So now its offical

Their touchs like Fire and Ice

Jiyoung struggled to catch his breath, he didn't think that Seunghyun would hit him so freaking hard. Once he'd recover Jiyoung made his toward Melinee's room, he went to open the door but found it locked. Cursing under his breath he looked at his watch, he didn't have time for games the others would be back soon and it might take a while to break Melinee if Seunghyun had played the "oh baby I'm so sorry" card. Turning away he went back into the kitchen and prepared what he would need, after getting the soda mixed with a little surprise he returned to Melinee's door and kocked loudly and called out to her.

It took sometime but after a bit Melinee appeared at the door, obviously she had been asleep, her hair was fluffy and her lips where pouting as she squented at jiyoung.

"Hmm"? Melinee made the only sound she mentally could think of in her half awake state, Jiyoung stared at her lips that look like pink pillows. He reached out without thinking and touched them tracing the outline of Melinee's lower lip, looking up at him wide eyed Melinee pulled back and push his hand away.

"what're you doing"? Melinee asked rubbing her eyes, forcing a smile through the annocence he felt at her rejection Jiyoung shoved the glass under her nose. 

"I thought that you might be thirsty". 

Melinee looked down at the glass and srunched up her nose as she looked back up at the man standing in her doorway

"You know I don't like drinking soda, right"? She stated matter of factly even as Jiyoung's face drop "Guess not". She trailed off taking the glass from him "Thanks I'll just keep it just in case". She tried to seem less apprechitive

Jiyoung was quickly tring to stop her from retreating back into her room without taking at least a sip "Wait"! He said reaching out and grabbing her wrist, Melinee did just that but she was less then happy, all Melinee wanted to do was lay down. But in her mind Jiyoung was being protective of her like always and looking out for her and just doing what he could to make her feel better.

"Ji, I'm ok just sleepy"? Melinee said taking a step out of her room, Jiyoung was having a mental party at this moment as he watch her bring the glass with her.

"Let me give you a spa day". Jiyoung offered a plan suddenly popping into his head cousing the smile on his face to spread 

"I'm tried". Melinee whinned her lips and looking down into the glass lifting the glass a bit which was becoming more tempting as the fact she'd drunk nothing but water since she'd woken up in the hospital set in

"I just want to rest and I know your tried too, lets do it another day,ne".

Jiyoung watch as she took sip from the glass and srunched up her nose, taking her hand he pulled her to the coach and pushed her down so that she was sitting down. Walking around so that he was standing behind her, Jiyoung rubbbed her shoulders. 

"Don't worry about me, just relax". Jiyoung cooed next to her ear and felt a thrilled as he seen her take another sip of her drink before placing it in her lap.

"I've missed you Cin, I miss taking care of you, watch you dacning, everything, so just let me take care of EVERYTHING". Jiyoung kept work her shoulers, Melinee place her head on the back of the coach and looked up at Jiyoung. Sleep seeming to be taking hold of her again.

"I miss *yawn* you too". She said as her eyes closed, Jiyoung kept up his messsage until he was sure that drugs had taken full effect. Lifting Melinee he carried her down the hallway, passed her room and toward his own.

Kicking the door closed behind him, Jiyoung made his way toward his bed where he laid the sleep girl down and watch her for a moment. Why hadn't he though of this sooner he though to himself as he shook his head from side to side.

With practiced fingers he began to strip off Melinee's cloths.


It was going to be a great night.....................Checkmate



**The next morning**

Melinee's head was pounding and she was really hot, which was strange because she always kept her room cooler then normal since thats the only way she could sleep. Reaching out she felt for her glasses but her hand met air and flopped to the side of the bed.....confused she lifted her face from the white sheet and looked around. But from what she could see, she wasn't in her room the music station was a testiment to that sitting up in the bed and streaching her head Melinee tried to remember what had happened. That's when she felt a strange draft, looking down her eyes widened in horror as she stared at her exposed chest and the thin white sheet that pooled in her lap over her neather region which was evidently just as bear as the upper part of her body. 

Screaming she ripped the sheet to cover herself, but her shock and confusion went through the roof as an equally Jiyoung shot up next her. Melinee's voice caught in as she look at him. Then her whole world came crashing down on her as the only explaination as to the reason skin fest flash like a neon sign in her mind.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU!!!! JIYOUNG WE DIDN'T"!! She scream scrammbling out of the bed taking the sheet with her, leaving her full view of the reaper of her innocents who was getting out of the bed slowly and putting on his briefs. Pressing herself to the wall Melinee was struggling to make up her mind what to do next but the only thing she could think of was what did she DIDN'T know. 

Jiyoung turned to her hands raised to show thart he meant no harm but he froze, instently he felt regret Melinee looked like a doe in headlight's wide eyes, shaking and close to tears. Slowly he took a step toward her and then another until he was standing in front of her, Melinee just stood there staring up at him until he made a move to embrace her it was then that whatever magic had kept her from screaming, punching and kick.

She lashed out at him slapping at his chest with one hand and clinging to sheet with the other. Cursing and demanding for answers she knew deep down she didn't want. Paniced knockin came from the door and Seungri's voice could be heard asking if everything was ok. This sent Melinee into a worse rage as forgot lung at the Jiyoung causing them to fall to the floor with a loud crash. Tear streaming down her face, Jiyoung was holding her hands to keep her from doing anymore mange but her consent moving had cause the sheet to fall exposing her to his eyes again, but Melinee didn't register this and instread kept at her attempt to do damge.

"I ING HATE YOU! HOW COULD YOU"! she screamed in his face since she no longer had the strenght to compliment her will to fight.  Jiyoung stared right into her eyes, filled with such hurt and pain. Why was his own chest sqeeuzing like a vic on his heart which he felt beat everytime since he decied to go his path. He somehow wish that he hadn't, but there was no turning back now. The others where gathering tring to get into his locked room shaking the door and knocking. Just when he opened his mouth to speak the words that would set Melinee's mind at ease at famliar baratone voice called through the door, demanding and reminding Jiyoung why he was doing on this.

The door seemed like it would be broken in any mintue from the beating it was getting from the worried big bang members on the other side. Sit up still holding onto the wrist of Melinee's hands Jiyoung brought his face inchs from her's, he kept her seat on his lap even as she struggled to get away. He waited until Melinee returned his gaze before  speaking.

"I'll take resonsiblity, go out with me Melinee". Jiyoung said and then pressed his lips to her's. Melinee began to struggle against him but it was more like wiggle now since she didn't have the stamina to do much more. 

Like the scene from a drama, at that moment the door to Jiyoung's room gave, and the members rush into the room Seunghyun leading the group. They all froze at sight in front of them.

Melinee quickly felt shamed wash over her, at that moment she wished that she'd sunk into the enternal darkness that'd floated on those weeks that she'd been in that coma.


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I love this story!GD is so mean in this story :c but i still like him xD
Chapter 33: Awww i hate Jiyong so much here :( and i don't like the ending. Poor top,he deserves cin and she need to return back to him n leave the fake work of happiness with ji.
Chapter 41: I just don't know anymore...I can't with her or ji or top
Carmelnap #4
Chapter 41: Uggh cin, and now your going to try to love him. He I'm still mad at you. just make him pay and get the love of your life back.
Carmelnap #5
Chapter 40: Ugh i am disgusted by Cin, Jiyong, and Se.