Gym With Exo Part I

Will I Really Fall In Love?

You ran and held your arms out as the man in the suit held his gun. He pulled the trigger and fired the pistol at you which landed in your chest.  You closed your eyes and slowly fell on the cold hard ground. Wide eyes were on their faces.

"~~~!!!!" they called, they quickly got up and ran after you.  You heard your name being called and footsteps coming closer and closer to you. 

Ring Ring Ring

You woke up and quickly sat up. You swallowed hard as sweat was dripping down your face. *what was that?!* you breathed heavily from your mouth.  You touched the place where you have been shot in your dream. You took a big sigh and pressed the stop button on your alarm.  

*I never had such a dream before* you thought back to your horrible dream. You shrugged it off since it was only a dream and it was never going to happen to you anyways.  You got up from you bed and went straight to the showers.

You were dressed in your uniform and went downstairs to make yourself breakfast.  You opened your refrigerator and bent down to see what is there to make.

"hmmmm" you tapped your chin.  You took out the things you wanted to eat. There was bread, eggs, bacon and orange juice.

"I guess it's American breakfast than" you began to cook the bacon and eggs. When you finished you ate you food quietly as usual. Once you were done you placed the pates in the sink and headed out to school. 

You arrived at the school gates and whistles were heard. You looked towards the group of guys and they waved and some playfully smiled at you. You rolled your eyes and continued to walk to you locker. *this is not how I want to start my morning* 

You went to the hallway where your locker was. *wait...which locker is mine again?* your eyebrows pinched together, carefully looking. *I think it's this one..* 

You did your combo and opened it but it wouldn't budge.

"what the-?" you raised your eye brow. You banged the locker and pulled on the handle but it wouldn't open. You hit it again when you felt someone tap your shoulders. 

You turned around to see a handsome guy.

"I believe that's your locker" he pointed to the one beside. You turned to the locker beside the one you've been hitting. You did your combo and pulled on the handle and it opened.

"oops.." your cheeks blushed. They guy was beside you and also unlocked his locker and grabbed his books.  You glanced at him.

"sorry about that." your face flushed in embarrassment. 

"it's ok cutie but I admit that was funny" he smirked. 

Your eyebrows furrowed. *wait a minute why does he sound so familiar...* you thought deeply. 

Your eyes rounded and pointed your finger at him.

"it's you again!!"  He closed his locker and leaned on it.

"hello again, I new fate will let us see each other" he smirked. 

"boh?!! Yah, w-why are you here?!" you questioned him.

"because..." he leaned to your height. He was so close to your face that you held on to your breath. 

*what is he doing? Is he going to kiss me?! No I don't want to loose my first kiss on some jerk!* he deeply looked into your eyes. 

".....I have to" he knocked your head. 

"oww!" you touched your head and pouted. 

"See you later my shining star you better get to class our you'll be late and my names Kai." he waved. 

"yah! I'm not your shinning star, it's ~~~!" you shot back at him.  *I can't believe I'm stuck with him in my high school year.* you puffed your cheeks. 

You heard the last bell ring, closed your locker and quickly went to class. 

It was yet another boring class. You glanced at the clock and tapped your fingers on the desk.

"5,4,3,2,1" you mumbled.  

Ring ring 

*oh my gosh finally, that class was so boring.* you gathered your things and went straight to your other class.  You took out your schedule

"hmm let's see...oh! It's gym!" but than you remembered that it was an all boys school and they recently let girls in.  *oh great, how am I going to do gym if I'm the only girl? This so annoying! Well let's get changed first.* you sighed and went to the only girls washroom and changed in to gym strip. 

You wore shorts and a white T-shirt with a ponytail tied high. You went outside with the rest of the class for a race. You looked around to see smirks and winks. You rolled your eyes and looked away. *oh lord* you also heard a whistle coming behind you. You turned around ready to burst out from the annoyance.  But your eyes rounded in shock, it was the boys you saw before. They were standing there smiling and waving to you. Your jaw dropped. 

"y-you guys are here too?!" you pointed at them. 

"why wouldn't we be, after all this is a all boys school." Chanyeol pointed out.  You didn't have anything to say since what he said was true. 

"all right class gather in, I need to take the attendance." you gym teacher announced.

"Kai?"  "here" he cooly said. 

"Chanyeol?" he waved. *so that's his name...* you eyes him. 

"Baekhyun?" "here!" 

"D.O.?" "right here"

"Suho?" "here"

"Sehun" "here" you looked at all of them as their names were called out. 

"Tao? Tao?" the gym teacher looked around.

"he's here" a guy said.  *wow...he looks scary better not mess with him* you glanced at him. 

"Kris?" "yup" 

"Lay?" "here" you looked at him. *was he there too? I don't remember him there with his other gang. He doesn't look like a someone who would be in it, he seems... more friendly than the others.  Lay saw you looking at him and you quickly looked away.

"Chen?" "here"

"Luhan?" "here" 

"Xiumin?" "right here"  They teacher went on with the rest of the attendance. 

"and lastly ~~~?" "here!" you raised your hand up. 

"oh your the new girl in our school, huh? They finally decided to let girls in. " he scratched his head.  You looked around to see Exo not caring what he's saying and cooly looking at you.

"are you able to keep up with my boys in this race?" he asked you. 

"ah...Neh" you unsurely said. You glanced around to see them smirking at you. 

You didn't mind racing them since you were once the top runner in your old school. 

"Alright then! I'm happy you said that. I'll divid you guys into groups than" he clapped his hands together. 

"Tao, Kris, Baekhyun, Suho , and Mineoo are team 1"

"Kai, Chanyeol, Lay, Luhan, and ~~~ are team 2" *what?! I'm with them!" you glanced at them. 

"Xiumin, Chen, D.O. , Suhun and Jungmin are team 3" "you guys are team 5, alright get in places!"

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 6: I love this!! Please update soon!
Keep it up - Yuki
Check out my other fanfics on my other acc exogirl4ever12 pls! :D
tinado58 #4
Please update soon!!!!
plz update!!! I've been waiting author-nim!!
ailisu #6
aww~~ lay ^_____^
hes so cute XD
dkhanani27 #7
Unnie update soon;-)
ailisu #8
ailisu #9
haha kai is cute :3
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