Time to live a little

Their touchs like Fire and Ice

Morning rolled around faster the Melinee wanted, unlike what she wanted she couldn't keep hiding she had things to do and there was no way out of it. So dragging herself out of bed she headed to the bathroom to do those normal thing that people do after they wake up.

Melinee had taken Seunghyun's advice seriously after the first time she'd ended up waiting in line to get into the bathroom, since then she always got up an hour earlier then everyone else. When she was done she stuck her head out of the bathroom and listened for noises from the others, she heard none. Quickly she went back inside and grab her things then darted out of the bathroom, grabbing the doorknob to her room she was about to go in when the door across from her's began to open. She froze and her eyes widen in terror, Daesung and Seunghyun shared the room across from her's. It could be Daesung she reasoned with herself Seunghyun never got up this early, so she turned and greeted the person hoping it was Daesung, and there he stood his hair a fumbled mess and his eyes still shut looking every bit as desired as he had the night before during their date.

Freaking crap, she thought to herself as his eyes finally focused in on her. What to do she panic she hasn't completely prepared to see him face to face yet, so she went into her room and locked the door behind her as if she never even seen him standing there. Of course that was a temporary fix to the problem because 10 minutes later she was dressed and listening to the others moving around, cursing the fact that none of them seemed to be leaving anytime soon so that she could effortlessly leave the house as she had once hoped, finally with only 5 minutes before her manger was supposed to pick her up she took the plunge and left her room.

Seungri was the first one to spot her "Cin-ah I thought you left". He came and hugged her, she did the same but held on to him a little longer than needed, tears began to sting her eyes, he was the brother she never had and his presence made her instantly feel better.

"What's wrong"? He asked her hair

"Nothing". She said in a small voice giving Seungri a final squeeze before letting him go, forcing a smile she kissed his cheek, but he caught her by the arm before she could walk away, he looked into his face clearly worried and not buying her act.

"Don't lie, you look like your about to cry". He tried to look into her eyes but she shrugged of his hold  then walked past him

"Maybe she's stressed". Jiyoung offered coming out of the kitchen with a piece of toast "the mv shoot is today after all". Melinee said goodbye before rushing out the door, more than happy to get away from Jiyoung. How could he keep acting like he didn't act like an to her two days ago, sometime later she would try to patch things up with him (maybe), some time like much later once she hired an exorcist to get rid of the demon that was hiding in him.

Arriving at the normal spot she got picked up at Melinee sighed in relief that she'd not seen Seunghyun on her way out. She stood there waiting for the van to arrive, more time passed then was normal, she was about to call her manger when another van pulled up in front of her it's wasn't the normal one that she so she didn't think that it was for her. After a moment the window to the passenger side rolled down to reveal Seunghyun's manager "Melinee-shi your manager asked me to bring you in today,something came up, get in". He informed her

"oh really"? She remarked as she reached for the door and slide it open, sitting in the seat furthest from the door was Seunghyun. He looked at her as she stared at him slightly open.

"Not getting in"? He looked at the seat next to him, automatically she got in knowing that he most likely had somewhere to be just like her, she shut the door and the manager pulled off. They rode in silence, neither Melinee nor Seunghyun looked at each other or made a move to start a conversation, if anyone had looked they would have thought that the two had just had a fight. The manager kept glancing back at them, knowing that they had a good relationship so this strange aura that hung in the van troubled him but of course, it's wasn't his place to mind other people's business.

Seunghyun stole glances at her while trying to find the right words to say to her but nothing came to mind so before he knew it they where pulling to a stop but the building wasn't the YG building it was a cozy coffee shop that seemed popular from the consent flow of people passing through its doors. The manger turned in his seat to look at them

"I have to pick something up for the others, you two want something"? He asked, Seunghyun shuck his head no and Melinee asked for a medium coffee with extra cream and sugar. After getting her order he got out of the van leaving the two alone.

Clearing his throat Seunghyun glancing at Melinee, he couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Cin". He said and seen her jump a bit before answering with a hmm

"Can we talk"? He asked feeling like a child asked for another slice of cake after already having one. But she didn't answer, it almost seemed like she hadn't heard him but just as Seunghyun began to get frustrated with her, she turned her eyes on him. They were nervous and lacked the glow of comfort that they had every time she looked at him and only him.

"Cin, what happened hmm? I don't like this. Can you just tell me what I did to make things turn out this way because no matter how hard I think about it I can't figure it out"? Seunghyun turned to her and took her hand, she didn't pull away which made him happy nor did she look happy herself at the contact. He places his other on her cheek and watched her eyes fluttered.

"Cin, just talk to me I can fix whatever it is as long as your by my side". His voice was so tender, Melinee didn't want things to stay strange between them, but what could she say to him? Your best friend said that you just wanted to get with a black chick so you'd know what it felt like and you'd dump me and as soon as you bump all but in that. Fat chance she knew the bros before hoes rule not calling herself a hoe that's the rules name.

"I...I just....". She tried to think of a reason to deny him but other than her own fears there was none, frustration began to bubble inside of her at herself. Tears reflecting her feelings began to form and fall "I just don't know if I'm good enough to date you"! She finally exploded

"What"! Seunghyun's eyes doubled there size

"I'm black and a normal nobody, your a famous Asian god that every woman wants, I'm younger than you, I'm not thin I'll always have an and I will never give it up, my hair will never grow longer than my shoulders at least naturally! Not to mention you've got legions of fangirls ranging from normal to crazy that will hunt me down if I even so much as breath your personal air in front of them! The media, rumors, Jiyoung going crazy and throwing my fear's in my face making me think all you want is a piece of this so you know what black girls like in bed! I can't deal with all this all at once, I don't wantta us to be weird like this either but I, I just don't know what to do, I've never been with anyone before so this is BIG, too big and I like you so much, so much it's not fair". Melinee spilled her guts as if Seunghyun had held a gun to her head and was forcing her to talk, she had managed to talk herself into an anxiety attack, so her breath was rough, tears now spilled freely from her eyes and she was visibly shaking. 

Seunghyun pulled her into him, holding her in his arming rocking her and rubbing circles on her back. 

"Just breath clam down Cin, thats it, in and out". He coached her, Melinee's clung to his shirt and tried to follow his instructs, sooner than normal she slumped exhausted against him, the attack passed.  "There you go, shh now just relax and listen to me, are you listening"? Seunghyun spoke as he pulled her into his lap, her headrest in the small of his neck.

Just as he began to talk he seen his manger coming, the other man opened the door and hoped inside. Looking back at them the coffee Melinee had ask for hanging in his hand, but he stopped as he seen the scene, Seunghyun glared at him.

"Either drive or get out". He snapped at him and the other man quickly turned around and started driving. Turning his attention back to Melinee's he lower his voice so that their conversation was a bit more private.

"I don't care about color, race, what size you are, age and rumors or fans. ALL that I DO care about is you, everything about you drives me crazy but I would never just sleep with you to know what it feels like". He smiled and turned her face to him "I can't even kiss you because I don't want to scare you off, I like everything about you and every time I look at you, my heart feels so full, of what I don't know yet, but I want you by my side every second of the day so I can be happy even when Daesung's snoring keeps me up all night". 

Melinee looked into his eyes and seen that he was being honest, and her heart raced from the overwhelming happiness that his words brought to her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, pushing all reason to the wind, all her worries, maybe it was ok to just fall, believe in the pretty words that made her ear tingle and let those bad things come if fate so choose for it to happen.

"Can you just trust me, I'm working on this whole communication thing still so as long as you trust me to try, I will do everything thing in my power...."

Melinee opened her eyes and look at Seunghyun, her eyes fell to his lips as he spoke, his words became soundless as she leaned in she gently pressed her lips to him. Seunghyun froze utterly surprised, the kiss was short but innocently sweet.

Melinee pulled away and put her head back down on Seunghyun's shoulder breathing out in relief. "I want to date you Se, lets try it out. I have no confidence but I want to be with YOU". she confessed, Seunghyun wrapped his arms around the girl sitting in his lap and placed his chin on the top of her head.

They rode this way content to YG, happy just to be near each other.

A simple thought kept creeping into Seunghyun's mind

What the had Jiyoung said to her and why!

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I love this story!GD is so mean in this story :c but i still like him xD
Chapter 33: Awww i hate Jiyong so much here :( and i don't like the ending. Poor top,he deserves cin and she need to return back to him n leave the fake work of happiness with ji.
Chapter 41: I just don't know anymore...I can't with her or ji or top
Carmelnap #4
Chapter 41: Uggh cin, and now your going to try to love him. He I'm still mad at you. just make him pay and get the love of your life back.
Carmelnap #5
Chapter 40: Ugh i am disgusted by Cin, Jiyong, and Se.