karaoki night

400 miles

nickita's POV

i woke up with yuri's mobile's ring tone gosh that girls sleep is so deep.

"yoboseyo"i picked it up since she didnt wake up

"annyong haseyo yuri-ssi"the voice said

"um im nickita yuri is sleeping..who is it??"i asked

"oh nickita its me minho"he said

"mi-minho---oo-ssi??is everything allright???"i asked and almost shout from excitment

"ah anio dont worry i was wondering if we can go ou this evening all of us ...we are going to have dinner then going to karaoki..araso??"he asked

"um sur y not im gonna tell them and i will answer u "i smiled

"good gotta go ..call me when u ask them"he said

"nae .araso"i said and hang up

"wakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkke uppppppppppp every one"i shouted

"what?????who died???"kim yelled

"yah y ur shouting?"yuri looked at me wth a shock face

"minho called"i smirked

"whaaaaaaaaaaaat"they all shouted

"what sis he say"lola asked

"we r invited for dinner and karaoki .i told him we cant go"i said ...hhhhhhhhhhh it will kill them well they will kill me

"wtf???why did u say no ??"yuri complained

"how could u make this desicion wthout asking us"lola said and almost hitting me

"yeah why???"kim said

"hahahahahhahahahahahha"i loughed

"and now you r loughing"kim said

"omg i wish u could se your faces,,how could i say no "i smiled

"so u said yes"lola looked at me

"yep"i nodded..and now they r happy jumping .i should call minho

"yoboseyo?"he said

"minho-ssi its me nickita..they said yes"i said to him

minho's POV

yey they said yes..ok???why im happy

"jonghyun????"i called him

"what??"he said

"they are not coming"i said ,,,ok why im lieing

"hhh its not gonna work wth me minho i know she said yes"jonghyun smirked yah i got busted

"damn .."i played wth his hair

"omg i didnt tell them where and when..aish"i remembered

"yoboseyo"the voice said

"ahh nickita..i forgot to tell u .we will meet at 7 near our apartment"i said

"nae ok oppa"she said and hang up

"aaaaa she called me oppa"i shouted

"who called u oppa??"taemin said

"nickita"i smiled to jonghyun

"dont be so happy its obvios she doesnt so into u"key smirked ..i stuck out my tongue on him

yuri's POV

wow cant blive they invited us???aish just 1 hour and a half left for meeting them..since they boys are gone back to malaysia..yeah thats right they went back today ...so will be four girls wth 5 boys...

"yuriiiiiiiiiii"nickita called me

"yeah??"i went to my room

"i dont know what to wear???wow u already got ready"she amiled

"hhhh yeah...um well let me see."i said and searched

after whole 15 minutes i found sth realy cool..

"this will be amazing"i smiled to her


"wooooooooh unnie what can we do wthout u.."nicki smiled and changed into this fabulous cloth as usuall she looks amazing

we went to a place near shinee's building to not make some one see us...we waited then 5 handsome boys ran toward us putin caps

"hi"they all said

"hi.whats that cap ???lola said

"ahh to make no one recognize us"taemin smiled

"hi nicki"minho smiled

"ah hi oppa"she replaed

jonghyun's POV

"ok whats wrong wth minho is he trying to make me jealous or sth ..and whats wrong wth nickita why he is calling him oppa

we went to the restaurant..thank god there is only a few old ppl

"lets sit over there thats more hiden"onew suggested

"lets order food first im starving"taemin said

"araso"we all agreed

"i want chiken"onew said

they all orderd except nickita

"do u wanna order??"i asked her..wow i actually talked to her

"um yeah but i dont know whats cool"she smiled

"ok order like me ..i orderd sundae gook"i said


"ok..i wanted to try that any way"she smiled...omg she wanted to try it be4 aaah..so cool

"so guyz do u love shinee i mean are our fans?"onew asked

"yeah"yuri said

"good..nickita who is your bias?"key asked and looked at me

"um well..i love al---"she was caughed

"drink some water unnie"lola said

we ate and we were eating dissert


key winked at me..and i noded

"so nicki do u have any plans tommorrow??"i asked


oh gosh i was looking at onew and he was eating chicken omg he is so cute


then jonghyun asked me if im free tomorow

"um well ye--"i cut by yuri

"yeah she is free"

"but i thought that--"i said and again cut by her

"no we didnt"she smiled

"ok then i will meet u tomorrow?"he asked

"um yeah i guess"i said

"ok then i will pick u at 7"he said

"wait just me and u???"i asked

"yeah.."he said

"ok"i smiled

"are we done lets go to the karaoki"key claped

we reached the karaoki and

"come on lets sing"key said

"sing what song???"i asked

"well lets ask them ..they can reaques it..4 songs"onew smiled

"ok ,,um guyz free request ..starting wth yuri..whats your fav song???"minho asked

"the name i loved"she said...so we started sing..i wonder whats is nickita's fav song???


we finished..they clapped...

"wooooooooo,,,yey"they claped

"ok next...lola"taemin said

"i cant thin..well stand by me"she said


finish of this one 2

"kim ur turn"key said

"up&down"she said

"wow u didnt even think???"minho asked

"hhhhhh i was thinking while you were singing"she loughed


we finished and now omg i cant wait untill i hear what she loves???

"so nickita the last one"onew said

"so whats yours??"key asked

"ummm..my fave song is jojo"she said

omo she loves jojo??aish she is cooool


"cooooooool..that was amazing.."they clapped

"thnx..so its your turn "we all said

"aaa anio our voice ..but nickita can sing"yuri smiled

"muoooooooh"she said shockly

"come on sing "key pulled her

"i cant"she said

"noona for my sake"taemin smiled

"ahh ok"she said

nickita got up to the karaoki machin put a song..and started sing singing



omg she sang y si fuera ella...she finished we all claped ..

"i love this song"she smiled i nodded a single tear rolle down her eyes i wanted to wipe it but she left the room..and came back after a few minutes...so thats how our night finished 

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chivasregal23 #1
Chapter 11: nice and awesome!
Kim-ni-yum #2
NomightyCopYCaT ...thank you :)
A great story that ended beautifully. :)
Kim-ni-yum #4
ice girl/ah ne ..araso....thnx :)
update soon okay?<br />
^.^ <br />
p/s; fighting with your writing!!
Kim-ni-yum #6
yep i diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid
Lalo995 #7
FINALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYY..............U updated :) niceeeeeee loveeeeeee ittttttttttttttt :)