A little family outing

Their touchs like Fire and Ice

**At the Yg building**

Jiyoung walked back into Yg's office and the older man looked at him his face the same static mask as all the times before but his eyes were hard testament to his dark mood

"Melinee is at the dorm, Seunghyun dropped her off after they had dinner so it wasn't her". He lied artfully, he had already taken care of the other members, he refused to watch Seunghyun drag Melinee down with his selfishness. She didn't deserve it after putting everything she had into her career as an artist, Jiyong wanted to see her in her final form polished to perfection by his hands. He could see so many possible for Melinee in his mind, they could take over the music industry and so much more together and he was going to try his damnest to make that happen.  Sitting across from his hyung he began to text Seunghyun, he was the last piece to take care of in order to protect Melinee

mailTo Seunghyun Hung

Hyung knows that you took a woman to a hotel, keep your mouth shut about who or else Melinee's career will be over 

                                                                                        P.S delete after reading this 

He hit send and deleted the message from his records, sitting back in his chair he closed his eye to catch a quick nap before the show started  Seunghyun pulled up at the Yg building a little after 1 am, there was a pool of paparazzi at the entrance. After getting Jiyoung's text him he was expecting as much, getting out of the car he steeled his nerves for the encounter with Yg.  Once he arrived at the large double doors that led into the older mans office he knocked on the door. 

"come in". He heard Yg call out pushing open the door Seunghyun looked inside, the first face he seen was Jiyoung who was smirking at him with mocking eyes, if Yg wasn't in the room Seunghyun would have wiped the smirk off his face with his fist and Yg's presence was having less of a hold on him the longer Seunghyun looked at Jiyoung. Thankfully Yg broke the silence by instructing Seunghyun  to take the seat next to Jiyoung. And so the meeting began.

**later that day 7am**

 Melinee sat in the activity van heading to a variety show shoot that she was doing with Jiyoung and Daesung who would meet her there. Back in the states she had dreamed of being on this show it's English name was Family Outing, they would be over night guest together of course Deasung would be there too but Melinee was really excited about meeting Korea's national grasshopper mc, she had called Seunghyun earlier to tell him that she was off and the shoot location and that her phone would be off but his phone had gone straight to voice message, so she assumed he's started his schedule as well so she left a voicemail for him promising to call him if she could later.  The shoot was in the rural part of Korea and a 2 and a half hour drive from Seoul. Melinee took that time to catch up on some of the sleep she'd lost thanks to Seunghyun and her late night   randevoue. Her manger woke her up 10 minutes before they arrived and gave her a box lunch, Melinee  ate it and began to prepare herself. They arrived at the shooting site and there was a line of vans, she noticed that the one in front of her own was Jiyoung's. A assistant ran up to her the drivers side holding a clip board. Her manger rolled down the window and gave him her information. 

"she should share a van with her label mates". He said pointing to the van in front of them. Nodding Melinee listen to her mangers final words of advice before hopping out of the van, fixing her outfit before she was ushered to the other car Melinee felt herself getting nervous all over again. The assistant opened the door for her and she got in.  Jiyoung looked up over his sunglasses and seen Melinee and smiled she looked so innocent.

"Cin". Deasung yelled into the Jiyoung's ear as Melinee took the seat behind them

"hey". She replied happily as she gave both of a back hug in turn

" your performance yesterday was amazing, your vocals are getting stronger". Deasung said turning to face her with his infectious smile.

"I still have a long way to go to be i'm on the same level as you". She smile back as their car pulled up, they were next. She gripped the seats in front of her, and watched Kim Su-ru get out ahead of them.

"nervous"? Jiyoung asked as there car began to move forward toward the regular cast members that were looking as the approaching van. 

"a little". Melinee said smoothing down her hair

 "dont be"! Deasung said as the car rolled to a stop "just follow my lead".

He said opening the door and hopping out, smiling and waving like a fool at his extended entertainment family.  

"here we go, it'll be alright just be yourself " Jiyoung said getting out as well. Melinee watched as the cast went wild over Jiyoung. She waited not sure when to get out, Daesung helped her by opening the car door.  Taking that as her cue Melinee made her way out of the van. Both Jiyoung and Deasung offered her their hands to help her out of the van, the cast chorused wow and yelled her stage name, calling her an exotic beauty. They all greeted her with smiles, but when Lee Chun Hee tried to shake her hand, Jiyoung and Deasung both blocked him like they were her personal security team.  That was their bit for most of the day, if any male cast member tried approach her Jiyoung or Deasung would shoo him away. Soon the cast began to call her princess and Daesung and Jiyoung her knights.  They played a game to determine who would fix dinner and who would collect more ingredients.

Melinee was picked as the team leader of one team and Kim Joung Kook of the other. She picked Lee Chun Hee, Park Hae Jin, Daesung and Jiyoung for her team. The game was fun, in the end everyone else was been eliminated expect herself and Kim Jong Kook.

Melinee was becoming more and more openly competitive as her team cheered her on.  In the end she clenched victory for her team when she captured Kim Joung's  flag. She cheer as she ran to her team mates and they had mini victory celebration. After that they called her the warrior princess, after playing and cooking with everyone Melinee was relaxed and happy to spend the next day with them their were more games before the end of the shoot where  Melinee proved herself worthy of her new title. She had grown attached to Kim Joung who she had battled it out with at the end of every game, he was sweet and caring. By the end of the final day of the shoot Melinee had added another knight to her collection.  After saying good bye to everyone and even exchanging phone numbers with a few that took a special liking to her Melinee climbed into the activity van, as soon as she got in she asked her manger for her cell phone, Jiyoung pulled the door open as she turned the device on 

"mind if I bum a ride" he asked Jumping in to the van and taking the seat next to Melinee who was busy calling Seunghyun, but just like the day before her call went right to voicemail. Hanging up frustrated,she chucked her phone into the backseat.  Jiyoung watches her for a while before speaking 

"what's wrong" he asked though he had a pretty good idea  Melinee didn't answer him right away but finally she turned and face him, her eyes bore into his own, it was like she was looking right through him and into his soul. He loved when she looked at him like this, like he was the only person in the world.  "have you hears from Se"? She ran her hand through her hair

"I haven't heard from him since the day before yesterday, I'm getting worried".  Jiyoung acted like he was think then replied 

"well, we have a performance next so you can see him then".  Jiyoung settled back in his seat as the van launched forward 

"your right but". She trailed off glancing at her manger who was obviously listening. "never mind". Melinee said sit back in her seat crossing her arms , Jiyoung patted Melinee's head and then placed a kiss in her hair. 

"don't worry I'm sure he's just busy". Melinee looked back at him before placing her head on his shoulder feeling a wave of ease wash over her, Jiyoung's often said what she was think but for some reason him saying it to her made her believe it more then just thinking herself.

 "he better be or I'm going to kick his for ignoring me". She said relaxing into Jiyoung as he kept her hair. 

"I'm sure that's not that case". Jiyoung said shifting so that he more comfortable "Hey lets take a selca" He said in a light cheerful tone that even made Santa Claus sound grumpy. Pulling out his phone he turned the camera on them.

"Stop, I look horrible". Melinee said trying to cover her face and push the phone away 

"No you don't say cheese". The shutter sound filled the car, soon Melinee gave in and posed with the presisten leader, even help decorate the pictures before Jiyoung upload loaded them to his Me2day with the caption "Isn't she lovely?!  warrior princess with her pet Dragon chu~" in this particular picture that GD choose to make his new profile picture, Melinee kiss his cheek as he winked at camera both of them creating a half of a heart with their hands.


**That day Me2days severs almost crashed and the whispers of GD's strangely close relationship with the new YG idolet began filled chat room as a mixed bag of reactions. Jiyoung smiled to himself even as he tagged Seunghyun in the photo and a few comments on the pictures. Step 1 complelt he though to himself**

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I love this story!GD is so mean in this story :c but i still like him xD
Chapter 33: Awww i hate Jiyong so much here :( and i don't like the ending. Poor top,he deserves cin and she need to return back to him n leave the fake work of happiness with ji.
Chapter 41: I just don't know anymore...I can't with her or ji or top
Carmelnap #4
Chapter 41: Uggh cin, and now your going to try to love him. He I'm still mad at you. just make him pay and get the love of your life back.
Carmelnap #5
Chapter 40: Ugh i am disgusted by Cin, Jiyong, and Se.