vacation time part 1

400 miles

nickita's POV

"hello anyone home???"i asked.

well im in yuri's house ...damn she invited me and there is no one he...

"surprize "they all said together and i was about to have a heart atack

"omg ????guys whats this all about??!!1!!"i said in a shock

"its ur birthday"they said confusly

"oh realy???i forgot"i said

"yeah any ways hurry ..turn off the candles "yuri said

i wanted to turn off the candles when kim put her hand on my mouth

"wont you make a wish??"she said

"oh yeah "i said

i closed my eyes and made a wish a realy cool wish hhhh..

"yeey lets cut the cake .i want the pink flower"lola said

"ok u baby take the pink flower"yuri loughed

its the best  birthday ever im having to much fun exept i miss my friends now i have to chek my face book..

omg my wall is full of making wshes for me

i miss them so much :(

i talked wth them alot but about chrips news even yuri knows about it ..she tried her best to make me forget him

yuri's POV

tonight was great we made i birthday sueprize party for nicki ....and just afew months left for going to korea yeeey exept that her dad doesnt let her come wth us.


nickita's POV

wooooooooooohhhhhhoooooooooo korea we r coming yey my dad said yes ..time to go to korea ....shineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we r coming


oh chap is done i'll update soooooon

i promise


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chivasregal23 #1
Chapter 11: nice and awesome!
Kim-ni-yum #2
NomightyCopYCaT ...thank you :)
A great story that ended beautifully. :)
Kim-ni-yum #4
ice girl/ah ne ..araso....thnx :)
update soon okay?<br />
^.^ <br />
p/s; fighting with your writing!!
Kim-ni-yum #6
yep i diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid
Lalo995 #7
FINALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY..............U updated :) niceeeeeee loveeeeeee ittttttttttttttt :)