Getting our feet wet

Their touchs like Fire and Ice

Melinee let out a loud gasp as she looked at the scene in front of her. An open garden lit with nothing but candles and soft music playing in the background greeted her. Seunghyun stood behind her beaming as he looked at his handy work, most men wouldnt even remember their five month anniversary and even some would say that he'd gone too far and made normal men look bad but Seunghyun wanted to show Melinee just how much she meant to him with more then just words. 

"this is....". Melinee started finally finding her voice but just as quickly lost the words to describe the amazing layout

"did I do too much should I blow out the candles". Seunghyun joke as he took a step from behind her as if to make good on his joke  But Melinee grabbed onto his sleeve before he could get far

"Thats not what I mean"! She looked up at Seunghyun with dancing eyes and a dazzling smile that expressed her happiness to Seunghyun more then any words could. Taking her hand from his sleeve and  in his own Seunghyun pulled her further in.

"I get it". He assured her "I'm the best". He joke mocking the way his sister band mates 2NE1 said the phrase. Melinee laughed and sat in the chair that he pulled out for her. 

"your that and so much more". Melinee watched as he walked to his own chair and sat,  admiring him in all his handsome glory. Seunghyun looked a crossed the table at Melinee his smile even wider then before, he took in every part of her. From her carmel skin to the way she averted her gaze if he stared at her too long. Shaking his head lightly Seunghyun refocused at the task at hand not just the wonderful girl that he planned to make the happiest woman in the world later that night.  "let's get started". His baritone voice slide into Melinee's ear causing her to shiver as she replied "Let's "!    

0The night was filled with food and laughter, Melinee never thought that she could be so happy. It was 10pm when Seunghyun finally announced that they we'er leaving. Melinee stood and waited for him, linking hands the two of them began to stroll toward the exit.  Seunghyun leaned closer to Melinee

"Are you happy"?  He asked, Melinee looked over at surprised.

" How can you even ask that!?" she said pulling away a little, a troubled expression on her face.  Melinee thought that she was expression herself better, epically toward Seunghyun. Maybe she wasn't doing enough to show him just how much he meant to her, how happy just knowing that he was hers alone made her feel.

"come on don't make that face". Seunghyun said pulling her close again and resumed their track to the car that waited for them outside. Melinee followed and when they we'er both inside the car that Seunghyun had rented for the night he took off in an unknown direction.

"Se"? Melinee said looking at her watch concerned even if he wanted to stay with Seunghyun all night it wasn't possible her schedule was filling up now that their sub units promotions were in full swing and she knew that if her schedule was bad then his had to be murderous.  But the man that she was worrying about seems completely oblivious to this as he speed down the road answering her with a simple hmm. "its getting late we should head back to the dorm".

 Seunghyun glanced at her as he fought back the smile that threaten to once again claim his lips. "don't you want to stay with me"? He whinnied pouting his lower lip like a small,  Melinee worried her own  lower lip

"that's not what I meant, it's's just the schedule tomorrow are so full...". She started but trailer off as Seunghyun pulled into the parking lot of a luxurious hotel,  every butterfly in the world invaded her stomach at that moment.

"We're not going to the dorm tonight Cin, I don't want to share you with anyone else tonight". Seunghyun declared his voice showing no hint of the nervousness he felt,  the thought of her rejecting him and demanding that he take her home to the dorm and then never want to see him again lingered in the back of his mind as he watched her reaction which was next to nothing more then gaping like a fish out of water as she looked between him and the hotel. But to both his relief and horror she softly replied oh after finding her voice again. Getting out Seunghyun told Melinee to stay inside and then jogged around the car and let her out. Wearing sunglasses despite the fact that it was 1030 at night to hide his identify, he had heeded Jiyoung's words after their little chat to some extent even though he was fine with  his relationship with Melinee going public, he still had to remember his career and the people that help him make it so far.  Melinee followed Seunghyun focusing on every step that she took to keep her mind from going wild with what might and most likely was going to happen once the doors closed behind her.  Checking in was as simple as Seunghyun saying a word to the man behind the front desk and the sliding of a card key across the counter and the then the two people too caught up in their own nervousness to notice the stares and eyes that followed them to the elevator. Seunghyun's hands where moist as he swiped the card and pushed the door open, leading Meliner inside he the lights.

"I'm going to take a show and take this make up off".  Melinee said a lot too loudly as she quickly made her way to the bathroom and locking the door behind her well before Seunghyun could reply. Seunghyun set about fixing up the room, it was more to keep his mind and hands busy then anything else. Melinee took her shower and when she got out she relizaded  that she didn't have a change of cloths or anything else expect the towel that she had wrapped around her. She sat on the edge of the tube thinking about what she should do, and if this was really what she wanted. She wanted to show Seunghyun that she was falling in love with him but she also knew that having with someone didn't mean anything sometimes and most defiantly didn't always have the same meaning between the two people doing it. Her fears and doubt were building by each passing second.

On the other side of the door Seunghyun was pacing and rubbing his hands together his own thoughts just as perplex as his partners. Had he rushed this, he questioned himself, they had shared their first kiss a 2 months ago and things had heated up since well when his band mates didn't barge in and ruin the mood, a few times in fact they had come close but had been interrupted for one reason or another, so maybe he was just over thinking this besides if Melinee wasn't ready he would stop he swore to himself and to Melinee who wasn't in the room. He took off his shirt and tossed it on the bed and began doing push up, again doing something just to keep his mind and body occupied while he waited uncertainly for Melinee to reappear

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I love this story!GD is so mean in this story :c but i still like him xD
Chapter 33: Awww i hate Jiyong so much here :( and i don't like the ending. Poor top,he deserves cin and she need to return back to him n leave the fake work of happiness with ji.
Chapter 41: I just don't know anymore...I can't with her or ji or top
Carmelnap #4
Chapter 41: Uggh cin, and now your going to try to love him. He I'm still mad at you. just make him pay and get the love of your life back.
Carmelnap #5
Chapter 40: Ugh i am disgusted by Cin, Jiyong, and Se.