Chapter 2

Imperfect Love

The next morning, Dara woke up early like how she usually does at her present home, waking up early to cook breakfast for the family. This routine was a must for her every since the incident happened in her family. Puzzled as she was she remembered the present night's dream that triggered her old childhood memories. A tear dropped as she was reminded of the fantastic time she had at the past with Ji Yong.


She wiped away her tears and looked at her husband's sleeping face. Old habits die hard, he still looks peaceful when he sleeps, different from the day when he is all frowning and also he sleeps with his head facing down like he did when he was younger. Dara smiled as she saw the peaceful sight and she braves herself to comb his hair.


As she came closer and started to comb his hair, when old memories hit her. Her heart began to pound very hard against her chest. She went to the bathroom and locked it crying her eyes out, not able to hold on to her tears any longer.


"It hurts..." she whispered as she used her hand to hit her chest, hoping to ease the pain better.


"Did he forget about our promise?" she thought as she let silent tears flow from her face.


"I thought he would only love me, seems like he moved on..." She wiped her tears and washed her face, hiding the fact that she was crying.


She went down to the kitchen and was greeted by the chef Mrs Kim. "Good morning young mistress" she greeted and bowed 90 degrees at Dara shocking her.


"Anni... Don't call me young mistress please, just call me Dara" she said with a smile.


"Um.. Okay Youn- Dara" Mrs Kim said then she turned around to continue preparing breakfast for the Kwon's however stopped all her work when Dara took out another kitchen knife and began cutting the vegetables expertly.


Mrs Kim was shocked as she did not expect that the Young Mistress would know how to cook. She was greatly impressed however she tried to persuade Dara to drop the knife and just relax however Dara wouldn't let her as she knew how tired Mrs Kim was. Then both worked together to prepare a yummy breakfast for the Kwon's.


"Could you go up to help me call Young Master up please." Mrs Kim said as she began laying out the dishes on the long dining table.


"Arraso unnie" Dara said happily, then she skipped up the stairs when she remembered Ji Yong hates her. She shook all her thoughts away and continued up and was about to enter the room when Ji Yong came out. The door would knock her if her reflexes weren't fast enough to dodge it.


"Yah! What are you doing here? Go away I do not want to see your ugly face so early in the morning!" Ji Yong sneered as he pushed her away and made his way down the stairs. His words really hurt Dara a lot. It felt like her heart was breaking apart into million of pieces, unable to be glued back. It felt like he just used a knife to pierce her heart, making it bleed continuously. The wound of the words he said left a permanent scar on her heart forever.


What she didn't know was that Ji Yong was a widower, his first wife died when she was at her job when a fire happened in the kitchen when she was cooking and her body was burnt until it was unable to be identified. Ji Yong identified the body as his wife only when he saw their wedding ring on the deceased finger.


That few months later was the worst period of Ji Yong's life. He stayed cooped up in his room and was drunk everyday and was even desperate enough to make a mannequin of his dead wife, pretending that his dead wife was still alive.


His parents were shocked by his actions, behavior and the impact Kiko had brought to him and decided to bring back his childhood memories which he had forgotten due to a car accident when he was younger, hoping to bring him back into the real world and get back to his original self. They never knew Kiko's death would create such a great impact on him. They from the start didn't like Kiko because of her attitude and thought Ji Yong was marrying her for fun. They always wanted Ji Yong to marry Dara. They never knew Kiko could turn Ji Yong to be so heartbroken. They then decided to go along with the marriage with Dara and because of this, it pulled Ji Yong out of his own little world.


The Kwon's then sat down at the dining table about to start eating breakfast when the elder Kwon couple realised Dara was still standing there staring into blank space.


"Come Dara, eat with us! Don't feel shy!" Mrs Kwon said gently as she led Dara over to the seat beside Ji Yong. Dara never knew that was the place Kiko sat before her death. Ji Yong knew however he did not say anything and just continued eating.


The gesture Mrs Kwon made to her brought Dara out of her dreamland and the Kwon's then started eating.


"Dara, we are glad to have you here with our family." The Kwon elder couple smiled warmly as they said to her as they ate.


"Your cooking is daebak!"


"Neh, Kamsahamnida" Dara replied as she kept her head down looking towards her food, losing all her appetite when recalling Ji Yong words to her just now.


"Aigoo, babe, you should eat more!" Ji Yong told Dara and it was the first time Dara saw him smiling so warmly at her.


"Aww aren't they sweet?" cooed Mrs Kwon to Mr Kwon who was busy reading the newspaper. Dara blushed, clearly happy of the affection her husband showered towards her.


"Maybe he will remember the past and treat me better!" Dara smiled in her thoughts as she continued eating.


After breakfast both father and son decided to go to work early because Ji Yong needs a lot of practice to take over the company as he is married now. As Dara was fixing Ji Yong's tie, he said something that broke Dara's fragile heart once again.


"Do not get carried away. Its just an act to keep my parents from nagging. So play along properly." Ji Yong told Dara coldly, not looking at her in the eye.


"Arraso" Dara replied sadly as she went into the bathroom to make it seem like she was preparing her bath when she was actually crying out loud.


Dara then finished bathing and noticed that the room was rather messy. Picking up the blankets, she decided to tidy up the room, to make her husband's mood better than before hoping that a cleaner room would brighten his spirits, silently wishing that he would treat her better and start to love her. As she was cleaning, she did not allow any maids to help her as she wanted to do it on her own.


*Crash* "Omo what was that. Eh? Its a photo frame!" Dara muttered to herself as she accidentally knocked down a photo frame off the bedside table. She didn't see the photo frame before and thus curiosity got the better of her. She bent down and flipped the photo frame on the right side up when she saw a photo of beautiful girl, Kiko whom she recognized and dropped the photo in shock.


Kiko was Dara's best friend. They were like sisters however the only difference between them was that Kiko was lazy and did not like to work much and preferred relying on guys while Dara preferred working hard to earn money. Despite that difference, they were very close that friends who knew them called them 'long lost twins'.


However Kiko got married before Dara breaking the promise they promised each other at the start to marry at the same time and the weird thing was that Kiko didn't invite Dara to the wedding and no one knows why.


Kiko died recently a few months ago due to a fire and Dara cried very badly everyday as she couldn't send her off as she did not know where the funeral was held because she did not know her husband or her in-laws and Kiko was an orphan since young hence she did not have any methods to contact her after her accident.


Then she noticed there were words written at the bottom of the photo. She then took a closer look at the bottom of the photo which shocked her.


It wrote," My beloved wife, Kiko."   









WRITER'S NOTE : Thanks to those who commented and subscibed! Sorry if the story was a bit boring at the start i promise it will get better! And also sorry about my grammar, I am still young and I have a lot to learn! Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed the story so far! I can't update frequently as it is still the school term and i have many commitments. I may only be able to update during the weekends mianhe! Anyway please keep the comments coming so that i can improve my writing. any confusions please bring it up! Thanks!

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Chapter 10: Great stroy and get well soon autornim...
u got bashed? Why?????? Just ignore them.. move on and thinking everyone that love u and ur story.. be brave :) hwaiting!
Chapter 9: Omo! Please update soon!!!!
cherrymint #4
Chapter 9: Oh.. Omma so cool! update soon! i want ji suffer... Dara is already got enough..
ms.authornim get well soon.. and i hope you'll update soon :) but im kinda confused to your timeline. thanks.
xxxibkwnsjn #7
Chapter 9: author-nim! please update more! i really love your story! -.-
Poor dara.. Its cliffy! When jiyong suffer?? I hate him :(
Yah!! Author-nim please update....
it's soooooooooo cliffy.......
Update soon....