcase and went out of the room.


Dara then hurriedly followed him down the stairs and bade their goodbye to the elder Kwon couple. The maids all bowed at them, wishing them a safe trip. Then Ji Yong started the engine and drives off, towards the tall building in front of them, Kwon Co.


When they stepped into the company, all the workers immediately bowed down when they saw them. Dara was overwhelmed by the politeness and was shocked and began bowing back at them.


"Who is that beside our boss? Doesn't she know he is married to Kiko?" Dara heard someone whisper and it really hurts her heart.


"I don't know, I just know she is going to be boss's assistant. I heard she did not even have a collecge degree." another girl said.


"Then how did she get in? She must be a bootlicker!" The group of girls kept gossiping and they did not even bother to be quiet about what they gossip, they just continued saying it out loud, without caring if the person heard it or not.


Ji Yong noticed it and the uncomfortable look on Dara's face. He then walked over the the service station and borrowed a microphone.


He then said, "Hello everyone, I know you guys are curious of the lady beside me. She is my wife, and she is going to be my personal assistant so please STOP gossiping about her. Thank You."


Ji Yong then ended his little speech and pulled his astonished wife into the evaluator.


"What? Wife? Then what about Kiko?" the group of girls was shocked and puzzled as well as embarrassed as they knew that Ji Yong was talking about them.


"I... I didn't know you can be so nice to me." Dara broke the silence, staring at Ji Yong with her eyes, glad that he had helped her explain.


"No need to thank me, its just an act, so that Appa wouldn't blame me." Ji Yong replied.


"Arr.. Arraso." Dara couldn't help but get disappointed.


"I shouldn't think that he may love me," Dara thought.


The 'ding' of the evaluator sounded which signaled that it was the floor they were supposed to get out. They walked quickly to his office but before he entered his office, he pointed to the small office beside his for the secretary.


"That's your office. You just need to answer calls, organize my schedules, print documents and bring documents that needs to be signed to me." Ji Yong explained as he walked into his office and shut the door.


Dara then made her way towards the small room, setting down her things and beginning to feel comfortable.


"I guess its just you and me now." Dara whispered as she touched the table in front of her. She then began to work hard, towards the goal she had.


The first half of the morning before lunch, Ji Yong kept making her do ridiculous stuff like making her carry heavy files to and fro from the first floor to the top floor. All these were not what a secretary was supposed to do.


"It's fun bullying her," Ji Yong snickered as he sat calmly on his seat, waiting for Dara to report back to him after finishing her task. His stomach growled very loudly and he realized that it was already lunch time. Just in time, Dara came in through front door and brought the files he wanted. She was already very tired, also adding to her injured back, it made her whole body feel even worse.


"Go grab lunch by yourself, I can't stand to see your face or seat with you when I eat." Ji Yong said coldly as he walked out of the office.


"Ji Yong- sshi, mianhe but I do not have money an-" Dara got cut off by Ji Yong.


"Do not ask me for money, no money then do not eat!" Ji Yong said as he closed the evaluator doors.


"But..." Dara kept quiet as she rubbed her empty stomach.


"I guess its just you and me again gastric." Dara whispered sadly as she laid on the couch in her office, trying to take a nap. 
















WRITER'S NOTE : I decided to update early today cos SINGAPORE WAS IN THE ALIVE TOUR LIST YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I am in a good mood thats why I updated hehe(: But I really wish that my BeiJing trip would not clash with this >< or else my mood will go downnnn. Haha anyway here's an update! Btw for those who are pitying on Dara, do not worry, soon she will not suffer so much. 

Thanks for those who subscribed and commented~!


Just an extra : Follow me on twitter @rawrOkCat_ for more updates, spazzing and follow if you can endure my bottled up troubles(: Okay shall see you all soon! 

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Chapter 10: Great stroy and get well soon autornim...
u got bashed? Why?????? Just ignore them.. move on and thinking everyone that love u and ur story.. be brave :) hwaiting!
Chapter 9: Omo! Please update soon!!!!
cherrymint #4
Chapter 9: Oh.. Omma so cool! update soon! i want ji suffer... Dara is already got enough..
ms.authornim get well soon.. and i hope you'll update soon :) but im kinda confused to your timeline. thanks.
xxxibkwnsjn #7
Chapter 9: author-nim! please update more! i really love your story! -.-
Poor dara.. Its cliffy! When jiyong suffer?? I hate him :(
Yah!! Author-nim please update....
it's soooooooooo cliffy.......
Update soon....